"I want Wayland to choose my hat and traveling-suit," replied Berrie.

"Of course. But you"ve got to have a lot of other things besides." And they bent to the joyous work of making out a list of goods to be purchased as soon as they reached Chicago.

Wayland came back with a Denver paper in his hand and a look of disgust on his face. "It"s all in here--at least, the outlines of it."

Berrie took the journal, and there read the details of Settle"s a.s.sault upon the foreman. "The fight arose from a remark concerning the Forest Supervisor"s daughter. Ranger Settle resented the gossip, and fell upon the other man, beating him with the b.u.t.t of his revolver. Friends of the foreman claim that the ranger is a drunken bully, and should have been discharged long ago. The Supervisor for some mysterious reason retains this man, although he is an incompetent. It is also claimed that McFarlane put a man on the roll without examination." The Supervisor was the protagonist of the play, which was plainly political. The attack upon him was bitter and unjust, and Mrs. McFarlane again declared her intention of returning to help him in his fight. However, Wayland again proved to her that her presence would only embarra.s.s the Supervisor. "You would not aid him in the slightest degree. Nash and Landon are with him, and will refute all these charges."

This newspaper story took the light out of their day and the smile from Berrie"s lips, and the women entered the city silent and distressed in spite of the efforts of their young guide. The nearer the girl came to the ordeal of facing the elder Norcross, the more she feared the outcome; but Wayland kept his air of easy confidence, and drove them directly to the shopping center, believing that under the influence of hats and gloves they would regain their customary cheer.

In this he was largely justified. They had a delightful hour trying on millinery and coats and gloves. The forewoman, who knew Mrs. McFarlane, gladly accepted her commission, and, while suspecting the tender relationship between the girl and the man, she was tactful enough to conceal her suspicion. "The gentleman is right; you carry simple things best," she remarked to Berrie, thus showing her own good judgment.

"Smartly tailored gray or blue suits are your style."

Silent, blushing, tousled by the hands of her decorators, Berrie permitted hats to be perched on her head and jackets b.u.t.toned and unb.u.t.toned about her shoulders till she felt like a worn clothes-horse.

Wayland beamed with delight, but she was far less satisfied than he; and when at last selection was made, she still had her doubts, not of the clothes, but of her ability to wear them. They seemed so alien to her, so restrictive and enslaving.

"You"re an easy fitter," said the saleswoman. "But"--here she lowered her voice--"you need a new corset. This old one is out of date. n.o.body is wearing hips now."

Thereupon Berrie meekly permitted herself to be led away to a torture-room. Wayland waited patiently, and when she reappeared all traces of Bear Tooth Forest had vanished. In a neat tailored suit and a very "chic" hat, with shoes, gloves, and stockings to match, she was so transformed, so charmingly girlish in her self-conscious glory, that he was tempted to embrace her in the presence of the saleswoman. But he didn"t. He merely said: "I see the governor"s finish! Let"s go to lunch.

You are stunning!"

"I don"t know myself," responded Berrie. "The only thing that feels natural is my hand. They cinched me so tight I can"t eat a thing, and my shoes hurt." She laughed as she said this, for her use of the vernacular was conscious. "I"m a fraud. Your father will spot my brand first shot.

Look at my face--red as a saddle!"

"Don"t let that trouble you. This is the time of year when tan is fashionable. Don"t you be afraid of the governor. Just smile at him, give him your grip, and he"ll melt."

"I"m the one to melt. I"m beginning now."

"I know how you feel, but you"ll get used to the conventional boiler-plate and all the rest of it. We all groan and growl when we come back to it each autumn; but it"s a part of being civilized, and we submit."

Notwithstanding his confident advice, Wayland led the two silent and inwardly dismayed women into the showy cafe of the hotel with some degree of personal apprehension concerning the approaching interview with his father. Of course, he did not permit this to appear in the slightest degree. On the contrary, he gaily ordered a choice lunch, and did his best to keep his companions from sinking into deeper depression.

It pleased him to observe the admiring glances which were turned upon Berrie, whose hat became her mightily, and, leaning over, he said in a low voice to Mrs. McFarlane: "Who is the lovely young lady opposite?

Won"t you introduce me?"

This rejoiced the mother almost as much as it pleased the daughter, and she answered, "She looks like one of the Radburns of Lexington, but I think she"s from Louisville."

