Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Shoochuu? Sounds good. I’ll be looking forward to it!


Unlike Metallica, those considered as “weak” members of Crimson had their own office, handling various desk jobs and not field work. In short they had unity throughout their ranks.

They identified each of them as members of one family, helping and encouraging one another. They have sworn their loyalty to those who stood on top. Stereotypically, they functioned much like the Italian mafia.

Anice’s father, Mr. Big, stood on top of the company. He usually gives orders and advice to his fellow office workers amidst a busy day. He considers each member of Crimson as part of his family, not just some regular employee. If necessary, he would fight alongside them, and considers it as “helping a family member”. He would never abandon his family.

In the beginning, Crimson operated a small scale business that focused on underground sales, gambling, and also served as a protection racket. When Mr. Big got inaugurated as their Boss, they escalated from small business to a large scale underground Evil Organization, developing and researching special weapons in secret. They ruled with an iron fist and dominated the underground market.

… At least, that was what Neito heard from various sources. He imagined how Mr. Big would look like if he faced him. Anice’s father stood on top of Crimson, thus he was a villain. Neito frequently asked himself what kind of person he is. Would he have a ruthless stare, thirsting for blood? Would he be a dangerous individual? Or would he have powers that would allow him to live even if his head were to be cut off?

[Hey there, I’ve been looking forward to meeting you Nate.]

The person who stood in front of Neito was the opposite of what he had given thought to.

Mr. Big’s office was on the top most floor of a certain skysc.r.a.per. After arriving at the airport, Neito met up with Anice and decided that he would give his greeting to the company he would be a.s.signed to. Mr. Big was far more gentle and welcoming than Neito expected.

[Nice to meet you Mr. Big.]

[I’ve heard a lot about you from my daughter. You’ve done well to come. Hm? Go ahead and take a seat.]

Neito sat on a luxurious looking sofa and proceeded;


[Ah, no. I’m fine.]

[Really? Then I’ll be lighting one.]

Big lit the cigar’s tip on fire and exhaled smoke at ease.

He may not be that good looking, but his proper posture, grey hair and nice suit gave him a feel of cla.s.s.

I see, he doesn’t look like the head of a gang at all… If I were to comment, I would say he’s like an average CEO I guess… His daughter doesn’t look like him at all…

[So Papa, It is as I said he would be right? He’s a Nice Guy fufufu.]

Anice was happily laughing beside him. She frequently calls Mr. Big “Papa” or “Daddy”.

Neito wanted her to stop, but he can’t voice it out. No matter how much a man of character Mr. Big is, he still heads a worldwide Evil Organization. If Mr. Big misinterprets him going after his daughter’s hand, there’s a huge chance that Mr. Big might hate him for it.

But Big’s expression was as bright as before. He seemed to take a liking to Neito.

[I see. As expected of the guy my daughter choose. You have kind eyes.]

[Am I right? – On top of that He’s really evil!]

[Really? Hahaha]

[Ehehe – ♪]

Big patted his daughter’s head. It was a fun home drama which the father and daughter acted out.

Anice really values her fathe

r… Maybe it’s because it had been a long time since they saw each other that Big is spoiling her…


[Getting back on topic, it is amazing how you rose through Metallica in just a few years after you joined. You even arrived in front of me. You’re really something.]

[Thank you very much]

[Oi Oi, there’s no need to be that formal boy, you’re part of the family now.]


Neito panicked a little. He thought he was going to be engaged to Anice and would be his son-in-law.

Maybe that’s not what he meant… Maybe “as part” of the Crimson family…

Neito never had to deal with this type of situation so he panicked a little.

[Well then boy, you are an exceptional villain and can be considered as the company director of Metallica in my opinion. You’re going to be treated as a regular employee here in Crimson, to which you won’t mind yes?]

Crimson was not centered on the traditional businessmen wearing suits like Metallica. In other words, their company structure was completely different from Metallica.

[Of course. As a representative, I’ll also do my best here in Crimson.]

That’s my first move. Neito answered as serious as he could.

[OK. You’ll be a.s.signed to the Manhattan area. Do you have any questions?]

Manhattan is considered to be the center-piece of New York City. Huge companies and colleges, theaters and facilities, everything was found in the Manhattan area. Neito didn’t expect Mr. Big to give him such an important area to a newbie like him. Neito was taken back by his statement.

