Alok Jha, "Look, No Embryos! The Future of Ethical Stem Cells," Guardian, March 12, 2011.

411 was awarded the 2012 n.o.bel Prize in Medicine

Nicholas Wade, "Cloning and Stem Cell Work Earns n.o.bel," New York Times, October 8, 2012.

412 unique qualities and potential that justify their continued use

Andrew Pollack, "Setback for New Stem Cell Treatment," New York Times, May 13, 2011.

413 restore some vision to mice with an inherited retinal disease

Sarah Boseley, "Medical Marvels: Drugs Treat Symptoms. Stem Cells Can Cure You. One Day Soon, They May Even Stop Us Ageing," Guardian, January 29, 2009.

414 forms of blindness in humans may soon be treatable

Fergus Walsh, " "Blind" Mice Eyesight Treated with Transplanted Cells," BBC, April 18, 2012, rebuild nerves in the ears of gerbils and restore their hearing

James Gallagher, "Deaf Gerbils "Hear Again" After Stem Cell Cure," BBC, September 12, 2010.

416 sperm when transplanted into the of mice that were infertile

Nick Collins, "Stem Cells Used to Make Artificial Sperm," Telegraph, August 4, 2011.

417 though the offspring had genetic defects

Roxanne Khamsi, "Bone Stem Cells Turned into Primitive Sperm Cells," New Scientist, April 13, 2007.

418 for infertile men to have biological children

Collins, "Stem Cells Used to Make Artificial Sperm."

419 lesbian couples to have children that are genetically and biologically their own

Macrae, "Death of the Father."

420 increase human lifespans by multiple centuries

Aubrey de Grey, " "We Will Be Able to Live to 1,000," " BBC, December 3, 2004, 25 percent is more likely

Gary Taubes, "The Timeless and Trendy Effort to Find-or Create-the Fountain of Youth," Discover Magazine, February 7, 2011.

422 According to most experts, evolutionary theory

Nir Barzilai et al., "The Place of Genetics in Ageing Research," Nature Reviews Genetics 13 (August 2012): 58994.

423 numerous studies in human

James W. Curtsinger, "Genes, Aging, and Prospects for Extended Life Span," Minnesota Medicine, October 2007.

424 and animal genetics


425 roughly three quarters to the aging process

Barzilai et al., "The Place of Genetics in Ageing Research."

426 somewhere between 20 and 30 percent


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