THE PRINCE. Oh, Natalie, my dearest!

[_Greatly moved, he presses her hand to his heart._]

NATALIE. Then it is true?

THE PRINCE. Could I but answer No!

Could I but pour my loyal heart"s blood out To call his loyal heart back into life!

NATALIE (_drying her tears_).

Where is his body? Have they found it yet?

THE PRINCE. Until this hour, alas, my labor was Vengeance on Wrangle only; how could I Then dedicate myself to such a task?

A horde of men, however, I sent forth To seek him on the battle-plains of death.

Ere night I do not doubt that he will come.

NATALIE. Who now will lead us in this terrible war And keep these Swedes in subjugation? Who Shield us against this world of enemies His fortune won for us, his high renown?

THE PRINCE (_taking her hand_).

I, lady, take upon myself your cause!

Before the desolate footsteps of your throne I shall stand guard, an angel with a sword!

The Elector hoped, before the year turned tide, To see the Marches free. So be it! I Executor will be of that last will.

NATALIE. My cousin, dearest cousin!

[_She withdraws her hand._]

THE PRINCE. Natalie!

[_A moment"s pause._]

What holds the future now in store for you?

NATALIE. After this thunderbolt which cleaves the ground Beneath my very feet, what can I do?

My father and my precious mother rest Entombed at Amsterdam; in dust and ashes Dordrecht, my heritage ancestral lies.

Pressed hard by the tyrannic hosts of Spain Maurice, my kin of Orange, scarcely knows How he shall shelter his own flesh and blood.

And now the last support that held my fate"s Frail vine upright falls from me to the earth.

Oh, I am orphaned now a second time!

THE PRINCE (_throwing his arm about her waist_).

Oh, friend, sweet friend, were this dark hour not given To grief, to be its own, thus would I speak Oh, twine your branches here about this breast, Which, blossoming long years in solitude, Yearns for the wondrous fragrance of your bells.

NATALIE. My dear, good cousin!

THE PRINCE. Will you, will you?

NATALIE. Ah, If I might grow into its very marrow!

[_She lays her head upon his breast._]

THE PRINCE. What did you say

NATALIE. Go now!

THE PRINCE (_holding her_). Into its kernel!

Into the heart"s deep kernel, Natalie!

[_He kisses her. She tears herself away.]

Dear G.o.d, were he for whom we grieve but here To look upon this union! Could we lift To him our plea: Father, thy benison!

[_He hides his face in his hands;_ NATALIE _turns again to the_ ELECTRESS.]


_A sergeant enters in haste. The others as before._

SERGEANT. By the Almighty G.o.d, my Prince, I scarce Dare bring to you the rumor that"s abroad!-- The Elector lives!

THE PRINCE. He lives!

SERGEANT. By heaven above!

Count Sparren brought the joyful news but now!

NATALIE. Lord of my days! Oh, mother, did you hear?

[_She falls down at the feet of the ELECTRESS and embraces her._]

THE PRINCE. But say! Who brings the news

SERGEANT. Count George of Sparren, Who saw him, hale and sound, with his own eyes At Hackelwitz amid the Truchszian corps.

THE PRINCE. Quick! Run, old man! And bring him in to me!

[_The_ SERGEANT _goes out._]


COUNT SPARREN _and the Sergeant enter. The others as before._

ELECTRESS. Oh, do not cast me twice down the abyss!

NATALIE. No, precious mother mine!

ELECTRESS. And Frederick lives?

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