That is what I call a fine-looking bride!


And she is not a beggar"s child either, Sir.

MoLLER (_politely_).

Who does not know that Mr. Wilkens is her mother"s uncle?


WILKENS (_flattered_).

Well, well!


And Mr. Wilkens need not be ashamed, I believe, of the firm of Stein and Son.

WILKENS (_calmly_).

By no means.

MoLLER (_with great enthusiasm_).

Sir! The firm of Stein and Son! I have served the firm twenty years.

That is my honor and my pride. For me the firm is wife and child!


I do not doubt it.


The foremost houses of Germany would consider it an honor to ally themselves in marriage with Stein and Son.

WILKENS. I am sure of it.

[_Turns to the bridal couple_.]

MoLLER (_angrily to himself_).

And that fellow parades his peasant"s pride, as if Stein and Son ought to esteem it a high honor to ally themselves with that forester"s goose.

His forty-five will be divided into three parts, and only after his death. The only daughter of Lohlein & Co. with her eighty! That were quite a different capital for our business; and cash down today! This mesalliance is unpardonable. But what can one do? One must [_A waltz is heard without_] dance off one"s vexation. May I have the honor, madam [_to_ SOPHY] on the lawn?

[_Bows with an old bachelor"s jauntiness_.]


I wonder whether I"ll get decent cards!


I guess we"ll have time for that?


Old Wilkens is not yet going to sit in a corner.

[_Fumbles in his pocket_.]

Wilkens must also contribute his dollar for the benefit of the musicians. I hope I have your permission, Mr. Bridegroom?

[MoLLER _leads out_ SOPHY; WILKENS _leads_ MARY; ROBERT _follows_.]



STEIN (_throwing down his cards_).

Have I a single trump?

FORESTER (_calling_).

Twenty in spades.

STEIN (_taking up his cards again; impatiently_).

Why not forty? Talking about spades reminds me--have you considered that matter about the clearing?

FORESTER. That fellow is a--

[_They continue to play_.]


What fellow?


The fellow who hatched that scheme.


Do you mean me?


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