He--threatened--to shoot me--


It is not possible.


Was it Andrew, G.o.dfrey?





He is dying.


Take him up, men. And you, Mr. Stein--this here is a nest of murderers.

Come along. There are others about here lying in ambush. Just now we met Weiler with a gun--that vicious fellow. He was out spying, that"s clear.

It is a regular hunt. Come along! But, for heaven"s sake, why will you not--


Never mind! Go ahead.


But what do you intend to do? And your father--if I leave you alone in danger--if I do not bring you home with me! How will he ever believe me, that I tried to persuade you?


Why, you have witnesses here with you. When I say a thing I mean it--I am going to stay here.

[_Walks up and down in agitation_.]


Well, come along, men. You have heard it.

[_While going out_.]

Good heavens! How will it all end?

[_The men have lifted up the corpse; exeunt with_ MoLLER.]


ROBERT, _alone; then_ ANDREW; _finally_ LINDENSCHMIED.


Disgraceful! Disgraceful! Could it be possible that Andrew was capable of this kind of revenge? And I must believe it--I must! The dying man said it; he had threatened him with it--it was his gun--and all this is real--here the murdered man died--here is--with his blood he wrote it in the turf, so that I can have no doubt. And such men stand between me and my happiness? Take a firm stand, Robert; here everything is at stake.

You are dealing with men who are afraid of no crime. Who comes there? It is Andrew himself. [_Shouting to_ ANDREW, _who is not yet visible_.]

Come on! If you are looking for me, murderer! You shall not find me defenseless and unwary as G.o.dfrey--

ANDREW (_entering, pale and tottering_).



There they carry him. He has been murdered, and you have done it.

ANDREW (_angrily_).

I, Robert?


The murdered man recognized you and your gun--and your conscience betrays you.


Hear me--for G.o.d"s sake!

[LINDENSCHMIED _comes stealing along the rocky path in the background_.]


Flee, murderer! Every step carries you nearer the gallows! Here is the blood that accuses you, and you yourself carry the confession on your pale face. The fever that shakes you testifies against you.


May the fever rack your bones, shameless liar! The gun was stolen from me by Lindenschmied, who was on the lookout for G.o.dfrey. I hurried after him as soon as I learned it. I fell in a swoon--by sheer will-force I recovered from the swoon--and--


You say it is Lindenschmied who--


If you do not believe me, look there toward the rocky path--


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