The First Order

Chapter 579 Relying on mysticism to search for Ren Xiaosu

Chapter 579 Relying on mysticism to search for Ren Xiaosu

w.a.n.g Fugui’s original intention was to return to the Central Plains as soon as possible. After all, Ren Xiaosu was in the Central Plains, so what was the point of them being here in the Northwest?Moreover, Old w.a.n.g was very sure that Ren Xiaosu had gone to the Central Plains to look for them. Therefore, he definitely had to go back!

However, Zhang Xiaoman refused to let him leave. He even insisted on arranging for them to stay at the military base and prepared food and hot water for them, saying that it would not be too late to leave in another few days.

The reason Zhang Xiaoman gave to convince w.a.n.g Fugui was very simple: “The Central Plains are so big, and our people from Fortress 178 are also looking for Ren Xiaosu there, so wouldn’t it be much better for us to look for him than you trying your luck to find him? You don’t even know where Ren Xiaosu might pop up anyway.”

Zhang Xiaoman said, “Don’t worry, we still have a great chance of finding him.”

“Why do you say that?” w.a.n.g Fugui was stunned. “Why are y’all so sure that you can find him?”

“Since you and Ren Xiaosu are old friends, do you know Xu Xianchu as well?” Zhang Xiaoman asked.

“I don’t really know him, but I know that he’s a good friend of Xiaosu’s.” w.a.n.g Fugui wondered, “Can Xu Xianchu find Ren Xiaosu?”

However, w.a.n.g Fugui did not believe that. After all, they were the ones who were closest to Ren Xiaosu. If even they did not know where to find him, how would Xu Xianchu know?

Zhang Xiaoman lowered his voice and said, “Old Xu told us that wherever Ren Xiaosu goes, a stronghold will collapse. Just look, isn’t Stronghold 74 in the south of the Central Plains currently under siege? It might just collapse someday. Xu Xianchu suspects that Ren Xiaosu could be there, so w.a.n.g Fengyuan has already sent someone to Stronghold 74 to investigate. For all we know, he might be found in another few days!”

w.a.n.g Fugui was dumbfounded. ‘So you all are relying on mysticism to search for Ren Xiaosu?!’ What the f.u.c.k did he mean by strongholds would collapse whenever Ren Xiaosu went?

w.a.n.g Fugui thought back. Eh, it did seem like that was really the case!

After thinking for a long time, w.a.n.g Fugui did not even know how to refute Zhang Xiaoman’s words!

But upon further thinking, it was indeed more reliable to have Fortress 178 look for someone than them. As such, w.a.n.g Fugui decided to wait here for news.

At this moment, news of Stronghold 74 collapsing had not yet spread to the Northwest. Even the majority of those in the Alliance of Strongholds still did not know what had happened to Stronghold 74. They only knew that contact had been lost with the people there.

Zhang Xiaoman dragged w.a.n.g Fugui with him to get lunch. Immediately after that, he enthusiastically arranged some goods for w.a.n.g Fugui to bring back to the Central Plains. “We initially thought that trade with the Central Plains wouldn’t start until half a year later, but we’ve underestimated the enthusiasm of the merchants out there. You can’t be returning with your trucks empty, or you would have wasted a trip! I’ve already arranged everything for you over here. Of course, we can’t let you take too much on our first deal, so we just prepared several dozen tons of pota.s.sium chloride for you to haul back.”

w.a.n.g Fugui was dumbfounded. He knew what pota.s.sium chloride was and the many uses it had. If he brought it back, it would definitely sell for a lot.

In fact, most of the minerals from the Northwest could be sold directly to the w.a.n.g Consortium when they were brought back to the Central Plains. The w.a.n.g Consortium’s purpose in opening the trade route was precisely for the Northwest’s mineral resources, after all.

Zhang Xiaoman offered him several dozen tons of the mineral as soon as he opened his mouth, but w.a.n.g Fugui could not even comprehend the amount that this unit of measurement represented.

He hesitated for a moment before saying, “We only brought four used trucks…”

Zhang Xiaoman said nonchalantly, “Don’t worry, I’ll get you some more trucks.”

He then got his orderly to summon the more well-to-do families in the stronghold and owners of various businesses over.

These people used to be under the Zong Consortium’s protection. After Fortress 178 had taken over at the stronghold, Zhang Jinglin ordered not to make things too difficult for them.

Zhang Xiaoman and the others tacitly understood what this meant. What the fortress commander meant was that they could make things difficult for them but not to the extent of forcing them to their deaths.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaoman, who had been looking for a chance to deal with these well-to-do families, was now presented with a good opportunity to make them contribute to w.a.n.g Fugui’s business.

When these families arrived, Zhang Xiaoman asked to borrow a convoy of vehicles from them. If there were any extra vehicles left after loading up the pota.s.sium chloride, they would add some nickel ore for w.a.n.g Fugui to bring back.

Although those well-to-do families felt pained, they did not dare to say anything. Seeing that Zhang Xiaoman had garrisoned his troops next to Stronghold 144 and had a say over their lives, he was their daddy.

