[_He sits down and seizes a pen._]

NATALIE (_turning away with a sob_).

Write, if you do not want to make me cross.

[_The_ PRINCE _rings for a lackey, who enters._]

THE PRINCE. Bring pen and paper, seal and sealing-wax.

[_The lackey, having collected these and given them to the_ PRINCE, _goes out. The_ PRINCE _writes. Pause, during which he tears the letter he has begun in two and throws the pieces under the table_.]

A silly opening!

[_He takes another sheet_.]

NATALIE (_picking up the letter_). What did you say?

Good heavens! Why, it"s right, it"s excellent.

THE PRINCE (_under his breath_).

Bah! That"s a blackguard"s wording, not a Prince"s.

I"ll try to put it in some other way.

[_Pause. He clutches at the_ ELECTOR"S _letter which the_ PRINCESS _holds in her hand._]

What is it, anyway, his letter says?

NATALIE (_keeping it from him_).

Nothing at all!

THE PRINCE. Give it to me!

NATALIE. You read it!

THE PRINCE (_s.n.a.t.c.hes it from her_).

What if I did? I only want to see How I"m to phrase my answer.

NATALIE (_to herself_). G.o.d of earth!

Now all is done with him!

THE PRINCE (_surprised_). Why, look at this!

As I"m alive, most curious! You must Have overlooked the pa.s.sage.

NATALIE. Why! Which one?

THE PRINCE. He calls on me to judge the case myself!

NATALIE. Well, what of that?

THE PRINCE. Gallant, i" faith, and fine!

Exactly what a n.o.ble soul would say!

NATALIE. His magnanimity is limitless!

But you, too, friend, do _your_ part now, and write, As he desires. All that is needed now Is but the pretext, but the outer form.

As soon as those two words are in his hands, Presto, the quarrel"s at an end.

THE PRINCE (_putting the letter away_). No, dear!

I want to think it over till tomorrow.

NATALIE. Incomprehensible! Oh, what a change!

But why, but why?

THE PRINCE (_rising in pa.s.sionate excitement_).

I beg you, ask me not!

You did not ponder what the letter said.

That he did me a wrong--and that"s the crux-- I cannot tell him that. And if you force me To give him answer in my present mood, By G.o.d, it"s this I"ll tell him--"You did right!"

[_He sinks down beside the table, again with folded arms, and stares at the letter._]

NATALIE (_pale_).

You imbecile, you! What a thing to say!

[_She bends over him, deeply stirred_.]

THE PRINCE (_pressing her hand_).

Come, just a second now! I think--

[_He ponders_.]

NATALIE. What is it?

THE PRINCE. I"ll know soon now what I shall write to him.

NATALIE (_painfully_).


THE PRINCE (_taking up his pen_) Yes, dear. What is it?

NATALIE. Sweetest friend!

I prize the impulse that upstirred your heart; But this I swear to you: the regiment Has been detailed, whose muskets are to sound At dawn the reconciling burial rite Above the grave where your dead body lies.

If you cannot resist the law"s decree, Nor, n.o.ble as you are, do what he asks Here in this letter to repeal it, then I do a.s.sure you he will loftily Accept the situation, and fulfil The sentence on the morrow ruthlessly.

THE PRINCE (_writing_).

No matter!

NATALIE. What? No matter?

THE PRINCE. Let him do What his soul bids. I must do what I must.

NATALIE (_approaching him frightened_).

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