[Me, handle it?]

There was no change in Big’s expression. He puffed out another ball of smoke.

[Yeah, it’s the area I’ve kept my eyes on to for a while now.  I’m having trouble controlling that particular area.]

Each member of Crimson has a specific role. Be it or sabotage, as long as there is work to be done, they had to report to the one in charge of the area they are operating on.  What Big meant was, they wanted to control as well as unify the whole Manhattan area into one. Big wanted to focus more on unification this time.

[Manhattan is a very dangerous area to operate in.]

Big continued explaining. The term “Hard” can be views from many angles.

The “method” to be used to unify would be complicated. Manhattan was considered as one of the United States center pieces, therefore the strongest Guardians, Slipknot and Sonic Youth, had high possibility of appearing.

[… I see. It’s a matter of life and death.]

[Yes, but its returns are great. You’ll gain the respect of the entire family, earning the trust as well as access to our information networks.]

If that’s the case, Neito would know if there is any bigshot residing in the area, some research doc.u.ment being published from a certain college or those underground deals in the area. All those event happening in the area would be at the mercy of Crimson. That would be a great a.s.set to him in the future.

But Neito didn’t easily bite. Why was he selected?

[Why… Why would you a.s.sign Manhattan to me?]

Neito asked this bluntly.

Anice already knew the reason, and she was giggling in the sidelines.

[I have two reasons. First, because you are competent. As I said before, the two top ranked heroes from the Rocks Organization are protecting Manhattan. They are a headache for my family. I’ve already heard of you Mr. “Hero Killer”.]

I see… no matter how much he looks like a man of character, he’s still a villain. Mr. Big was displaying an atrocious smile.

He may be gentle on the outside, but totally different on the inside.

[…Please tell me the other reason.]

As Neito said those words Mr. Big displayed the over-reaction usually done by westerners. The big “Oh No!” expression.

[I don’t think you should ask further boy.]

Hearing that, Neito didn’t inquire further.

He really didn’t care. Either way, he was going to get swallowed by Crimson, and from there, ride his way to the top. He didn’t care if he needed to fight the Rocks Organization, or commanding subordinates on the field. That’s how he moved forward in the past. He’s going to commit himself to rising to the top.

[I understand. Then I’ll proceed alongside with my subordinate Nina. I’ll accept your a.s.signment.]

[Hahaha! You’re so formal! I’m counting on you!]

Big held out his huge hand. Neito stumbled and they shook hands. He had a strong grip and a wide laugh, deserving of a villain.

[By the way, do you have time after today?]

[Eh? Aa-. Yes. A little.]

[Good to hear! How about it? Won’t you come over to my house for dinner? My wife is no longer with me, but our chef is good. We can have wine and mutton for dinner.]

He was considerate of Neito, or maybe it was how Americans welcomed their guest… either way Neito was suddenly invited to dinner.


[Naate♪ come to our house and I’ll cook for you! I’m good in cooking lasagna]

Anice was wrapped around his arm. Anice smelled nice as usual and she was soft. She was smiling at him. Meanwhile Big was urging him to say yes.

Neito held by a beautiful girl at the arm and was deeply encourage to say yes by a big shot evil boss. He couldn’t refuse now. He had never heard of this lasagna thing, but he had no doubt that it would be really good.

[T-then I’ll accept your offer.]

[Good! I’ll arrange a car for you later. Anice, can you go home ahead and prepare for our guest?]

Big winked at her daughter with his deep brown eyes. Anice happily complied and went out Big’s office.

It happened in an instant.

[I like to speak my intentions as clearly as possible Nate.]

Big’s manner of speaking changed. He was as gentle and welcoming as before, but something changed.

[…Real intentions… I’m not really…]

“I’m not lying” is what he wanted to say, but Big continued. Neito felt that the air in the room was getting cold.

[You’re aiming to take over Crimson aren’t you?]

It was a direct attack. Big glared Neito like a hawk. His aura was amazing. It was like General Raz’s and the old man who acted as his interviewer.

His insides were shaking.

[Not at all. I’m not planning on doing that.]

Neito wasn’t his weak self anymore. He replied with a smile.

