

She acts very strangely!


A bold and saucy sea-gull Sweeps round, as if possessed--

CLARA. [_Reenters._]

The last thing is done! Father"s supper is on the fire! As I closed the kitchen door behind me, I thought to myself: You are never to enter there again! I shuddered in my very soul! Thus I shall go out of the room too, thus out of the house, thus out of the world!

CARL. [_Sings; he continues to walk back and forth; CLARA remains in the background._]

Aloft the sun is burning, The fishes, glancing, turning, Circle about their guest.


Why do I not do it then? Shall I never do it? Am I going to continue putting it off from day to day, as I am now doing from one minute to the next, until--certainly! Then, away! Away! And yet I stand still! I have a feeling as if imploring hands were raised in my womb, as if eyes--[_She sits down on a chair._] What does it mean? Am I too weak to do it? Then ask yourself if you are strong enough to see your father with his throat cut!--[_She rises._] No! No!--Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name--G.o.d! G.o.d! My poor head! I cannot even pray! Brother! Brother! Help me!


What"s the matter with you


The Lord"s Prayer!

[_She bethinks herself._]

It seemed to me as if I were already lying in the water and sinking, and had not yet prayed! I [_suddenly_]--Forgive us our trespa.s.ses, as we forgive those that trespa.s.s against us! That is it! Yes! Yes! Certainly I forgive him! I shall think no more of him!--Good night, Carl!


Are you going to bed so soon? Good night!

CLARA. [_Like a child, repeating the Lord"s Prayer._]

Forgive us--


You might bring me a gla.s.s of water first--but it must be absolutely fresh!

CLARA (_quickly_).

I will bring it to you from the well!


All right! If you want to. It is not far, you know.


Thank you! Thank you! That was the last thing that still troubled me!

The deed itself would have betrayed me! Now people will say: She had an accident! She fell in!


Be careful of yourself! The board has probably not been nailed down yet!


It is bright moonlight!--Oh, G.o.d, I am coming only because otherwise my father would come! Forgive me, as I--have mercy on me--mercy--[_Exit._]


CARL (_sings_).

I fain would be aboard her, My kingdom"s on the sea.

Yes, but first [_He looks at the clock._]--What time is it?--Nine o"clock.

A lad that"s young and growing Must e"en be up and going, No matter where, says he.


_Enter, Master ANTONY._


I should have an apology to make to you, but if I forgive you for contracting secret debts and pay them off for you into the bargain, you will probably allow me to omit the apology?


The one is good, the other is not necessary. As soon as I sell my Sunday clothes I shall myself be able to satisfy the people who have a claim of a few thalers against me. And that I shall do tomorrow, for as a sailor [_To himself_]--There, it is out! [_Aloud_]--I shall no longer need them!


What kind of talk is that again?


This is not the first time you have heard it, but today you may answer me as you will! My mind is made up!

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