But, Your Majesty, I haven"t asked any questions yet.


I"ll have you asking questions! Now what are you laughing at, sirrah?

Heh? Fetch me my dressing gown until you have found the uniform.

[EVERSMANN _turns to go_.] Hey, there! Why did you laugh just now?


Because I know--that before I have brought Your Majesty your hat Your Majesty will have told me all about it.

KING (_threatening him with his cane_).

You rascal--how dare you?

EVERSMANN (_retiring toward the door_).

Your Majesty can"t keep a secret. There is only one thing Your Majesty can hold fast to, and that is--_your money_! Ha! ha! I"ll fetch the dressing-gown. [_He goes out_.]


KING (_sitting in his shirt-sleeves_).

He"s right. It burns my heart out. But they shan"t know. Not any of them--they shan"t. They"ve spoiled my pet plans before now. I"ll play a different game, this time, and I"ll send _all_ the camels through the needle"s eye at once. They think I"m on the side of Austria. But no--ha!

ha! England"s own offer, brought by the Hanoverian courier, was a great surprise to me--he! he! England is my wife"s idea--therefore I am for England, too--and soon we"ll have the wedding and the christening, ha!


[_A lackey comes in, announces_.]


His Highness the Prince Hereditary of Baireuth.


Pleased to receive him.

[_The lackey goes out and the_ PRINCE _comes in_.]

PRINCE (_aside_).

Are these old crosspatch"s apartments? [_To the_ KING.] That"s the King"s study in there, isn"t it?


Yes--at your service.


Go in and announce me. I"m the Prince of Baireuth.

KING (_surprised, aside_).

What does he take me for?


What fashion is this? Are you in the King"s service? Is this the style in which to receive guests to whom His Majesty has promised an audience?


Then Your Highness--wishes to speak to--to the King of Prussia?


You heard me say so, did you not? Announce me.


At once, Your Highness. [_Turns to go_.]


Is this the way to go into your master"s presence? In your shirt-sleeves?


I"m--I"m on a very confidential footing with the King. [_He goes out_.]

PRINCE (_alone_).

This is a strange Royal Household indeed! The servants stand about the anterooms in their shirt-sleeves--doubtless from motives of economy to save their liveries. Well, the great hour has arrived--the die will fall. Wilhelmine--she--she alone I love--and she is to consent to unite herself to the painted picture of a Prince of Wales--the colored silhouette of an Austrian Arch-Duke whom she has never seen! Ah, no, my fate rests on the Genius of Love--on chance, which may be even kinder to me than I expect. Her parents are of divided minds--thereby do I gain time to win Wilhelmine"s heart--for myself. The King is coming. Now I can listen to his favorable opinions regarding--Austria.


_The_ KING _comes in, in dress uniform, with the grand cordon_.

PRINCE (_looking at him_).

Is that not--


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