He understood it himself. Big knew what was going on in his heart. Big already saw through him the moment he entered the room. But in this situation his “refusal” was important.

[Hahaha. If you say so. Pardon me.]

Neito saw Big as a joyful and patient man in his old age.

[Not at all. It was good that we cleared that up, but why did you think so?]

Big closed his eyes after hearing Neito’s question and thought to himself.

[Hmm… You have your records and the hidden intent to kill now… More importantly, you caught my daughter’s attention. That’s it. My daughter has the tendency to pick the odd ones out… it may be due to how I raised her. You are the first one to really entice her in.]

Those were complicated yet weird reasons. Her daughter was attracted to Neito. Big may be a villain heading an evil organization, but he still cared for the well-being of his daughter.

What does this guy think of me then? A compet.i.tor aiming for his organization? A bug that’s trying to get his daughter? Or just an arrogant brat?

Neito couldn’t tell from Big’s expression.

Neito thought, it is as you said. I’m after crimson as a whole. If needed, I’ll defeat you. But do you understand? There’s only you and me in this room. I’m a modified human.

If I felt like it, I could transform and kill you in an instant. I’ll sink my claws on that defenseless back of yours.


Neito’s stomach flipped on this thought.

Big turned around holding a gla.s.s in his hand, glaring at Neito.

[I see. I got a glimpse of you true nature. I’ve done a lot of terrible things to arrive at my current position. I’m well prepared. It’s not as if I don’t want to get killed by a villain, but I wanted to advise you to not kill me.]

[……I’m not planning on killing you.]

[If you killed me here, or anywhere else, what do you think would happen? Unity among family members is a golden rule. You would no doubt, turn the entire Crimson Family against you. You would be easily cornered like a rat and that would be your demise. No matter how strong or evil you are, you won’t live through it. Members of the Family aren’t that forgiving.]

Big gulped down a gla.s.s of Brandy. There was no sign of precaution or guard. It was an ultimate display of his trust on the company he built.

[I see. Then if I find those bad guys who are after Crimson, I’ll tell them exactly that.]

He replied for now,

It was as Big said, if an outsider thought he could take over the top by killing their boss, it would just kick the hornet’s nest.

The battle this time wasn’t about solely defeating the opponent with power. It took more than that to win.

Neito’s stomach turned as he smiled at Big. Slowly, Big’s gentleness steadily came back.

[Ah, then we’ll leave that conversation as it is. We should get going. It’s my first time having a meal with my daughter’s boyfriend. I’m looking forward to it. Is there any food you can’t eat?]

Big grabbed his coat and hat. He wasn’t lying. He was happily welcoming into his home a compet.i.tor for his company and her daughter’s friend.

He knew that the person was both a friend and a foe yet he had no problems with it.

[Ah, no. There aren’t any particular food that I don’t like to eat… But is it really okay?]

[Of course! Tell me more about you. I’m sure my daughter would also be delighted.]

Again, Neito didn’t really care how it would go. He was thankful for Big’s sincerity and he knew Big didn’t hate him. He understood how the members of Crimson could swear loyalty to Big.

He was calm and composed. If there were any threats, he would trust his Family to protect him. He cares for his Family and extends his hand if they need help. He was prepared to give up his life for his Family.

He was the pinnacle of the company.

There was only one word which Neito could describe him.

”Big shot”.

No wonder he was named “Mr. Big”

[Then I’ll take up on your offer. Ah, have you ever drank Shochu? I’ve brought some from j.a.pan… If you like…]

Neito asked him while he was putting on his jacket.

[Shouchuu? Sounds good! I’ll be looking forward to it!]

Big gave him a big thumbs up.

Even with Anice, Neito thought he wouldn’t be welcome when he first arrived. All of his worries were for naught.

Neito left Big’s office is light spirits.

Mr. Big was completely different from what Neito imagined. He was glad in one way, at the same time sad about it.

Big was a big shot. An enemy he needed to overcome.

Neito needed to defeat America’s pride; Sonic Youth, and the executioner in the shadows; Slipknot. In addition, he needed to find a way to overcome or better yet go around Big to have control of Crimson. Both were difficult tasks.

Thinking how hard his battle is going to be, Neito proceeded to the “fun dinner” with Big.

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