Volume 1 Chapter 2 (Part 2)

She seized Bai He"s long hair and gave her two slaps on the face with a lightning move of her hand. Bai He"s cheeks immediately swelled up and the wisps of blood flowed out from the corner of her mouth!

"s.l.u.t!" Dao Liexiang shouted coldly, "You like to take off your clothes to seduce man very much right? Alright, this grandaunt* will let you completely take off today!"

*T/n: It does not literally mean "grandaunt". It may be a term females use to put on airs when denouncing someone.


Bai He"s clothes were torn into fragments by Dao Liexiang. In an instant, she was only left with a bright yellow chest lingerie and underpants!


Bai He curled her naked body up in a panic. Her white tender body was shivering in cold in the spring night.

Dao Liexiang snorted coldly, "There"s still some bits and pieces left. Let"s take off all of them together!"

She reached out her hand and tried to grab for her chest lingerie!

Ruge only felt a mouthful of warm blood gushing towards her throat.

She clenched her fists and wanted to shout anxiously——

A set of black clothes flew up into the air.

It gently drifted across everyone"s head and wrapped over Bai He" body which was trembling in fear.

Bai He used it to cover bundle her whole body tightly as if she was clinging onto a life-saving straw. Her tears surged madly and fell onto the black lapel.

Dao Liexiang was enraged!

As her phoenix eyes widened and glared at the right corner of the main hall, she saw a man with faint eyebrows and slender eyes who only wore his inner clothes with an expression that was neither servile nor supercilious. The black clothes on Bai He were obviously tossed over by him. She could not refrain herself from shouting angrily, "You are so audacious——"

"Younger Sister!"

Dao Wuhen suddenly stopped her from berating. His white and plump face revealed an astonished expression as he pa.s.sed a glance at Dao Wuxia.

In a flash, he had already recognized that the man with faint eyebrows and slender eyes was Xuan Huang(Xuán Huáng)!

Xuan Huang was not scary.

What was scary was Lie Huo Manor.

Currently, on earth, every person had heard of a saying before.

Lie Huo in human society, An He(Àn Hé) in the underworld.

Lie Huo Manor sat stably on the first armchair of the righteous way while An He Organization was the chief of the criminal way. The two forces had fought openly and covertly for dozens of years. Huge and small battles were at least 70 to 80. The total number of casualties for both parties was 726, the number of injured was 1918, the number of those gone missing was 145.

Nevertheless, nineteen years ago, An He organization seemed to have suddenly evaporated from human society and no longer had any movements or news. They vanished from the martial arts world overnight.

Lie Huo Manor also no longer had any opponent from then on.

A few years after, Lie Huo Manor was tantamount to the world"s martial arts circle

Lie Huo Manor"s Chief had a total of three disciples.

The second disciple among them, Yu Zihan(Yù Zìhán) hardly traversed the martial arts world and there were few people who knew him. The information related to him which was collected and organized by Tian Xia Wu Dao City was not much.

Yu Zihan. 22 years old. Both ears deaf and both legs disabled since young. He often wore green clothes and had a gentle countenance like jade and had a fine white tallow jade* ornamental thumb ring on his left hand. According to legend, he had six personal attendants, Green Gui(Jade Tablet), Red Zhang(Stone Ornament), White Hu(Tiger-shaped Jade), Black Huang(Semi-circular jade ornament), Yellow Cong(Octagonal Jade Badge) and Blue Bi(Jade Annulus). Among them, Black Huang and Yellow Cong were seen more often by the people.

*T/n: It is literally translated to "sheep-fat white jade". It may also be called "suet white jade". The jade thumb ring may look something like this:  

T/n: I understand that it"s quite a lot of names to take in so I"m not sure if you all prefer the names to be fully in pinyin, half English half pinyin, or completely English?

Dao Wuhen had precisely recognized Black Huang.


Pin Hua Building.

It was extremely quiet.

The musicians forgot to perform.

The customers forgot to breathe.

They were either excitedly or curiously or worriedly waiting for the situation to change.

Dao Wuxia flapped his brocade gown and his face revealed a delighted expression. He took a few big steps to before that carved wooden table and fell to the ground with his hands clasped in greeting. He deferentially said in a clear voice, "Tian Xia Wu Dao City"s Dao Wuxia greets Gentleman Yu!"

He had just spoken when he felt that it was inappropriate. This Yu Zihan was a deaf person so he would not be able to hear what he had said and was afraid that he would be disliked for being disrespectful. But how he was going to communicate with a deaf person, he could not think of a good method in such a short time and was actually in a daze right there.

