I put it right here. The one with the yellow strap.


Only a moment ago I saw it standing there.


Did you take it up, perhaps?



I? I have not touched it. Good heavens! If Lindenschmied--you were resting, and I was just counting. What is to be done?


Nothing. I go without my gun. I have no time to get another one from home.


But unarmed--


Never mind! If that pain in my chest only does not become worse.

[_At the door_.]

I only hope I shall not be too late.

[_From without_.]

Good-night, host.

[_Exeunt both_.]


_In the Dell. Picturesque forest glen; in the background the brook right across the stage; on the other side rocks, along which a steep, narrow path runs parallel with the brook. Twilight._

_Enter_ ROBERT _with a gun on his shoulder_; KATHARINE.


How gruesome it is here! We have gone a long way from the mansion. Where are we now, Mr. Robert?


In the Dell, Katharine.


In the Dell? Where one is never safe? Where there are always poachers from across the Duchy"s frontier?

[_Looks about timidly_.]


Don"t be afraid, little one. We have a reliable companion with us--

[_Putting his hand on his gun_.]

Do you see over there?


Something glimmering like a white wall with dark shutters--


That is the forester"s house.


Really? Yes, thank heaven! Now I see the stag"s horns on the roof-tree outlined against the evening sky.


Here is the letter. But you must not carry it so openly in your hand.

Have you thought of some pretext, in case the old man should meet you?

KATHARINE (_bashful, and smiling with self-satisfaction_).

Oh, Mr. Robert, do you suppose a girl is so stupid? Don"t worry about that. My little sisters take knitting and sewing lessons from the young lady--so--

ROBERT (_folds the letter, which he was reading_).

Here it is, Katharine. But give that letter only into Mary"s or her mother"s hands; to no one else, neither to Andrew nor William. Only into her own or her mother"s hands.


But must I go all alone so far?


It is scarcely two gunshots. n.o.body must see me in the vicinity of the forester"s house. When you go home, you follow the road. Only in case you should not succeed in delivering the letter come back.


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