MoLLER (_ashamed and very much embarra.s.sed, trying to keep him off_).

For heaven"s sake, what are you thinking of? If any one should see this!

Shame on you!

[_Making an effort to recover his dignity_.]

You have hatched a scheme with Ulrich"s Andrew, have you?



Scheme, scheme! I have had a talk with him, do you know? Because of yesterday, you know? and because of my grudge against his old man, you know? You know nothing, you know? When he hears it he"ll bite his white beard with rage, the old man will.


But what the deuce could you have put into Andrew"s head?


What? Nothing. You"ll learn it soon enough. Hey? Thirst, thirst--that is my wail, that is my chronic ill-health, my misery; that is the cause of my gout; that will kill me while I am still young. Where is Stein?


Now come along to my room and drink a cup of black coffee, so that you may recover your senses. Then I must go to the blast-furnace. I"ll take you along as far as the mill in the dell, and then you go the rest of the way to your home. One has to tie your hands, if you are not to drive away your good fortune.

G.o.dFREY (_while_ MoLLER _is leading him off_).

Where is he? Hey, there! Where is he? Stein!


_In the_ FORESTER"s _house_.

SOPHY _alone; then_ WEILER; _and, later, the_ FORESTER.

SOPHY (_closing the window_).

Robert hasn"t come back yet, nor the pastor.

WEILER (_entering through the centre door_).

Bless my soul, if he don"t come to grief! But who, in thunder, is really forester? I wonder whether the mistress has saved me anything? But, anyhow, I have no appet.i.te. Well!


I suppose it has become cold by this time.

[_Takes from the oven a plate with food, from the closet bread, etc., and puts it on the table to the left_.]


We shall all be cold some day.

[_Sits down to eat_.]

FORESTER (_has entered from the side_).

Have you found the trail of the stag from Lutzdorf again?


Stalking about. But that"s the way it goes. As soon as they are man and wife, master and servant--then love and friendship fly out of the window.


What do you mean by "stalking about?"


On his four legs he stood by the boundary forest in the oats, and was eating.




The stag from Lutzdorf.

FORESTER (_emphatically_).

A stag does not--eat; he browses.


All right!

SOPHY (_waiting on him_).

But what is your news?




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