Revolted is the Duke; he is preparing To join the enemy; the army leave him, And all has fail"d.


A s.p.a.cious Room in the Duke of Friedland"s Palace.

WALLENSTEIN (_in armor_).

Thou hast gain"d thy point, Octavio! Once more am I Almost as friendless as at Regensburg.

There I had nothing left me, but myself; But what one man can do, you have now experience.

The twigs have you hew"d off, and here I stand A leafless trunk. But in the sap within Lives the creating power, and a new world May sprout forth from it. Once already have I Proved myself worth an army to you--I alone!

Before the Swedish strength your troops had melted; Beside the Lech sank Tilly your last hope; Into Bavaria like a winter torrent, Did that Gustavus pour, and at Vienna In his own palace did the Emperor tremble.

Soldiers were scarce, for still the mult.i.tude Follow the luck: all eyes were turn"d on me, Their helper in distress: the Emperor"s pride Bow"d itself down before the man he had injured.

"Twas I must rise, and with creative word a.s.semble forces in the desolate camps.

I did it. Like a G.o.d of war, my name Went through the world. The drum was beat; and, lo, The plough, the workshop is forsaken, all Swarm to the old familiar long-loved banners; And as the wood-choir rich in melody a.s.semble quick around the bird of wonder, When first his throat swells with his magic song, So did the warlike youth of Germany Crowd in around the image of my eagle.

I feel myself the being that I was.

It is the soul that builds itself a body, And Friedland"s camp will not remain unfill"d.

Lead then your thousands out to meet me--true!

They are accustom"d under me to conquer, But not against me. If the head and limbs Separate from each other, "twill be soon Made manifest in which the soul abode.

(ILLO _and_ TERZKY _enter_)

Courage, friends! courage! we are still unvanquish"d!

I feel my footing firm; five regiments, Terzky, Are still our own, and Butler"s gallant troops; And an host of sixteen thousand Swedes to-morrow.

I was not stronger when, nine years ago, I marched forth, with glad heart and high of hope, To conquer Germany for the Emperor.



(_To them enter_ NEUMANN, _who leads_ TERZKY _aside and talks with him_.)


What do they want?


What now!


Ten Cuira.s.siers From Pappenheim request leave to address you In the name of the regiment.


Let them enter.

[_Exit_ NEUMANN.]

This May end in something. Mark you. They are still Doubtful, and may be won.


WALLENSTEIN, TERZBY, ILLO, _ten_ Cuira.s.siers (_led by an_ ANSPESSADE,[27] _march up and arrange themselves, after the word of command, in one front before the Duke, and make their obeisance. He takes his hat off and immediately covers himself again_).


Halt! Front! Present!

WALLENSTEIN (_after he has run through them with his eye, to the_ ANSPESSADE).

I know thee well. Thou art out of Bruggen in Flanders.

Thy name is Mercy.


Henry Mercy.


Thou wert cut off on the march, surrounded by the Hessians, and didst fight thy way with an hundred and eighty men through their thousand.


"Twas even so, General!


What reward hadst thou for this gallant exploit?


That which I asked for: the honor to serve in this corps.

WALLENSTEIN (_turning to a second_).

Thou wert among the volunteers that seized and made booty of the Swedish battery at Altenburg.


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