[_His eyes glance on_ THEKLA.]

What other angel seek I? To this heart, To this unerring heart, will I submit it; Will ask thy love, which has the power to bless The happy man alone, averted ever From the disquieted and guilty--_canst_ thou Still love me, if I stay? Say that thou canst, And I am the Duke"s--


Think, niece--


Think, nothing, Thekla!

Speak what thou _feelest_.


Think upon your father.


I did not question thee, as Friedland"s daughter.

Thee, the beloved and the unerring G.o.d Within thy heart, I question. What"s at stake?

Not whether diadem of royalty Be to be won or not--that mightst thou _think_ on.

Thy friend, and his soul"s quiet, are at stake: The fortune of a thousand gallant men, Who will all follow me; shall I forswear My oath and duty to the Emperor?

Say, shall I send into Octavio"s camp The parricidal ball? For when the ball Has left its cannon, and is on its flight, It is no longer a dead instrument!

It lives, a spirit pa.s.ses into it, The avenging furies seize possession of it, And with sure malice guide it the worst way.


O! Max--

MAX (_interrupting her_).

Nay, not precipitately either, Thekla, I understand thee. To thy n.o.ble heart The hardest duty might appear the highest.

The human, not the great part, would I act Even from my childhood to this present hour.

Think what the Duke has done--for me, how loved me And think, too, how my father has repaid him.

O likewise the free lovely impulses Of hospitality, the pious friend"s Faithful attachment, these, too, are a holy Religion to the heart; and heavily The shudderings of nature do avenge Themselves on the barbarian that insults them.

Lay all upon the balance, all--then speak, And let thy heart decide it.


O, thy own Hath long ago decided. Follow thou Thy heart"s first feeling--


Oh! ill-fated woman.


Is it possible that that can be the right, The which thy tender heart did not at first Detect and seize with instant impulse? Go, Fulfil thy duty! I should ever love thee What"er thou hadst chosen, thou wouldst still have acted n.o.bly and worthy of thee--but repentance Shall ne"er disturb thy soul"s fair peace.


Then I Must leave thee, must part from thee!


Being faithful To thine own self, thou art faithful, too, to me; If our fates part, our hearts remain united.

A b.l.o.o.d.y hatred will divide forever The houses Piccolomini and Friedland; But we belong not to our houses. Go!

Quick! quick! and separate thy righteous cause From our unholy and unblessed one!

The curse of Heaven lies upon our head: "Tis dedicate to ruin. Even me My father"s guilt drags with it to perdition.

Mourn not for me: My destiny will quickly be decided.

[MAX _clasps her in his arms in extreme emotion. There is heard from behind the scenes a loud, wild, long continued cry_, Vivat Ferdinandus! _accompanied by warlike instruments_. MAX _and_ THEKLA _remain without motion in each other"s embraces_.]


_To the above enter_ TERZKY

COUNTESS (_meeting him_).

What meant that cry? What was it?


All is lost!


What! they regarded not his countenance?


"Twas all in vain.


They shouted Vivat!--


To the Emperor.


The traitors!


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