But that was not all. Zhang Xiaoman felt it would take too much effort for w.a.n.g Fugui to personally sell his stock of lipstick, so he had these people purchase the goods w.a.n.g Fugui had brought over from the Central Plains. In the future, w.a.n.g Fugui could sell his goods directly to them when he brought more from the Central Plains.

Those well-to-do families were grumbling incessantly in their hearts, but the smart ones suddenly realized something. Could this be Zhang Xiaoman’s way of diverting the money into his own pocket? Could it be that Zhang Xiaoman did not want to directly ask them for money, so he used the excuse of doing business to take their money instead?

At this moment, any smart person would surely know not to turn down his requests. In fact, they would even respond positively on the surface!

After these well-to-do families left, w.a.n.g Fugui was left stunned as he sat down in the base. Having been in business for most of his life, this was the first time he felt that doing business was not difficult at all!

The four truckloads of goods they brought here had been sold out even before they started selling them.

However, Old w.a.n.g did not go too far with this opportunity. Although he quoted a price higher than the cost to these well-to-do families, it was not absurdly high. After all, if he wanted them to be his distributors in the long run, it would have to be a win-win situation for everyone, right?

Old w.a.n.g was not blinded by what was placed in front of him. Instead, he was thinking about the future rather than a one-off deal.

Old w.a.n.g was already starting to contemplate his plans. Now that there was a relations.h.i.+p with Fortress 178, he might just become the most indomitable and successful businessman on the northwestern trade route. This way, their whole family would be able to lead a comfortable life.

And it would be a great life!

And he understood that Zhang Xiaoman was doing all this because of Ren Xiaosu.

Old w.a.n.g was given preferential treatment in Fortress 178’s territory as he was one of the people Ren Xiaosu had been searching so desperately for. Old w.a.n.g had mentioned to w.a.n.g Yuchi that they should always have a backer when it came to doing business. However, he did not expect their backer would be this powerful.

But there was something that Old w.a.n.g could not understand. Even if Ren Xiaosu had really helped Fortress 178 fight in the war, that should not cause Zhang Xiaoman to behave in such a way, right? A few dozen tons of pota.s.sium chloride was placed on credit just like that. How could Zhang Xiaoman have so much authority? These goods were worth millions, after all!

While w.a.n.g Fugui was trying to figure this out, Jiao Xiaochen also asked Zhang Xiaoman in private, “Regimental Commander, aren’t you being a little too bold? You really giving him the goods on credit? We don’t have to go that far, do we?”

“What do you know?” Zhang Xiaoman said proudly, “Why else am I the regimental commander and you’re just my deputy?”

Jiao Xiaochen’s face immediately darkened. He was even tempted to kick Zhang Xiaoman. “Then tell me why you’re doing this?”

Zhang Xiaoman whispered, “Didn’t you hear Old w.a.n.g? He’s actually Ren Xiaosu’s shopkeeper, so all their a.s.sets and money will eventually be returned to Ren Xiaosu. That is to say, all this money will be earned by Ren Xiaosu. If Ren Xiaosu comes to you and says that he wants to buy several dozen tons of pota.s.sium chloride on credit, can you say no? After Ren Xiaosu is reunited with Old w.a.n.g and realizes that he has so many a.s.sets in the Northwest, won’t he want to come back here? We can use these a.s.sets to tie down Old w.a.n.g and the others first. If they can remain here, Ren Xiaosu will naturally stay here too.”

Jiao Xiaochen pondered things for a moment. “That makes sense, go on.”

“And if Ren Xiaosu returns, who knows? He might end up as our Fortress 178’s commander in another few years.” Zhang Xiaoman muttered mysteriously, “I heard from Old Zhou several days ago that w.a.n.g Fengyuan suggested we increase our efforts in searching for Ren Xiaosu during their executive meeting. He hopes to bring him back so that he can systematically learn about military warfare and leaders.h.i.+p before getting familiarized with the various fighting forces. Since silence is compliance, the other commanders agreed by not objecting.”

Jiao Xiaochen gasped when he heard that Ren Xiaosu would have to systematically learn military warfare and leaders.h.i.+p and become familiar with the various fighting forces. What kinds of officers were required to learn such things? Wasn’t that the job of a f.u.c.king commander?!

Zhang Xiaoman chuckled and said, “Actually, the most important thing is that all the generals have already acknowledged Ren Xiaosu. It’s not as though everyone feels that Ren Xiaosu can be the commander right away, but they’ve already accepted that he has the potential and acknowledged his strength, courage, and character! It’s really not easy to achieve that. So, through that war with the Zong Consortium, Ren Xiaosu has already cleared some of the obstacles that he might encounter when he takes over as the fortress commander in another few years or decades. Just think about it, we’re actually making money for the next commander. Don’t you think it’s worth it?!”

“But what if the commander questions us about this batch of pota.s.sium chloride…”

“Don’t worry, if we can make Ren Xiaosu come back, the commander might even be willing to give this batch of pota.s.sium chloride to Old w.a.n.g for free instead of putting it on credit….”

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