[142] ?ef??a??? (viii. 1).

[143] ?e?t?????? (viii. 2).

[144] Chap. viii. 3.

[145] Chap. viii. 4.

[146] Chap. viii. 5

[147] Chap. viii. 6.

[148] Jer. x.x.xi. 3134.

[149] Lamentations, _Preface_.

[150] John vi. 45.

[151] a?t??? (viii. 8).

[152] Chap. viii. 4.

[153] Rom. v. 20.

[154] Rom. iv. 7.

[155] Isa. xliii. 25.

[156] Chap. x. 2, 4.

[157] Chap. iii. 13.

[158] ????s?? st?s?? (ix. 8).

[159] ????sa (ix. 4).

[160] d?????t?? (ix. 8).

[161] Reading ?e?????? (ix. 11).

[162] Chap. ix. 11. Cf. chap. ix. 24.

[163] Rev. xxi. 3.

[164] te?e??t??a? (ix. 11).

[165] ??s???? (ix. 1).

[166] d?? (ix. 11).

[167] Chap. iv. 14.

[168] Chap. vii. 26.

[169] Chap. x. 12.

[170] Chap. ix. 12.

[171] Chap. ix. 13.

[172] ?????e? (ix. 13).

[173] 1 Cor. viii. 7.

[174] Chap. ix. 14.

[175] ?at?e?e?? (ix. 14).

[176] a?????? (ix. 15).

[177] tet??????? ... f??????????? (1 Pet. i. 4).

[178] d?a????.

[179] To forestall censure for inconsistency, the present writer may be permitted to refer to what he now sees to have been a desperate attempt on his part (in the _Expositor_) to explain the pa.s.sage on the supposition that the word d?a???? means "covenant" throughout. He is bound to admit that the attempt was a failure. If he lives to write retractations, this will be one.

[180] a?ate???s?a? (ix. 22).

[181] Chap. viii. 5.

[182] ????t??? (ix. 25).

[183] p??es?? (Rom. iii. 25), as contrasted with ?fes??.

[184] Chap. iv. 3.

[185] Chap. ix. 26.

[186] p??se?e??e?? (ix. 28).

[187] e??.

[188] ?????.

[189] ?pe?de???????.

[190] Chap. viii. 2.

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