The said A. B. doth hereby let unto the said C. D. a dwelling-house, situate in the parish of ----, for the term of one year certain, and so on from year to year, and so on until half a year"s notice to quit be given by or to either party, at the yearly rent of ----, payable quarterly; the tenancy to commence at ---- day next.

And the said A. B. doth undertake to pay the land-tax, the property-tax, and the sewer-rate, and to keep the said house in all necessary repairs, so long as the said C. D. shall continue therein.

And the said C. D. doth undertake to take the said house of A. B.

for and at the before-mentioned term and rent, and pay all taxes except those on land or property and the sewer-rate, and to abide by the other conditions aforesaid.

Witness our hands the day and year aforesaid.

A. B. Witness E. F. C. D.

[N.B.--Premises are sometimes let for a term of years, or upon other conditions different from those specified above; in such cases the agreement must, of course, be worded conformably.]

_Form of Notice to Quit, from a Tenant to Landlord._


I hereby give you notice that on or before the ---- day of ----next, I shall quit and deliver up possession of the house and premises I now hold of you, situate at ----, in the parish of ----, in the county of ----.

Dated this ---- day of ----, 18--.

Witness, K. I. G. H.

To Mr. L. M.

_Form of Notice to Quit, from Landlord to Tenant._


I hereby give you notice to quit the house and appurtenances, situate at No. ----, which you now hold of me, on or before ---- next.

Dated ----, 18--.

Signed N. O. (Landlord).

To Mr. P. Q.

_Form of Will._

THIS is the last Will and Testament of A. B., of No. ---- Street, ----. I hereby give and devise to my wife, Jane B., her heirs, executors, and administrators, for her and their own use and benefit, absolutely and for ever, all my estate and effects, both real and personal, whatsoever and wheresoever, and of what nature and quality soever, and I hereby appoint her, the said Jane B., sole executrix of this my Will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this ----day of ----, one thousand eight hundred and ----.

A. B.

Signed by the said A. B., in the presence of us, present at the same time, who in his presence and in the presence of each other, attest and subscribe our names as witnesses hereto.

[N.B.--The above is a simple form of Will. They can, of course, be made in various ways, but in every case care should be taken that the persons mentioned in the Will should be fully and properly designated, and that the testator"s intentions be stated in language as clear and precise as possible.]

_Form of Bill of Sale._

KNOW all men by these presents, that I, A. B., of ----, for and in consideration of the sum of ----, in hand, paid, at and before the sealing and delivery hereof, by C. D., of ----, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have bargained and sold, and by these presents do bargain and sell unto the said C. D., all the goods, household stuff, and implements of household, and all other goods whatsoever mentioned in the schedule hereunto annexed, now remaining and being in ----. To have and to hold all and singular the goods, household stuff, and implements of household, and every of them by these presents, bargained and sold unto the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and a.s.signs for ever, and I, the said A.

B., for myself, my executors, and administrators, all and singular, of the said goods, unto the said C. D., his executors and administrators and a.s.signs, and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever, shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these presents, of which goods I, the said A. B., have put the said C. D., in possession, by delivering him one silver candelabrum, &c., on the sealing hereof; in witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal this ---- day of ----, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ----

A. B.

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