I am to answer Yes or No? Indeed, it is not right in the ordinary sense, but--

FORESTER (_interrupts triumphantly_).

Then it is not right? And if it is not right, it must be wrong. And for this purpose the courts are there, that no wrong shall be done. No man shall make me doubt my good right. And I shall break friendship forever with him who says another word to me about yielding. Amen! If only a But were required to make wrong right, then I would rather live among the savages, then I would rather be the most miserable beast on G.o.d"s earth than a human being. Are you ready, boys?





Come then, boys. Everything else may go to the devil, sir. But right, sir, right must remain right!



_The Boundary Inn._


LINDENSCHMIED; HOST. _Enter_ MoLLER, _after him_ FREI.


Host, let me have a drink. [_Aside_.] I guess he will find his way home; G.o.dfrey will. From the mill in the Dell it is scarcely a quarter of an hour to his house.--Good evening.

FREI (_still without_).

Let"s take a drink while we are pa.s.sing.


I am going over to the duke"s estate. There they are having a jolly time.


G.o.d save us from that sort of jollity! Your health, Mr. Moller!


Fine company!


Will you not take a seat, Mr. Moller?


Thank you. I still have to go to the blast-furnace this evening; my men have gone ahead.

[_Aside, while putting the gla.s.s to his lips_.]

To the happy consummation of the marriage with Lohlein and Co!


Over yonder things are going topsy-turvy, and with us here the crisis will come today or tomorrow. The Hereditary Forester has already barricaded himself in his house.


Nonsense! He! He is conscientiousness personified!


One is conscientious as long as it pays. That man is a fool who remains so one hour longer. He or his people are going to shoot G.o.dfrey wherever they find him.

[_Makes a gesture_.]

And the Hereditary Forester does not waste many words. In that respect I know the old fellow with his white moustache.

LINDENSCHMIED (_laughing hoa.r.s.ely_).

Is that so?

FREI (_looks at him_).

Do you mean to say you are going to take G.o.dfrey"s part? Hey, Lindenschmied?

LINDENSCHMIED (_as before_).



Every child knows how much you love him!

LINDENSCHMIED (_with a gesture, as before_).

Ha! Ha!


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