International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications, ISAAA Brief 43-2011, Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2011, California defeated a referendum in 2012 to require such labeling

Andrew Pollack, "After Loss, the Fight to Label Modified Food Continues," New York Times, November 7, 2012.

512 approximately 70 percent of the processed foods

Harmon and Pollack, "Battle Brewing Over Labeling of Genetically Modified Food"; Richard Shiffman, "How California"s GM Food Referendum May Change What America Eats," Guardian, June 13, 2012; Center for Food Safety, "Genetically Engineered Crops," as enthusiastic advocates often emphasize, hardly new

Michael Antoniou, Claire Robinson, and John f.a.gan, "GMO Myths and Truths, Version 1.3," June 2012, p. 21; Council for Biotechnology Information, "Myths & Facts: Plant Biotechnology," #16.

514 genetically modified during the Stone Age by careful selective breeding

Council for Biotechnology Information, "Myths & Facts: Plant Biotechnology."

515 "plants in the process of domesticating our food crop species"

Anne Cook, "Borlaug: Will Farmers Be Permitted to Use Biotechnology?," Knight Ridder/Tribune, June 14, 2001.

516 merely accelerating and making more efficient a long-established practice

Council for Biotechnology Information, "Myths & Facts: Plant Biotechnology."

517 has ever produced any increase in the intrinsic yields

Doug Gurian-Sherman, Failure to Yield (Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists, 2009).

518 ecosystem concerns that are not so easily dismissed

Michael Faure and Andri Wibisana, "Liability for Damage Caused by GMOs: An Economic Perspective," Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 23, no. 1 (2010): 169.

519 normal pattern of the organism"s genetic code and can cause

Antoniou, Robinson, and f.a.gan, "GMO Myths and Truths, Version 1.3."


G. Bruening and J. M. Lyons, "The Case of the FLAVR SAVR Tomato," California Agriculture, JulyAugust 2000.

521 remain firm for a longer period of time after it ripened


522 consumer resistance


523 less rounded bottom to accommodate

"Square Tomato," Davis Wiki, 2012, catastrophic loss of flavor in modern tomatoes

Dan Charles, "How the Taste of Tomatoes Went Bad (and Kept On Going)," NPR, June 28, 2012, Kai Kupferschmidt, "How Tomatoes Lost Their Taste," ScienceNOW, June 28, 2012, Almost 11 percent of all the world"s farmland

Matthew Weaver, "Report: World Embraces Biotech Crops," Capital Press, March 1, 2012.

526 number of acres planted in GM crops

International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications, "Pocket K No. 16: Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops in 2011,"

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