In the low valleys, too, the Alzeller Will gain confederates, and rouse the country.


But how shall we communicate, and not Awaken the suspicion of the tyrants?


Might we not meet at Brunnen or at Treib, Where merchant vessels with their cargoes come?


We must not go so openly to work.

Hear my opinion. On the lake"s left bank, As we sail hence to Brunnen, right against The Mytenstein, deep-hidden in the wood A meadow lies, by shepherds called the Rootli, Because the wood has been uprooted there.

"Tis where our Canton bound"ries verge on yours;--


Your boat will carry you across from Schwytz.


Thither by lonely by-paths let us wend At midnight, and deliberate o"er our plans.

Let each bring with him there ten trusty men, All one at heart with us; and then we may Consult together for the general weal, And, with G.o.d"s guidance, fix what next to do.


So let it be. And now your true right hand!

Yours, too, young man! and as we now three men Among ourselves thus knit our hands together In all sincerity and truth, e"en so Shall we three Cantons, too, together stand In victory and defeat, in life and death.


In life and death.

[_They hold their hands clasped together for some moments in silence_.]


Alas, my old blind father!

The day of freedom, that thou canst not see.

But thou shalt hear it, when from Alp to Alp The beacon fires throw up their flaming signs, And the proud castles of the tyrants fall, Into thy cottage shall the Switzer burst, Bear the glad tidings to thine ear, and o"er Thy darken"d way shall Freedom"s radiance pour.



_The Mansion of the_ BARON of ATTINGHAUSEN. _A Gothic Hall, decorated with escutcheons and helmets_. The BARON, _a gray-headed man, eighty-five years old, tall and of a commanding mien, clad in a furred pelisse, and leaning on a staff tipped with chamois horn_. KUONI _and six hinds standing round him with rakes and scythes_. ULRICH of RUDENZ _enters in the costume of a Knight_.


Uncle, I"m here! Your will?


First let me share, After the ancient custom of our house, The morning cup, with these my faithful servants!

[_He drinks from a cup, which is then pa.s.sed round_.]

Time was, I stood myself in field and wood, With mine own eyes directing all their toil, Even as my banner led them in the fight; Now I am only fit to play the steward: And, if the genial sun come not to me, I can no longer seek it on the hills.

Thus slowly, in an ever narrowing sphere, I move on to the narrowest and the last, Where all life"s pulses cease. I now am but The shadow of my former self, and that Is fading fast--"twill soon be but a name.

KUONI (_offering_ RUDENZ _the cup_).

A pledge, young master!

[RUDENZ _hesitates to take the cup_.]

Nay, Sir, drink it off.

One cup, one heart! You know our proverb, Sir?


Go, children, and at eve, when work is done, We"ll meet and talk the country"s business over.

[_Exeunt Servants_.]

Belted and plumed, and all thy bravery on!

Thou art for Altdorf--for the castle, boy?


Yes, uncle. Longer may I not delay--

ATTINGHAUSEN (_sitting down_).

Why in such haste? Say, are thy youthful hours Doled in such n.i.g.g.ard measure, that thou must Be chary of them to thy aged uncle?


I see my presence is not needed here; I am but as a stranger in this house.

ATTINGHAUSEN (_gazes fixedly at him for a considerable time_).

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