No further, Ulrich. Let me show you words of life, words of humanity: ""As I live," saith the Lord G.o.d, "I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live.""

FORESTER (_who keeps a firm hold of the Bible, and breaks away from the_ PASTOR, _almost simultaneously_).

Leave me alone, you inhuman creatures, with your humanity!

[_He continues reading. With every word his manner becomes more calm and certain, the sound of his voice stronger_.]


"And he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death."

[_Lays down the Bible_.]


Does he find solace in these words?


Let him have such comfort as consoles him.

FORESTER (_takes up the Bible again; his manner a.s.sumes an expression of joyousness_).

That is certainty, that is promise, that convinces me--no But and no If.

"And he that killeth a man shall surely be put to death." That means: Then it is expiated, then it is wiped out, and he is pure once more.

[_Puts on his hat and b.u.t.tons his coat_.]

I am going before the magistrate.

[_About to go_.]


And you think they are going to put you to death?

[FORESTER _stops and turns around_.]


People more guilty than you have been pardoned.


Pardoned to be imprisoned--hey? Like Leutner? He--Indeed, they don"t judge right in those courts, not as it is written here. I know very well--but--never mind!--All right!--

[_Takes his gun_.]


What do you intend to do?


Nothing, I must take along the rifle with which the deed was done. O, they are particular about that! Farewell, Andrew, William. Take good care of your mother.

[_Shakes hands with everybody_.]

Stein, Pastor, Robert, Sophy--she has fainted. G.o.d will soon let her come after me. Bury my child. Have the bells ring; lay her bridal wreath upon her coffin. O, I am an old woman! When we meet again I shall be a murderer no longer.

[_Makes with his hand a sign of farewell_.]


You want--

FORESTER (_turns around at the door_).

My sight--and then--[_Points upward to heaven_.]--to meet my child.

[_Exit. Short pause, during which the others look after him with surprise and emotion_.]

STEIN (_seized with a sudden apprehension_).

If the other barrel is still loaded--quick--after him--

[_Outside the door a shot is heard_.]

Too late! I suspected it!

ANDREW, WILLIAM (_rushing out_).


ROBERT (_in the open door, rooted to the spot through horror and pain at what he sees_).

He has his right!

STEIN (_also at the door_).

A second time his own judge!

PASTOR (_stepping to the others_).

May G.o.d do unto him according to his faith.


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