The enmity of sects, the rage of parties, Long cherish"d envy, jealousy, unite; And all the struggling elements of evil Suspend their conflict, and together league In one alliance "gainst their common foe-- The savage beast that breaks into the fold, Where men repose in confidence and peace.

For vain were man"s own prudence to protect him.

"Tis only in the forehead nature plants The watchful eye--the back, without defence, Must find its shield in man"s fidelity.


Think not more meanly of thyself than do Thy foes, who stretch their hands with joy to greet thee; Less scrupulous far was the Imperial Charles, The powerful head of this ill.u.s.trious house; With open arms he gave the Bourbon welcome; For still by policy the world is ruled.



_To these enter the_ COUNTESS TERZKY


Who sent for you? There is no business here For women.


I am come to bid you joy.


Use thy authority, Terzky; bid her go.


Come I perhaps too early? I hope not.


Set not this tongue upon me, I entreat you: You know it is the weapon that destroys me.

I am routed, if a woman but attack me: I cannot traffic in the trade of words With that unreasoning s.e.x.


I had already Given the Bohemians a king.

WALLENSTEIN (_sarcastically_).

They have one, In consequence, no doubt.

COUNTESS (_to the others_).

Ha! what new scruple?


The Duke will not.


He _will not_ what he _must_!


It lies with you now. Try. For I am silenced When folks begin to talk to me of conscience And of fidelity.


How? then, when all Lay in the far-off distance, when the road Stretch"d out before thine eyes interminably, Then hadst thou courage and resolve; and now, Now that the dream is being realized, The purpose ripe, the issue ascertain"d, Dost thou begin to play the dastard now?

Plann"d merely, "tis a common felony; Accomplish"d, an immortal undertaking: And with success comes pardon hand in hand, For all event is G.o.d"s arbitrament.

SERVANT (_enters_).

The Colonel Piccolomini.

COUNTESS (_hastily_).

Must wait.


I cannot see him now. Another time.


But for two minutes he entreats an audience: Of the most urgent nature is his business.


Who knows what he may bring us! I will hear him.

COUNTESS (_laughs_).

Urgent for him, no doubt? but thou may"st wait.


What is it?


Thou shalt be inform"d hereafter.

First let the Swede and thee be compromised.

[_Exit_ SERVANT.]


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