=BOODLE= Money, born of poor, but dishonest parents, and taken in by the Graft family.

=BORROW= v. t., to swap hot air for cold coin.

=BOWER= A shady retreat, in general.

=BOWERY= A shady retreat in New York.

=BRACE= Security for the trousers.

=BRACER= Security for the stomach.

=BRACELET= Security for the p.a.w.n-broker.

=BRAIN= The top-floor apartment in the Human Block, known as the Cranium, and kept by the Sarah Sisters--Sarah Brum and Sarah Belum, a.s.sisted by Medulla Oblongata. All three are nervous, but are always confined to their cells. The Brain is done in gray and white, and furnished with light and heat, hot or cold water, (if desired), with regular connections to the outside world by way of the Spinal Circuit. Usually occupied by the Intellect Bros.,--Thoughts and Ideas--as an Intelligence Office, but sometimes sub-let to Jag, Hang-Over & Co.

=BRAND= Something carried on the hip, by either beast or man. Can be found on the outside of a short, red steer, or the inside of a long, black bottle.

=BRa.s.s BAND= A clever though somewhat complicated arrangement for holding a crowd together.

=BRICK= An admirable person made of the right sort of clay and possessing plenty of sand. What your friends call you before you go to the wall--but never afterward.

=BRIMSTONE= A little bit of Hades, which finds its match on earth and smells to heaven. Better to strike it here than in the hereafter.

=BREVITY= A desirable quality in the Fourth of July oration but not in the fireworks.

=BROKE= A word expressing the ultimate condition of one who is too much bent on speculating.

=b.u.m= A fallen tough.

=b.u.mP= A tough fall.

=BUNCO= The art of disseminating knowledge in the rural districts.

=BY-STANDER= One who is injured in a street fight.

People who live in gla.s.s houses should dress in the dark.


Don"t put all your eggs in one basket--try an incubator.

=CAB= Affair for a drive.

=CABBY= Driver for a fare.



The hysterical "Ha-Ha." Syn. for Carrie Nation.

=CADDIE= A small boy, employed at a liberal stipend to lose b.a.l.l.s for others and find them for himself.

=CAFE= A place where the public pays the proprietor for the privilege of tipping the waiters for something to eat.

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