This little play being over, he said, "Now, while our order is coming I"ll run out to the desk and see if the governor has come in or not."



After he went away Berrie turned to her mother with a look in which humor and awe were blent. "Am I dreaming, mother, or am I actually sitting here in the city? My head is dizzy with it all." Then, without waiting for an answer, she fervently added: "Isn"t he fine! I"m the tenderfoot now. I hope his father won"t despise me."

With justifiable pride in her child, the mother replied: "He can"t help liking you, honey. You look exactly like your grandmother at this moment.

Meet Mr. Norcross in her spirit."

"I"ll try; but I feel like a woodchuck out of his hole."

Mrs. McFarlane continued: "I"m glad we were forced out of the valley. You might have been shut in there all your life as I have been with your father."

"You don"t blame father, do you?"

"Not entirely. And yet he always was rather easy-going, and you know how untidy the ranch is. He"s always been kindness and sympathy itself; but his lack of order is a cross. Perhaps now he will resign, rent the ranch, and move over here. I should like to live in the city for a while, and I"d like to travel a little."

"Wouldn"t it be fine if you could! You could live at this hotel if you wanted to. Yes, you"re right. You need a rest from the ranch and dish-washing."

Wayland returned with an increase of tension in his face.

"He"s here! I"ve sent word saying, "I am lunching in the cafe with ladies." I think he"ll come round. But don"t be afraid of him. He"s a good deal rougher on the outside than he is at heart. Of course, he"s a bluff old business man, and not at all pretty, and he"ll transfix you with a kind of estimating glare as if you were a tree; but he"s actually very easy to manage if you know how to handle him. Now, I"m not going to try to explain everything to him at the beginning. I"m going to introduce him to you in a casual kind of way and give him time to take to you both.

He forms his likes and dislikes very quickly."

"What if he don"t like us?" inquired Berrie, with troubled brow.

"He can"t help it." His tone was so positive that her eyes misted with happiness. "But here comes our food. I hope you aren"t too nervous to eat. Here is where I shine as provider. This is the kind of camp fare I can recommend."

Berrie"s healthy appet.i.te rose above her apprehension, and she ate with the keen enjoyment of a child, and her mother said, "It surely is a treat to get a chance at somebody else"s cooking."

"Don"t you slander your home fare," warned Wayland. "It"s as good as this, only different."

He sat where he could watch the door, and despite his jocund pose his eyes expressed growing impatience and some anxiety. They were all well into their dessert before he called out: "Here he is!"

Mrs. McFarlane could not see the new-comer from where she sat, but Berrie rose in great excitement as a heavy-set, full-faced man with short, gray mustache and high, smooth brow entered the room. He did not smile as he greeted his son, and his penetrating glance questioned even before he spoke. He seemed to silently ask: "Well, what"s all this? How do you happen to be here? Who are these women?"

Wayland said: "Mrs. McFarlane, this is my father. Father, this is Miss Berea McFarlane, of Bear Tooth Springs."

The elder Norcross shook hands with Mrs. McFarlane politely, coldly; but he betrayed surprise as Berea took his fingers in her grip. At his son"s solicitation he accepted a seat opposite Berea, but refused dessert.

Wayland explained: "Mrs. McFarlane and her daughter quite saved my life over in the valley. Their ranch is the best health resort in Colorado."

"Your complexion indicates that," his father responded, dryly. "You look something the way a man of your age ought to look. I needn"t ask how you"re feeling."

"You needn"t, but you may. I"m feeling like a new fiddle--barring a bruise at the back of my head, which makes a "hard hat" a burden. I may as well tell you first off that Mrs. McFarlane is the wife of the Forest Supervisor at Bear Tooth, and Miss Berea is the able a.s.sistant of her father. We are all rank conservationists."

Norcross, Senior, examined Berrie precisely as if his eyes were a couple of X-ray tubes, and as she flushed under his slow scrutiny he said: "I was not expecting to find the Forest Service in such hands."

Wayland laughed.

"I hope you didn"t mash his fingers, Berrie."

She smiled guiltily. "I"m afraid I did. I hope I didn"t hurt you--sometimes I forget."

Norcross, Senior, was waking up. "You have a most extraordinary grip.

What did it? Piano practice?"

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