Leon Ka.s.s and James Q. Wilson, Ethics of Human Cloning (Washington, DC: American Enterprise Inst.i.tute, 1998).

159 more generalized humanist a.s.sertion of individual dignity

Brock, "Cloning Human Beings"; Altshuler, "Human Cloning Revisited."

160 In yet another ill.u.s.tration

"Meat on Drugs," Consumer Reports, June 2012.

161 a truly shocking 80 percent of all U.S. antibiotics

Gardiner Harris, "U.S. Tightens Rules on Antibiotics Use for Livestock," New York Times, April 11, 2012.

162 new rule that will require a prescription from veterinarians

"Meat on Drugs," Consumer Reports.

163 Since the discovery of penicillin in 1929 by Alexander Fleming

"A Brief History of Antibiotics," BBC News, October 8, 1999, Although Fleming said his discovery was "accidental"

Douglas Allchin, SHiPS Resource Center, "Penicillin and Chance," who first discovered that CO2 traps heat

Spencer Weart, "The Discovery of Global Warming: The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect," February 2011, was not used in a significant way until the early 1940s

"A Brief History of Antibiotics," BBC News.

167 many other potent antibiotics were discovered in the 1950s and 1960s


168 discoveries have slowed to a trickle


169 life-saving antibiotics is rapidly eroding their effectiveness

"The Spread of Superbugs," Economist, March 31, 2011.

170 ways that circ.u.mvent the effectiveness of the antibiotic

Brandon Keim, "Antibiotics Breed Superbugs Faster Than Expected," Wired, February 11, 2010.

171 only when they are clearly needed

Alexander Fleming, "Penicillin," n.o.bel Lecture, December 11, 1945, E. J. Mundell, "Antibiotic Combinations Could Fight Resistant Germs," ABC News, March 23, 2007, #.UDVmwo40jdk.

172 they stumble upon new traits that make the antibiotics impotent

Keim, "Antibiotics Breed Superbugs Faster Than Expected."

173 Some antibiotics have already become ineffective against certain diseases

Katie Moisse, "Antibiotic Resistance: The 5 Riskiest Superbugs," ABC News, March 27, 2012, #.UC7l0UR9nMo.

174 rate that is frightening to many health experts

Moisse, "Antibiotic Resistance: The 5 Riskiest Superbugs."

175 multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

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