At this moment, there was a gentle strength like the spring breeze which lightly heaved his body up. Dao Wuxia did not dare to disobey and raised his head along with this strength.

Yu Zihan"s pair of eyes. They were indifferent to fame or gain yet quiet and comfortable, like a serene gentle jade* amidst the spiritual mountains and pretty waters.

*T/n: A type of jade which is very gentle and smooth

Blak Huang said, "Gentleman Dao, please face our Young Master when you speak. Young Master will naturally know what you are speaking about." As he was speaking, he fished out a square piece of paper and a carbon brush with exquisite workmanship and arranged them on the table.

Dao Wuxia thought, "Could it be that Yu Zihan learned lip reading and can understand the content of one"s speech from the shape of the mouth. This actually means that I"ll need to be careful." While thinking, he cupped his fists and repeatedly apologized to Yu Zihan. "This humble one"s younger sister is young and impetuous and has no sense of the gravity of things, thus causing Gentleman Yu to have seen a joke. When I return, I"ll certainly enforce discipline stringently."  

Yu Zihan wrote faintly as a gentle smoke on the paper, "Your younger sister is naive. You don"t have to upbraid her further."

Dao Wuxia sighed in relief and said, "Yes."

Black Huang said, "This brothel woman"s behavior is licentious and indeed lacked manners. It is within reason that Young Lady Dao could not continue watching on. But everything should not be overdone."

Dao Wuxia said, "Many thanks for the teachings."

Yu Zihan shook his head slightly, informing him that he did not need to be that polite.

At this side, Feng Xixi secretly thought, "I wonder where that big figure Gentleman Yu had come from. He could actually make the Gentleman Wuxia whose name shook the world treat him with such courtesy. It"s just a pity that this handsome and refined man actually seems to be deaf, mute and disabled. It can be seen that heaven can"t bear to see people who are perfect."

Ruge kept paying attention to Bai He who had been forgotten by the ma.s.ses instead.

Bai He had thoroughly failed. Her tender and beautiful cheeks were full of tears that were a sorry sight. Her ten fingers tenaciously clutched the black clothes on her tightly and she trembled continuously. Finally, she crawled up from the ground and staggered as she wanted to leave this place which brought humiliation to her. No one saw her. She hoped that she could silently retreat from the scene.

She lowered her head, clenched her teeth firmly and did not want to see the mocking looks from the other young ladies in the building. However, when she pa.s.sed by, she still heard Xiang Tao"s sneer, Qu Youyou"s cold snort, the movements of Bo He throwing her a supercilious look by rolling her eyes, the sound of Liu Xu spitting saliva……All of a sudden, a leg came out of thin air and hindered before her to stumble her!

How would Bai He be able to evade in time in the midst of her bewilderment. As her left leg bent, her body lost her balance and fell towards the ground. She reached her hand out trying to grab that thing but was instead pushed by someone. She lifted her gaze in in panic. It was a domineering and proud face. It was Feng Huang. They usually minded their own business and  did not interfere with each other, so why did she want to hit her when she was down by pelting stones at a person who had fallen into a well?!

Bai He could not stop herself from her momentum of dropping and her body fell down. She shut her eyes and it was a gloomy and cold pitch-black darkness in her chest. She hated! Everyone were striving hard to climb upwards and could use all kinds of means as long as they could succeed! She simply chose a wrong method so why did she have to fall into the abyss of being ridiculed and trampled by others? She hated!

A pair of small warm hands.

Bai He did not fall onto the icy cold ground. There was a pair of small warm hands which hugged her waist from behind and exerted strength to support her up, steadily standing beside the Feng Huang who had used her leg to trip her.

Feng Huang was furious that someone had dampened her excitement. She lowered her head and "pah!" as she spat onto the hem of Bai He"s clothes. She berated, "s.l.u.t!"  

Bai He seemed to not have heard and also did not turned her head around to take a look at who had supported her up. She stiffened her body and directly walked out of Pin Hua Building and walked into the night scene outside.

Ruge hung her head down as she stood back at behind Feng Xixi. There was an indescribable feeling inside her heart.

Feng Xixi turned her head to glare at her and used her handkerchief to cover her mouth. She softly rebuked, "That kind of s.l.u.t, why do you pay attention to her? You"re finding loads of troublesome affairs for yourself."

Ruge did not speak.

"Your movements are unexpectedly rather fast. You scuttled to behind that s.l.u.t instantly like a wisp of smoke. What skills did you use?" Feng Xixi said in suspicion and suddenly felt that she also did not really understand her own Ge Er.  

