=TROUBLE= Something that many are looking for but no one wants.

=TRUST= A small body of capital entirely surrounded by water.

=TWINS= Insult added to Injury.



An undesirable thing to have on hand.

It"s a wise son who can get two birds with One Bone.


There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to Fortune--But most of us catch our watered stock on the ebb.

=UMBRELLA= A good thing to put up in a shower--or p.a.w.n-shop; but, like skating, never seen after Lent.



A shirt just returned from a steam laundry.

=UNION= An ailing individual frequently troubled by scabs and liable to strike without warning.

=UMPIRE= No jeweler, but a high authority on diamonds.

=USHER= One who takes a leading part in a theatre.

=VACCINATION= Where "jabbing the needle" is never a vice.

=VAUDEVILLE= From Lat. _vaut_, good for, and _villageois_, countryman. Good for countrymen.



An open-air enclosure often used as a spoon-holder.

=VEST= A waistcoat sold at halfprice.

=VIRTUE= A quality oftentimes a.s.sociated with intelligence, but rarely with beauty.

=VULGARITY= The conduct of others.

A rolling stone gathers no moss--except at roulette.


But a stony roll always gathers the stony stare.

=WAITER= An Inn-experienced servant.

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