The First Order

Chapter 1194: Enchanted doorways

Chapter 1194: Enchanted doorways

The Kingdom of Sorcerers was not located in a main disaster zone during The Cataclysm. It was only affected by the sudden cold weather that followed, but there were no fallout or explosions that occurred here.

At that time, Ren He could already completely crush Russell in a fight. Therefore, even during The Cataclysm, as long as this Rider remained in the region of the Kingdom of Sorcerers, he definitely could have survived it.

But Ren He made a different choice. Just as he had said, he had his responsibilities.

Therefore, on the eve of The Cataclysm, which was also the day before the global war, he chose to return home to lead his people towards another path of survival.

He had succeeded, but that success came at the cost of his life.


“What exactly did he leave behind at Russell’s place?” Ren Xiaosu asked.

“A sealed box with no pa.s.sword,” Summer answered. “It’s hidden in the Rose Monastery in Ghent City.”

“Rose Monastery?” Ren Xiaosu wondered.

“Mhm, that used to be the Russell family’s property. After our ancestor was persecuted, that place was seized by Ghent City and converted into a monastery,” Summer replied.

The so-called monastery was basically a chapel-like building filled with statues of sorcerers from either the House of Norman or the House of Tudor.

That was because Ghent City was simply too large. It was so large it was several times the size of Vaduz City. Therefore, the residents there could not gather in front of the same cathedral for their wors.h.i.+p service all at the same time. At the beginning of each month, everyone would put on their red robes and go to a monastery near their homes where junior sorcerers would conduct wors.h.i.+p services.

It was very ironic for a place of killing to be turned into a monastery.

Ren Xiaosu asked, “When can I retrieve it?”

“When this matter related to the underground is over, I’ll take you there.” Summer said, “But before that, can I ask a favor of you?”

Ren Xiaosu asked, “What is it?”

Summer glanced at Mel and asked Ren Xiaosu, “Can you take him away from Ghent City? As a reward, I’m willing to give you a gold Eye of True Sight and a sorcery ma.n.u.script compiled by my ancestor. There’s a lot of recorded spells and meditative visualization diagrams in it, all of which are for high-level spells.”

Mel had been standing off to the side for a long time already and was bored. While Ren Xiaosu chatted with his sweetheart, it was as though he was invisible.

But it just so happened these two people in front of him were engaged in a serious discussion, and it was even on a topic he couldn’t get a word in about.

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