I hear they are. I, too, received a card.

BOLZ (_to himself_).

Has it come to this? Poor Oldendorf!--And Adelaide at the club fete of Mr. von Senden!

KORB (_to himself_).

How am I going to begin and find out about his love-affairs?

(_Aloud._) Oh, see here, Mr. Conrad, one thing more! Have you possibly some real good friend in this concern to whom you could introduce me?


Why, old chap?


It is only--I am a stranger here, and often have commissions and errands where I need advice. I should like to have some one to consult should you chance to be away, or with whom I could leave word for you.


You will find me here at almost any time of day. [_At the door._]

Bellmaus! [_Enter_ BELLMAUS.] You see this gentleman here. He is an honored old friend of mine from my native village. Should he happen not to find me here, you take my place.--This gentleman"s name is Bellmaus, and he is a good fellow.


I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Bellmaus.


And I to make yours. You have not told me his name yet.


Korb. He has had a great deal to carry in his life, and has often carried me on his back, too.


I too am pleased, Mr. Korb. [_They shake hands._]


Well, that is in order, and now I must go or Miss Adelaide will be waiting.


Good-by! Hope to see you very soon again.

[_Exit_ KORB; _exit_ BELLMAUS _through door on the right._]

BOLZ (_alone_).

So this Senden is courting her! Oh, that is bitter!

_Enter_ HENNING, _followed by_ MILLER.

HENNING (_in his dressing-gown, hurriedly, with a printed roll in his hand_).

Your servant, Mr. Bolz! Is "opponent" spelt with one p or with two p"s? The new proofreader has corrected it one p.

BOLZ (_deep in his thoughts_).

Estimable Mr. Henning, the _Union_ prints it with two p"s.


I said so at once. [_To_ MILLER.] It must be changed; the press is waiting.

[_Exit_ MILLER _hastily._]

I took occasion to read the leading article. Doubtless you wrote it yourself. It is very good, but too sharp, Mr. Bolz. Pepper and mustard--that will give offense; it will cause bad blood.

BOLZ (_still deep in his thoughts, violently_).

I always did have an antipathy to this man!

[Ill.u.s.tration: _Permission Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart_. NATURE ENTHUSIASTS. ADOLPH VON MENZEL]

HENNING (_hurt_).

How? What? Mr. Bolz? You have an antipathy to me?


To whom? No, dear Mr. Henning, you are a good fellow and would be the best newspaper owner in the world, if only you were not often as frightened as a hare. [_Embraces him._] My regards to Mrs. Henning, sir, and leave me alone. I am thinking up my next article.

HENNING (_while he is being thrust out_).

But do, please, write very moderately and kindly, dear Mr. Bolz.

BOLZ (_alone, walking to and fro again_).

Senden avoids me whenever he can. He stands things from me that any one else would strongly resent. Is it possible that he suspects--

_Enter_ MILLER.

MILLER (_hurriedly_).

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