BOLZ (_drawing_ OLDENDORF _to the front_).

And you are no longer vexed with us?


Your intention was good, but it was a great indiscretion.


Forget all about it! (_Aloud_.) Here, take your gla.s.s and sit down with us. Don"t be proud, young statesman! Today you are one of us.

Well, here sits the editorial staff! Where is worthy Mr.

Henning--where tarries our owner, printer and publisher, Gabriel Henning?


I met him a little while ago on the stairs. He crept by me as shyly as though he were some one who had been up to mischief.


Probably he feels as Oldendorf does--he is again not pleased with the att.i.tude of the paper.

MILLER (_thrusting in his head_).

The papers and the mail!


Over there! [MILLER _enters, lays the papers on the work-table._]


Here is the _Coriola.n.u.s_. There is something in it about our paper.

The errand-boy of the _Coriola.n.u.s_ grinned at me scornfully, and recommended me to look over the article.


Give it here! Be quiet, Romans, _Coriola.n.u.s_ speaks.--All ye devils, what does that mean? [_Reads_.] "On the best of authority we have just been informed that a great change is imminent in the newspaper affairs of our province. Our opponent, the _Union_, will cease to direct her wild attacks against all that is high and holy."--This high and holy means Blumenberg.--"The ownership is said to have gone over into other hands, and there is a sure prospect that we shall be able from now on to greet as an ally this widely read sheet." How does that taste to you, gentlemen?

MILLER} Thunder! KaMPE.}_(All together_.) Nonsense! BELLMAUS.} It"s a lie!


It"s another of Blumenberg"s reckless inventions.


There is something behind it all. Go and get me Gabriel Henning.

[_Exit_ MILLER.] This owner has played the traitor; we have been poisoned. [_Springing up._] And this is the feast of the Borgia!

Presently the _misericordia_ will enter and sing our dirge. Do me the favor at least to eat up the oysters before it be too late.

OLDENDORF (_who has seized the newspaper_.)

Evidently this news is only an uncertain rumor. Henning will tell us there is no truth in it. Stop seeing ghosts, and sit down with us.

BOLZ (_seating himself_).

I sit down, not because I put faith in your words, but because I don"t wish to do injustice to the lunch. Get hold of Henning; he must give an account of himself.


But, as you heard, he is not at home.

BOLZ (_zealously eating_).

Oh, thou wilt have a fearful awakening, little Orsini! Bellmaus, pour me out some wine. But if the story be not true, if this _Coriola.n.u.s_ have lied, by the purple in this gla.s.s be it sworn I will be his murderer! The grimmest revenge that ever an injured journalist took shall fall on his head; he shall bleed to death from pin-p.r.i.c.ks; every poodle in the street shall look on him scornfully and say: "Fie, _Coriola.n.u.s_, I wouldn"t take a bite at you even if you were a sausage." [_A knock is heard_. BOLZ _lays down his knife.] Memento mori_! There are our grave-diggers. The last oyster, now, and then farewell thou lovely world!

_Enter_ JUDGE SCHWARZ _and_ SENDEN _from the door on the left; the door remains open_.


Obedient servant, gentlemen!


Your pardon if we disturb you.

BOLZ (_remaining seated at the table_).

Not in the least. This is our regular luncheon, contracted for a whole year--fifty oysters and two bottles daily for each member of the staff. Whoever buys the newspaper has to furnish it.


What brings us here, Professor, is a communication which Mr. Henning should have been the first to make to you. He preferred handing over the task to me.


I await your communication.


Mr. Henning has, from yesterday on, transferred to me by sale all rights pertaining to him as owner of the newspaper _Union_.


To you, Judge?


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