PRINCE (_beside himself_).

The Princess is--destined--


To be the future Empress of Austria.

[_He goes out into the_ QUEEN"S _room_.]

PRINCE (_alone_).

Empress! Queen! And I--I who love her to desperation, I am to help bring about either of these alliances? That will mean a tragedy or [_after a pause he continues more cheerfully_]--Courage--courage--it may turn out a comedy after all, as merry a comedy as ever was played at any Royal Court. [_He goes out_.]


GRUMBKOW _and_ SECKENDORF _come in with_ EVERSMANN. _The latter carries a wide orange-colored ribbon with many stars and Orders on it, and a gleaming sword_.


_The_ KING"S _room. A side door on the left; a centre door. A writing table and chairs_.


It was a dispatch, you say, Eversmann?


A dispatch from Hanover.


And all this elegance? The ribbon? The sword of state? What does it mean?


His Majesty ordered these immediately after the arrival of the dispatch.


A dispatch from Hanover--arrived about an hour ago--_grand cordon_ commanded--sword of state--we must put these facts together, Grumbkow--find their meaning.


There are to be twelve plates more at table today. [_Meaningfully_.]

Thirty-six thalers are set aside for the dinner--everybody to appear in full court dress.


A dispatch from Hanover-_grand cordon_--sword of state--twelve plates extra--thirty-six thalers--the combination, Grumbkow--we must find the combination!


When he had torn the seal from the dispatch, he wept two big tears and said: "I"ll make them all happy if I have to beat them to a jelly to do it." And now he"s all eagerness and would like to invite the whole city to dinner.


On thirty-six thalers?


The orphans in the asylum are to have new clothes.

GRUMBKOW (_startled_).

The orphans? That looks like a wedding.


Dispatch--Hanover--thirty-six thalers--two tears--beat them all--the meaning of that, Grumbkow?--we must put two and two together and find it.

EVERSMANN (_startled_).

He"s coming! The King!


_The_ KING _looks in from the side door_.


Good morning! Good morning! Hope you slept well, gentlemen. Well, you rascal, where"s that frippery? What"s this--the English orders are missing? Fasten it on well. I don"t want the fol-dols knocking about my knees.

EVERSMANN (_as if joking_).

Is there something so important on hand? Doesn"t Your Majesty want the crown also?


The crown! Idiot! [_He comes out_.] You can be glad that you don"t have to wear it, sirrah! Off with you now. Eversmann, and see that everything is in order. [EVERSMANN _goes out_.] Good morning, Grumbkow and Seckendorf. No time for you now--my compliments to the State of Prussia and I beg to be left to myself today. Good morning--good morning.

[_The two ministers prepare reluctantly to depart_.]

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