I have judged him. As it is written there--"Eye for eye, tooth for tooth." I have judged him, because the courts no longer judge right.

They have two kinds of law, and here it is written: "Ye shall have one manner of law." I have not murdered him, I have executed judgment upon him. [_He walks up and down, then loses himself in thought at the place where he believes_ SOPHY _still to be, who totters to the chair_.] But I do not know whether it did happen--what has happened. My brain is so wild and confused--[_Recollects with difficulty_] but I suppose it really did happen--what has happened--and as it was about to happen--what has happened--I saw Mary before my eyes, as if she put herself in front of him and made a sign to me to stop, and cried: "It is"--well, you know who! It was a delusion; it was only in my imagination. After I have had wine, I always am in a state that I see things which do not exist. And if it should have been she--the bullet then was no longer under any control.


Almighty G.o.d!

[_She drags herself with difficulty into_ MARY"S _room_.]

FORESTER (_does not notice it and, staring before him, continues as if she were still standing beside him_).

It was not she. How could Mary have come there? It is nothing but the effect of the wine, that today I see her everywhere. But nevertheless I was frightened until I saw it had only been the smoke from the gun.

Everything was turning around before my eyes. But when the smoke had cleared away--that was only a moment--then I saw him--still standing as before, but only for a moment--then he collapsed--then had happened what did happen. Then I folded my hands over my gun, and said: "You have been judged according to your desert." And I prayed: "G.o.d have mercy on his poor soul." Then a swarm of owls flew up and screeched. That sounded as though they said Amen. Then I stood again erect on my feet. For G.o.d and Earth and Heaven and every creature demand justice.

[_He loses himself in a brown study_.]


_The_ FORESTER, _lost in thought, alone. Then_ STEIN _and the_ PASTOR, _at first only heard behind the scenes_.

STEIN (_still outside_).


FORESTER (_awaking, mechanically_).


STEIN (_as above_).

Do you hear?

FORESTER (_the connection of the events suddenly flashes upon him_).

It did happen!

[_Makes a movement as if to seize his gun; but controls himself_.]

No! Not an iota more than my right!

STEIN (_entering, the_ PASTOR _behind him_).

Where is your Andrew, Ulrich?


What do you want with my Andrew?


To demand my Robert from him.


Your Robert?--From my Andrew?--Look here!

[_Shows the m.u.f.fler_.]


For Heaven"s sake!--There is blood on the m.u.f.fler!


What is that?


That is my Andrew"s blood, and your Robert spilled it. And you sent your Moller for the soldiers! And you made me a scoundrel before the world--with your two kinds of right--so that you may twist it as you like! But here--[_striking his breast_] there still is a right! That neither you nor your lawyers can twist.



ANDREW (_outside, in a low voice_).



Who calls?


Is not that Andrew"s voice?

FORESTER (_continuing_).

Here it is written: "Ye shall have one manner of law." And the law has judged you. "And he that killeth any man he--"



FORESTER (_trembling, staring at the door, with smothered voice, mechanically_).

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