Ji Xiaotiao took a cushion and held it in her arms. She nervously looked at Xu Moqi. He just let out a light sigh.

“You are a fool! How can you think that I’m gay! When exactly did you see me kissing a man?”

Since he met Ji Xiaotiao, he had understood that everything had its vanquisher! And Ji Xiaotiao was his. The relationship between them was like the complicated relationship between a genius and a fool. . .

When she found that he was talking in a soft tone, she thought that it was necessary to make it clear. So, she answered honestly. “It was the day I first met you. . . When I pa.s.sed by a lane, I saw several middle-aged men surrounding you. At that time, you seemed to want to leave, but those men didn’t allow that. As a result . . . ”

Their story began on that day! If Ji Xiaotiao had not hid there to peep with curiosity back then, she wouldn’t have been hit by Xu Moqi when he suddenly ran out. Unfortunately, her hair had become entangled in his b.u.t.ton. After running along the street together with him, she had to take him to her dormitory. They didn’t expect . . . so many things would happen between them.

After hearing what she said, he thought back to the first time they met. At the entrance to the lane? Kissing a man at that entrance?

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. He frowned and turned his head to look at her.

“I think it is the angle problem. You only saw the back of my head or the back of that man, didn’t you?”

Um. . . Ji Xiaotiao hesitated. She did see the back of his head. Then, seen from that angle . . .

“Ji Xiaotiao!”


“How can you say so despite the fact that you didn’t see it clearly?” Xu Moqi couldn’t keep calm any longer! Maybe, his grandfather would laugh at him all his life. “You usually love watching the soap operas at eight o"clock, don’t you? Don’t you understand the illusion created by angle? Do you think those superstars can really kiss others in these soap operas? If so, you are really a pig!”

You are a pig! Everyone in your family is a pig! Ji Xiaotiao argued in her heart. She didn’t dare to speak out. She just scratched her head.

“Well . . . maybe I’m wrong.”

“You are wrong!”

Xu Moqi knew well what she was like! And so, he wanted to catch this chance to clearly explain about all that had happened.

“Ji Xiaotiao.”


“I . . . have something to tell you.”

When she saw that Xu Moqi slightly lowered his head, as if he was deliberately avoiding looking at her, Ji Xiaotiao became nervous in a moment. She couldn’t help thinking of that kiss. Did he . . . did he want to say . . . ?

“As a matter of fact,  I lied to you!”

“Ah!?” Ji Xiaotiao instantly jumped off the sofa. She asked in surprise, “You lied to me? About what?” At this moment, she was disillusioned in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Ji Xiaotiao, who was so excited, Xu Moqi regretted telling her. However, he thought that he would tell her about it sooner or later. Moreover, it was not a big deal, so he thought that the foolish girl would forgive him.

“In actuality, the middle-aged men in black suits chasing after me were my family"s bodyguards.”

“. . .Ah?”

Ji Xiaotiao was puzzled. Those middle-aged men were his family"s bodyguards? 

After taking a deep breath, Xu Moqi continued: “In fact, here is the thing. You have known my grandfather. He is the president of Group Xu. My father is the general manager. I’m the only child in my family, so I have known from my childhood that I will be the only successor to Group Xu.”

Xu Moqi thought back, and said, “Both my grandfather and my father are authorities on chemistry. My grandfather looks like an ordinary old man, but he is actually shrewd. Otherwise, the Xu Family wouldn’t be so powerful in Yinghua City. There will be a grading examination soon in May. My family members all hoped for me to take the examination for the College of Chemistry. They want me to walk along the road that they hoped for, but I had no such wish to follow that road! I didn’t want to be controlled like a puppet.”

Ji Xiaotiao seemed to understand. She asked in surprise, “And then?”

Xu Moqi perked his lips. He answered, “Then, I ran away! I hid myself from them. That time, the several middle-aged men chasing after me were actually my grandfather’s henchmen. When you pa.s.sed by the lane, they were persuading me to go home. However, I refused. Later, I b.u.mped into you when I ran out. Then, your hair got caught on my b.u.t.ton. . . ”

Ji Xiaotiao blinked. She asked, “And then?”

Cough . . . Xu Moqi looked embarra.s.sed at this moment.

“Then, you took me to your dormitory. I secretly thought that you were involved in it, so I wanted to live with you together. . . In this way, we could resist against him together rather than I doing so alone. Moreover, I thought there would be more fun if we did so together. . . ”

Have . . . more . . . fun? Ji Xiaotiao frowned and tried to keep smiling. After taking a deep breath, she asked, “And then?”

Cough! Xu Moqi knew that Ji Xiaotiao was trying her best to keep calm now. Maybe, she would burst into anger after he finished speaking, so he thought that he should mentally prepare for it.

“Then, I lied to you and said that the middle-aged men chasing after me were bad men, and to my shock, you thought that they were gangsters. . . Later, you believed me and moved into my dormitory. Do you remember that I scolded a waitress in the high-cla.s.s restaurant when I took you to have dinner last time? In fact, I scolded her on purpose. At that time, I saw my grandfather’s henchmen spying on us from another table, so I did that.”

Ji Xiaotiao nodded. She said, “Well! What are you getting at? What is this about?”

Was it because she was a fool, or easily cheated? Or had he decided not to play tricks on her any longer?

Xu Moqi stood up and faced Ji Xiaotiao. He answered, “The point is . . . I don’t want to walk along the road that my grandfather hoped I would. I don’t want to take the examination for the College of Chemistry, so I decided to resist against him together with you. But now, I . . . ” He admitted that at first, he only wanted to have a fun, but now he had fallen in love with her!

“Xu Moqi, you are really an a.s.shole!”

Ji Xiaotiao couldn’t help throwing a cushion at him. She interrupted him in anger.

She started to cry, with tears rolling down her cheeks. She looked rather wronged. He had been playing a trick on her! She had been cheated by him like a fool!

Xu Moqi started to get scared. He moved closer to her and wanted to say something, but Ji Xiaotiao quickly moved backwards. Then, she wiped off the tears.   

“I don"t want to bother about what happened in the past any longer! Go ahead and blame me for being stupid. I never knew you were a liar.” Ji Xiaotiao suddenly laughed at herself. She said, “You told me before that you had fallen in love with me. I suppose that it is also a lie. I was stunned by you when you told me that. At that moment, I even thought how it was possible. . . I will move out of your dormitory soon. Moreover, I will never contact you in the future. As you said before, if we ever meet again someday, we will meet as strangers!”

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