369 problems in managing electricity flows through the antiquated grid

Simon Denyer and Rama Lakshmi, "India Blackout, on Second Day, Leaves 600 Million without Power," Washington Post, August 1, 2012.

370 majority of their time in garages or parking s.p.a.ces

Matthew L. Wald, "Better Batteries: Not Just for Cars Anymore," New York Times, Green blog, October 31, 2011, impressive movement by many companies to take advantage

Amory B. Lovins and the Rocky Mountain Inst.i.tute, Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era (White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2011).

372 wave and tidal energy are both being explored

U.S. Department of Energy, "DOE Reports Show Major Potential for Wave and Tidal Energy Production Near U.S. Coasts," January 18, 2012, that they may have great potential in the future

Elisabeth Rosenthal, "Tidal Power: The Next Wave?," New York Times, October 20, 2010.

374 "unlikely to significantly contribute to global energy supply before 2020"

O. Edenhofer et al., Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, "Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation-Press Release," 2011, significant contribution in nations like Iceland

Christopher Mims, "One Hot Island: Iceland"s Renewable Geothermal Power," Scientific American, October 20, 2008.

376 New Zealand

New Zealand Geothermal a.s.sociation, "Geothermal Energy & Electricity Generation," Philippines, where there is an abundance

Dan Jennejohn et al., Geothermal Energy a.s.sociation, "Geothermal: International Market Overview Report," May 2012, serious ecological risks in particular locations

Arun k.u.mar, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, "Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation-Hydropower," 2011, pp. 43796.

379 use of bioma.s.s is expanding

Toby Price, "Power Generation from Bioma.s.s Booms Worldwide," Renewable Energy, September 13, 2012.

380 though enforcement of this mandate has been lagging

"An Overview of China"s Renewable Energy Market," China Briefing, June 16, 2011, storage of the CO2 that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere

Barbara Freese, Steve Clemmer, and Alan Nogee, Union of Concerned Scientists, "Coal Power in a Warming World: A Sensible Transition to Cleaner Energy Options," October 2008, p. 18, because it begins to be absorbed into the geological formation itself

James Katzer, ed., Ma.s.sachusetts Inst.i.tute of Technology, "The Future of Coal: Options for a Carbon-Constrained World," 2007, p. 44, political paralysis that characterizes the present state of democracy in the United States

Jeff Tollefson and Richard Van Noorden, "Slow Progress to Cleaner Coal," Nature, April 2012.

384 Norway, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia

Damien Carrington, "Q&A: Carbon Capture and Storage," Guardian, May 10, 2012.

385 is to put a price on carbon

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