Your offer did not exactly meet with the kindest reception. And yet, who knows whether, after all, he had not agreed to it, if unfortunately the affair with Andrew--


With Andrew? What affair?

[_Jumps up_.]

You don"t mean to say he has come to blows with Robert?



This time only with G.o.dfrey--

STEIN (_sits down again_).

You see I am trembling with impatience.


G.o.dfrey, intoxicated as usual, treated him like a prowling thief, had him whipped--

[STEIN _jumps up again_.]


Then it was no wonder that the old man would no longer listen to anything, and gave orders to treat as a poacher every one, except you, who enters the forest with a gun.

STEIN (_who has been walking up and down_).


[BASTIAN _appears at the door_.]

As soon as Moller comes the scoundrel shall be deposed, the brute shall be locked up--do you hear?


The bookkeeper?


G.o.dfrey--and Moller with him, if he--come, pastor.

[_Takes his hat and cane. Exit_ BASTIAN.]


You intend--


You ask?--I am going to the old man! I am going to brush away those caprices in spite of all Wilkens and Mollers!


That"s right! I am with you. [_Rises_.]

STEIN (_stops_).

Wait a moment, parson. Am I to have had that good idea in vain? Listen, what came into my mind a little while ago--as if straight from heaven!

Parson, what do you say if this very day I should transfer Dusterwalde to Robert as his own independent property? He could reinstate the old man with all honors, and n.o.body"s dignity would be hurt. I shall immediately draw up the deed of transfer. Go quickly to the forester"s house, parson.


With this message--


Before the old man, or the hotheaded boys, or all three, do something impetuous which--

[_Makes preparations for writing_.]


And tomorrow--


As if today had never been--


Mr. Stein comes as usual around the corner of the forester"s house and knocks at the window, and the white moustache inside grunts his "Immediately--"


And if you meet Robert--


I shall be the first one to congratulate the new proprietor of Dusterwalde.


And today you bring them all along--the old man, the boys, the mother and the bride. Then[_advances to the pastor at the door_], as a preliminary celebration we"ll crack a bottle of my oldest Johannisberger. But what is the matter out there? Who comes rushing up the stairs?

[_At the door_.] What has happened?

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