MEDEA (_stepping forward with the children_).

Medea! Here am I.

KING. Is "t she?

JASON (_dully_).

It is.


CREUSA (_pressing close to her father_).

O, horror!


Thou"rt wrong. I never slew my sire.

My brother died, "tis true; but ask my lord If "twas my doing.

[_She points to _JASON.]

True it is, fair maid, That I am skilled to mix such magic potions As shall bring death or healing, as I will.

And many a secret else I know. Yet, see!

I am no monster, no, nor murderess.

CREUSA. Oh, dreadful, horrible.

KING. And is she thy--wife?

JASON. My wife.

KING. Those children there?

JASON. They are mine own.

KING. Unhappy man!

JASON. Yea, sooth!--Come, children, bring Those green boughs in your hands, and reach them out To our lord the King, and pray him for his help,

[_He leads them up by the hand._]

Behold, my lord, these babes. Thou canst not spurn them!

ONE CHILD (_holding out a bough timidly to the _KING).

See, here it is.

KING (_laying his hands gently on the children"s heads_).

Poor tiny birdlings, s.n.a.t.c.hed from out your nest!

CREUSA (_kneeling compa.s.sionately beside the children_).

Come here to me, poor, homeless, little orphans!

So young, and yet misfortune bows you down So soon! So young, and oh! so innocent!-- And look, how this one has his father"s mien!

[_She kisses the smaller boy._]

Stay here with me. I"ll be your mother, sister.

MEDEA (_with sudden fierceness_).

They are not orphans, do not need thy tears Of pity! For Prince Jason is their father; And while Medea lives, they have no need To seek a mother!

(_To the children._)

Come to me-come here.

CREUSA (_glancing at her father_).

Shall I let them go?

KING. She is their mother.

CREUSA. Run To mother, children.

MEDEA (to children).

Come! Why stand ye there And wait?

CREUSA (_to the children, who are clasping her about the neck_).

Your mother calls, my little ones.

Run to her quick!

[_The children go to_ MEDEA.]

JASON (_to the_ KING).

My lord, what is thy will?

KING. Thou hast my promise.

JASON. Thou wilt keep me safe?

KING. I have said it.

JASON. Me and mine thou wilt receive?

KING. Nay, _thee_ I said, not _thine_.--Now follow on, First to the altar, to our palace then.

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