Give her sorrow leave to talk!

Let her complain--mingle your tears with hers, For she hath suffer"d a deep anguish; but She"ll rise superior to it, for my Thekla Hath all her father"s unsubdued heart.


I am not ill. See, I have power to stand.

Why does my mother weep? Have I alarm"d her?


It is gone by--I recollect myself--

[_She casts her eyes round the room, as seeking some one._]

Where is he? Please you, do not hide him from me.

You see I have strength enough: now I will hear him.


No; never shall this messenger of evil Enter again into thy presence, Thekla!


My father--


Dearest daughter!


I"m not weak-- Shortly I shall be quite myself again.

You"ll grant me one request?


Name it, my daughter.


Permit the stranger to be called to me, And grant me leave that by myself I may Hear his report and question him.


No, never!


"Tis not advisable--a.s.sent not to it.


Hush! Wherefore wouldst thou speak with him, my daughter?


Knowing the whole, I shall be more collected; I will not be deceived. My mother wishes Only to spare me. I will not be spared-- The worst is said already: I can hear Nothing of deeper anguish!

COUNTESS _and_ d.u.c.h.eSS.

Do it not.


The horror overpower"d me by surprise.

My heart betray"d me in the stranger"s presence: He was a witness of my weakness, yea, I sank into his arms; and that has shamed me.

I must replace myself in his esteem, And I must speak with him, perforce, that he, The stranger, may not think ungently of me.


I see she is in the right, and am inclined To grant her this request of hers. Go, call him.

[LADY NEUBRUNN _goes to call him_.]


But I, thy mother, will be present--


"Twere More pleasing to me, if alone I saw him; Trust me, I shall behave myself the more Collectedly.


Permit her own will.

Leave her alone with him: for there are sorrows Where of necessity the soul must be Its own support. A strong heart will rely On its own strength alone. In her own bosom, Not in her mother"s arms, must she collect The strength to rise superior to this blow.

It is mine own brave girl. I"ll have her treated Not as a woman, but the heroine. [_Going_.]

COUNTESS (_detaining him_).

Where art thou going? I heard Terzky say That "tis _thy_ purpose to depart from hence Tomorrow early, but to leave us here.


Yes, ye stay here, placed under the protection Of gallant men.


O take us with you, brother.

Leave us not in this gloomy solitude To brood o"er anxious thoughts. The mists of doubt Magnify evils to a shape of horror.


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