The Fake-Faced Prince And The Heartbreaker Princess

Chapter 8 You Say We Have Nothing?

Chapter 8 You Say We Have Nothing?

 “I want to eat stir-fried shrimp with bamboo shoots, Mapo tofu, CocCola chicken wings, money mushroom soup, and fried eggs with tomatoes. . . Just those; I will let you know if I think of more. . . See you tomorrow.” After saying this, Xu Moqi went back to his room, leaving Ji Xiaotiao alone, staring in the direction he disappeared.

What the h.e.l.l is all this?

She didn’t have a chance to ask him why he quit her job, and he left without thinking of giving her an explanation. Ji Xiaotiao knocked at her head, full of regrets. How could she be convinced and incapacitated by an innocent look from him?

Cleaning the dishes, she was thinking of some way to strike back. She could not allow herself to be bullied by him like this.

Soon, she began to consider the terms of a fair agreement for living together. First, all the housekeeping work should be equally divided between them. Second, no way he could call her a maid or use the humiliating jeers like ‘stupid girl’ and others. And they should live in harmony, with neither bringing trouble upon the other. Third, they had nothing more to do with each other aside from their current predicament; when the men in black ceased their pursuit, she would move out.

The next day, when Xu Moqi saw the agreement she’d written, he simply pa.s.sed her by, saying nothing, with his lips merely curved up in a despising manner.

“You don’t need me to explain this to you, do you? I’ve written everything in the agreement.” She was a little upset and playing with the hem of her dress.

He put down the doc.u.ment and looked at her with affectionate eyes, his hands cradling her cheeks.

Ji Xiaotiao felt her heart miss a beat and she lifted up her hand to block his gaze. How shameless, that he would use this trick again. She would not be fooled by him this time.

He knocked at the table, a meaningful light shining in his eyes, but Ji Xiaotiao did not notice the change. He moved her hand that was covering her eyes, and took up the contract and shook it before her eyes.

“First, hasn’t housework been the woman’s responsibility since the beginning of time? And now you are living in my house, using all the furniture and electricity for free; isn’t it a suitable requirement to ask you to do some housekeeping? Or do you think you should live here for free at my expense? If that’s what you think, I can ask an hourly maid to do it.”

Ji Xiaotiao’s face turned red immediately. What he said was true. Meanwhile, she also needed to cook for herself. Though his orders were so ruthless, the delicious food had already made her fatter after several days.

Xu Moqi saw her guilty expression, but pretended to overlook it. “Second, you said I ordered you as a maid; great, if I don’t notify you when the water is boiling, or when the plates are put in the wrong place, or you forget to close the door to the refrigerator, or your knife almost cuts your finger, what will happen to you and the house? If you call all these reminders ‘orders,’ then I won’t do it anymore. Finally, all the creatures with an IQ lower than 180, I call idiots. If you think ‘idiot’ sounds better, I can call you ‘idiot.’”

Ji Xiaotiao had no word to form a reply. She felt like she had a short memory and Xu Moqi always notified her of this and that . . .  Anyway, ‘stupid girl’ did sound better than ‘idiot.’

“Besides, aren’t we living in harmony? I think so.” Xu Moqi shrugged, not knowing why she mentioned this.

“Harmony? You quit my job without asking my opinion!” She was angry when they came to this term. “Do you think everybody can live a rich life like you?I have to afford my tuition and life necessities. Now that you’ve quit my job, how can I survive the new semester?”

Xu Moqi blinked innocently, and he took out an envelope for her.

“This is your salary. Your boss told me that you wanted to quit since the new semester. Since you are a diligent employee, she would like to pay you for the rest of the days. I forgot to mention it to you.”

Ji Xiaotiao stared at the envelope with doubt, wondering if this was another trick from him. Finally, she accepted the envelope and opened it.

“Wow. . . this really is my salary.” She smiled with tears, so excited that she forgot all the unhappiness she had with Xu Moqi. He just gave her a contemptuous look.

“And . . . ”

While she was still in the joyful mood and did not notice any movement from him, he came closer and bowed down to leave a kiss on her forehead. Then he retreated, appreciating the interesting expression on her face.

“Now, do we have something?”

He left her and went toward his room, hiding his bashful expression from her.

After a minute, Ji Xiaotiao realized what he had done to her, and she burst out, “Xu Moqi, what did you do just now. . . ? You. . . !”

She found no dirty words in her belly that she could use to blame him. Then, she simply stayed there, clutching her envelop, stunned.

He’d kissed her just now? His warmth was still on her forehead.

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