Heavens--play cards there? When every outline of my shadow can plainly be seen through that curtain?

QUEEN (_sitting_).

Why do you hesitate?


Have we Your Majesty"s permission to draw the tables nearer together?

There--there is so much air at this window.

[_The lackeys place the table farther from the window_.]


Yes, ladies, this evening a new era begins for our monarchy. I will break at last with the established etiquette. [_Lackeys come in with trays_.] Order what pleases you. The beverages of China and the Levant shall from now on no longer be strangers to our court.


What is this? Tea?


And coffee? These forbidden beverages?


If His Majesty the King--


Have no fear. Give your feelings full sway--express yourself without fear, in a.s.surance of perfect safety--[_There is a knock at the door, right_.] Was not that a knock?

VIERECK (_aside, trembling_).

What does this mean?

[_The knock is repeated. The ladies all rise as if frightened_.]


Be calm, ladies. There is no danger. The evening will offer one surprise after another. Who, do you imagine, is at that door now?

[_The knock is repeated. The ladies all rise as if frightened_.]


The hand seems none of the most delicate.


And yet it is. That knock expresses the impetuous longing of a being whom my courage has freed from a humiliating situation. You may resume your seats, ladies. Do not allow yourselves to be disturbed by anything that may occur, not even by any surprise. This is but the beginning of many things that will come to pa.s.s this evening. And so I cry--in overflowing emotion--[_There is another knock_.] "Moderate your impatience, beloved being; you shall find here what you seek--your mother!" [_She opens the door_.]


_The_ KING _steps in. He is wrapped in a white cloak, his hat pulled down over his face_.


Yes, your mother.

[_The ladies all rise with exclamations of horror. The_ KING _removes his hat_.]

QUEEN (_aside, crushed_).

The King!

KING (_angry, but forcing himself to be affable_).

On my word, how fine we are here, very fine indeed! And how nice it does look with so many lights burning. [_He blows out several_.] Why are you hiding yourselves, ladies? Did you expect such a visitor?


Your Majesty

[_The ladies place themselves so that they screen the table. They hide the cards quickly_.]


Do not let me disturb you, ladies. What is your particular entertainment this evening? Enjoying a cup of soup, Frau von Holzendorf? [_Comes nearer_.] Oho--the silver service? [_He looks into cups_.] What"s that?

Tea? Chocolate? Coffee?


Your Majesty will surely--permit us--to keep pace with our age.


Frau von Viereck, you, I imagine, have been keeping pace with your age long enough. About thirty years ago you"d give an old boy like myself a handshake occasionally.

[_Slyly he holds out his hand to her_.]

VIERECK (_tries to hide the cards behind her back_).

Your Majesty--such graciousness--

[_She holds out one hand_.]

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