
210 was also promoted in the Soviet Union by Trofim Lysenko

"Trofim Denisovich Lysenko," Encyclopaedia Britannica, mainstream genetics during the three decades


212 Geneticists who disagreed with Lysenko were secretly arrested

Ibid.; Moreno, The Body Politic, p. 69.

213 some were found dead in unexplained circ.u.mstances

"Trofim Denisovich Lysenko," Encyclopaedia Britannica; Moreno, The Body Politic, p. 69.

214 that biological theory conform with Soviet agricultural needs

"Trofim Denisovich Lysenko," Encyclopaedia Britannica.

215 rather those that were best adapted to their environments

Michael Shermer, "Darwin Misunderstood," February 2009, "undesirables," and had enabled them to proliferate

Moreno, The Body Politic, pp. 6768.

217 led to the proliferation of "undesirables" in the first place

Ibid., pp. 6970.

218 quite a few reactionary advocates of eugenics


219 described as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center

Ibid., p. 70; Southern Poverty Law Center, Intelligence Files, "Pioneer Fund," founding president was none other than Harry Laughlin

Wellerstein, "Harry Laughlin"s "Model Eugenical Sterilization Law." "

221 Eugenics also found support, historians say

Moreno, The Body Politic, pp. 6770.

222 what was appropriate by way of state intervention in heredity


223 theories that were even vaguely similar to that of n.a.z.ism

Ibid., pp. 6769.

224 debate over current proposals that some have labeled "neo-eugenics"

Leroi, "The Future of Neo-Eugenics."

225 half of all Americans still say they do not believe in evolution

Gallup, "In U.S., 46% Hold Creationist View of Human Origins," June 1, 2012,

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