Ruge looked over at the stage and said, "Miss, Young Lady You Lan"s painting and calligraphy performance is going to end soon. Do you want to go on stage subsequently?"

Feng Xixi hastily tidied her clothes, fixed her face veil and was not able to deal with questioning Ruge closely.

Inside Pin Hua Building.

Youqin Hong was playing his zither.

Feng Xixi was starting to dance.

No one noticed that they were missing a servant girl.

In the back garden.

The moonlight was extremely dim.

The zither"s* sound could be heard. It was drawn out and gentle, simple and elegant.

*T/n: It"s actually a guqin, an instrument which belongs to the zither family.

Here"s a picture:

Ruge raised her head to gaze at the dark blue night sky. The wind blew at her red clothes as it strongly fluttered up backwards. As there was no one, her small pure white face had a faint look of sorrow.

There was someone who pa.s.sed by and alarmed her.

That person held a small bundle wrapped in cloth. Her back was ramrod straight and her face visage was gorgeous yet frosty.

Ruge sighed. "Why are you leaving?"

The lively Peach Blossom tree blossomed beside that person. The shadows of the flowers were reflected on her face such that the traces of her left and right cheeks being slapped were very red until it was terrifying. She glared at Ruge with fierce resentment in her eyes. After a while, she said, "Remain behind to let you all humiliate and ridicule?"

"You have the courage to tease Dao Wuxia in front of everyone but don"t have the courage to face those idle gossips?"

"It"s not the same."

"How is it not the same?"

Bai He sneered. "Why should I tell you!"

Ruge gazed at her fixedly and said calmly, "Because I helped you just now and let you not fall down at Feng Huang"s feet."

Bai He sneered again. "You think that I"ll be grateful to you?"

"You will." Ruge smiled. "If you"re humiliated by that kind of woman like Feng Huang, it makes you lose lots of face."

Bai He"s eyes shone with a flash of an odd look. The corner of her mouth was pulled to form a sneer, "That"s right. No matter how cheap I am, I"m still better than that b.i.t.c.h Feng Huang by a hundred times."

Under the peach blossom trees.

Bai He touched the burning slap marks on her face and said with resentment, "In Pin Hua Building, wanting to be outstanding by just relying on my appearance is harder than ascending to heaven. I was not resigned to wait until I became old like a pearl turning yellow, no longer have business and even not acc.u.mulate gold and silver that could provide me to spend for a lifetime. This was an opportunity. I must grasp it. As long as I could climb up by gaining connections to Dao Wuxia, I would definitely be able to fish out a golden mountain and silver mine. He had power and influence so people would no longer dare to bully me in the future. Of course I had to stake my all once! Pah, they all feel that Dao Wuxia surely likes the hypocritical daughters from eminent families and thus persistently pretended as if they were n.o.ble and virtuous. It"s so ridiculous, why would he still come to a brothel if he really likes proper n.o.ble daughters?! All that comes to the brothel are despicable scoundrels. They all like to see women stripping, see women being licentious! I am deliberately different from them! I might as well just strip for him to see!"  

"But you failed." Ruge reminded her.

Bai He stared blankly for a moment before she shut her eyes. Then, she said coldly, "That"s why I"m leaving."

"Where are you going?"

"Changing my name and starting afresh." Bai He"s gaze was dim. "After tonight pa.s.ses, the name "Bai He" in Pin Hua Building will be reduced to people"s laughing stock and become so stinky that it can"t be smelled. I have no choice but to leave."

"You"re still going to be in this trade?"

"Do I still have other abilities?"

"I know some friends, maybe they can help you find……"

"It"s fine, " Bai He cut her off. "A day as a person of a brothel, a lifetime a ghost of a brothel. I won"t ever be able to be in other trades again. Furthermore, if you really had way, then why would you have entered Pin Hua Building?"

Ruge gazed at Bai He who stood under the peach blossom trees with both her cheeks dark red and her gaze fierce. She helplessly said, "In that case, I wish you good luck."

Bai He laughed sarcastically, "Good luck depends on yourself to fight for it."

"What you said is right," Ruge nodded her head. She felt for a white porcelain bottle in her chest pocket and handed it over into her hands. "This is a miraculous remedy for treating bruises. Smear it on your face and it the marks will disappear after two hours*. In this way, your chance of earning good luck will be greater wherever you go."

*T/n: One shichen is two hours.

Bai He gazed fixedly at her for a moment before she kept the porcelain bottle into her chest pocket an turned to leave.

From then onwards, Pin Hua Building no longer had a woman called "Bai He".

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