Ough! ough! ough! ough!

Accursed brute! accursed sow!

The caldron dost neglect, for shame!

Accursed brute to scorch the dame!

(_Perceiving_ FAUST _and_ MEPHISTOPHELES._)

Whom have we here?

Who"s sneaking here?

Whence are ye come?

With what desire?

The plague of fire Your bones consume!

[_She dips the skimming-ladle into the caldron and throws flames at_ FAUST, MEPHISTOPHELES, _and the_ MONKEYS.

_The_ MONKEYS _whimper._]

MEPHISTOPHELES (_twirling the whisk which he holds in his hand, and striking among the and pots_)

Dash! Smash!

There lies the gla.s.s!

There lies the slime!

"Tis but a jest; I but keep time, Thou h.e.l.lish pest, To thine own chime!

[_While the_ WITCH _steps back in rage and astonishment_.]

Dost know me! Skeleton! Vile scarecrow, thou!

Thy lord and master dost thou know?

What holds me, that I deal not now Thee and thine apes a stunning blow?

No more respect to my red vest dost pay?

Does my c.o.c.k"s feather no allegiance claim?

Have I my visage masked today?

Must I be forced myself to name?


Master, forgive this rude salute!

But I perceive no cloven foot.

And your two ravens, where are they?


This once I must admit your plea;-- For truly I must own that we Each other have not seen for many a day.

The culture, too, that shapes the world, at last Hath e"en the devil in its sphere embraced; The northern phantom from the scene hath pa.s.s"d; Tail, talons, horns, are nowhere to be traced!

As for the foot, with which I can"t dispense, "Twould injure me in company, and hence, Like many a youthful cavalier, False calves I now have worn for many a year.

THE WITCH (_dancing_)

I am beside myself with joy, To see once more the gallant Satan here!


Woman, no more that name employ!


But why? what mischief hath it done?


To fable-books it now doth appertain; But people from the change have nothing won.

Rid of the evil one, the evil ones remain.

Lord Baron call thou me, so is the matter good; Of other cavaliers the mien I wear.

Dost make no question of my gentle blood; See here, this is the scutcheon that I bear!

[_He makes an unseemly gesture._]

THE WITCH (_laughing immoderately_)

Ha! Ha! Just like yourself! You are, I ween, The same mad wag that you have ever been!


My friend, learn this to understand, I pray!

To deal with witches this is still the way.


Now tell me, gentlemen, what you desire?


Of your known juice a goblet we require.

But for the very oldest let me ask; Double its strength with years doth grow.


Most willingly! And here I have a flask, From which I"ve sipp"d myself ere now; What"s more, it doth no longer stink; To you a gla.s.s I joyfully will give.


If unprepar"d, however, this man drink, He hath not, as you know, an hour to live.


He"s my good friend, with whom "twill prosper well; I grudge him not the choicest of thy store.

Now draw thy circle, speak thy spell, And straight a b.u.mper for him pour!

[_The_ WITCH, _with extraordinary gestures, describes a circle, and places strange things within it. The meanwhile begin to ring, and the caldron to sound and make music. Lastly, she brings a great book; places the_ MONKEYS _in the circle to serve her as a desk, and to hold the torches. She beckons_ FAUST _to approach._]

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