MARSHAL (_continuing_).

Takes station in the plain near Hackelwitz Facing the right wing of the enemy Well out of range of the artillery fire.

GOLZ (_writing_). Well out of range of the artillery fire.

[_The_ ELECTRESS _ties a scarf about the_ PRINCESS" _throat. The_ PRINCESS, _about to draw on a glove, looks around as if she were in search of something._]

ELECTOR (_approaches her_).

Dear little girl of mine, what have you lost?

ELECTRESS. What are you searching for?

NATALIE. Why, Auntie dear, My glove! I can"t imagine--

[_They all look about._]

ELECTOR (_to the ladies-in-waiting_). Would you mind?--

ELECTRESS (_to the_ PRINCESS). It"s in your hand.

NATALIE. The right glove; but the left?

ELECTOR. You may have left it in your bedroom.

NATALIE. Oh, Bork, if you will?

ELECTOR _(to the lady-in-waiting)_. Quick, quick!

NATALIE. Look on the mantel.

[_The lady-in-waiting goes out.-]

THE PRINCE _(aside)_.

Lord of my life? Could I have heard aright?

[_He draws the glove from his collar._]

MARSHAL _(looking down at the paper which he holds in his hand)_.

Well out of range of the artillery fire.


The Prince"s Highness--

THE PRINCE _(regarding now the glove, now the PRINCESS)_.

It"s this glove she"s seeking--

MARSHAL. At our lord sovereign"s express command--

GOLZ _(writing)_. At our lord sovereign"s express command--

MARSHAL. Whichever way the tide of battle turn Shall budge not from his designated place.

THE PRINCE. Quick! Now I"ll know in truth if it be hers.

_[He lets the glove fall, together with his handkerchief; then recovers the handkerchief but leaves the glove lying where everybody can see it.]_

MARSHAL _(piqued)_. What is His Highness up to?

HOHENZOLLERN _(aside)_. Arthur!


HOHENZOLL. Faith, you"re possessed!

THE PRINCE. My Marshal, to command!

_[He takes up pen and tablet once more. The_ MARSHAL _regards him an instant, questioningly. Pause.]_

GOLZ _(reading, after he has finished writing)_.

Shall budge not from his designated place.

MARSHAL (continues).

Until, hard pressed by Hennings and by Truchsz--

THE PRINCE (looking over GOLZ"s shoulder).

Who, my dear Golz? What? I?

GOLZ. Why, yes. Who else

THE PRINCE. I shall not budge--

GOLZ. That"s it.

MARSHAL. Well, have you got it

THE PRINCE (aloud).

Shall budge not from my designated place.

[He writes.]

MARSHAL. Until, hard pressed by Hennings and by Truchsz-- [He pauses.]

The left wing of the enemy, dissolved, Plunges upon its right, and wavering The ma.s.sed battalions crowd into the plain, Where, in the marsh, criss-crossed by ditch on ditch, The plan intends that they be wholly crushed.

ELECTOR. Lights, pages! Come, my dear, your arm, and yours.

[He starts to go out with the ELECTRESS and the PRINCESS.]

MARSHAL. Then he shall let the trumpets sound the charge.

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