319 caused more than $15 billion in damage

"Hurricane Irene 2011: One Year Anniversary of East Coast Storm," Huffington Post, August 24, 2012, and wildfires in 240 of its 242 counties

Patrik Jonsson, "Texas Wildfire Chief: Wildfires Still Raging, but "We Are Making Successes," " Christian Science Monitor, April 21, 2011.

321 all-time-high temperature records were broken or tied

Andrew Freedman, "Hot Summer of 2011 Rewrites Record Books," Climate Central, September 8, 2011, seven of them caused more than $1 billion in damage

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "Extreme Weather 2012," January 19, 2012.

323 more than half of the counties in the U.S.

David Ariosto and Melissa Abbey, "Historical Drought Puts Over Half of US Counties in Disaster Zones, USDA Says," CNN, August 1, 2012.

324 Hurricane Sandy cost at least $71 billion

Matthew Craft, "Hurricane Sandy"s Economic Damage Could Reach $50 Billion, Eqecat Estimates," a.s.sociated Press, November 1, 2012.

325 report supporting such border adjustments

United Nations Environment Programme and World Trade Organization, Trade and Climate Change, 2009, has been a success in most of the nations, provinces, and regions

Janet Raloff, "Kyoto Climate Treaty"s Greenhouse "Success," " ScienceNews, November 3, 2009, "The carbon market may be complex, but we live in a complex world"

Marton Kruppa and Andrew Allan, "Carbon Trading May Be Ready for Its Next Act," Reuters, November 13, 2011.

328 will imminently begin cap and trade systems


329 Most significantly, California began implementing its system in 2012

Jason Dearen, "California"s Cap-and-Trade System to Launch with First Pollution Permits Auction," a.s.sociated Press, November 12, 2012.

330 "it may become the biggest in the world, and allowances in that system would then give a global price signal"

Kruppa and Allan, "Carbon Trading May Be Ready for Its Next Act."

331 experience that will be used to implement a nationwide cap and trade system by 2015

Lan Lan, "Beijing Preparing for Carbon Trading System," China Daily, April 20, 2012.

332 almost 20 percent of the Chinese population

Alexandre Kossoy and Pierre Gioan, World Bank, "State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2012," May 2012, p. 99, China for allegedly providing unfair subsidies to its wind and solar manufacturers

Keith Bradsher, "200 Chinese Subsidies Violate Rules, US Says," New York Times, October 6, 2011.

334 European Union began its consideration of a similar complaint

"US Imposes Import Tariffs on Chinese Solar Panels," BBC News, May 17, 2012, overtake the United States as the largest global warming polluter

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