And all the way back I heard her walking behind me.


On your way back--



Whenever I walked, I heard her behind me; whenever I stood still, she also stood still, but I did not look around.

SOPHY (_relieved_).

You did not look around?


Why, I knew it was nothing. I have a feeling as though even now she were still standing behind me.

SOPHY (_wishes to divert him from the subject_).

Did you shoot anything? Is it outside?

FORESTER (_shuddering involuntarily_).



Before the door. What a strange look you give me! What is that on your clothes?

FORESTER (_turns away involuntarily_).

What is it?


A spot--


What you see--


Why will you not let me see it?


It is nothing.

[_Turns to the table at the right, takes down his gun_.]

Is the soup warm? My tongue is glued to the roof of my mouth.

SOPHY (_takes a plate and spoon from the closet, goes to the stove where she pours out the soup_).

If he should look into the room! What I ask, I ask only in anxiety to have him forget about Mary.

[_She puts the soup before the_ FORESTER _on the table to the right; listens_.]

Isn"t there a noise in the room?

[_Walks about the_ FORESTER"S _chair, so as to distract him_.]

Ulrich, don"t you think that Robert could still restore the old friendly relations?

[FORESTER _makes a movement_.]


Why do you start so?


Don"t wake up Mary! Wasn"t there some one at the window?


That is the old rose-bush outside, which is always nodding so anxiously and knocking at the window, as if it had to prevent a catastrophe, and n.o.body paid any attention to it.

[_Pause; aside_.]

It is so still. I must keep on talking, otherwise he can hear me breathing, and will notice my anxiety--and also that he may not hear Mary when she climbs in at the window.

[_Listening repeatedly_.]

The whole evening I have been thinking about it. Only yesterday Robert said to me--


Always Robert--

SOPHY (_has seated herself by his side_).

We were walking along the willows, where the pine-thicket is, under the rock, in the Dell--

FORESTER (_violently_).

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