The Ghost Brigades

Chapter 9

"h.e.l.lo, Administrator," Sagan said. "You"re learning our language."

"Yes," Cainen said. "I have time to learn, and little to do." Cainen pointed to a book, written in Ckann, the predominant Rraey language, nestled next to a PDA. "Only two books here in Ckann. I had choice of language book or religion book. I chose language. Human religion is..."-Cainen searched his small store of English words-"...harder."

Sagan nodded toward the PDA. "Now that you have a computer, you should have more reading options."

"Yes," Cainen said. "Thank you for getting that to me. It makes me happy."

"You"re welcome," Sagan said. "But the computer comes with a price."

"I know," Cainen said. "I have read files you asked me to read."

"And?" Sagan said.

"I must change to Ckann," Cainen said. "My English does not have many words."

"All right," Sagan said.

"I"ve looked at the files concerning Private Dirac in depth," Cainen said, in the harsh but rapid consonants of the Ckann language. "Charles Boutin was a genius for finding a way to preserve the consciousness wave outside of the brain. And you people are idiots idiots for how you tried to stuff that consciousness back in." for how you tried to stuff that consciousness back in."

"Idiots," Sagan said, and cracked the smallest of smiles, the translation of the word in Ckann coming from a small speaker attached to a lanyard around her neck. "Is that your professional a.s.sessment, or just an editorial comment?"

"It"s both," Cainen said.

"Tell me why," Sagan said. Cainen moved to send files from his PDA to her, but Sagan held up her hand. "I don"t need the technical details," she said. "I just want to know if this Dirac is going to be a danger to my troops and my mission."

"All right," Cainen said, and paused for a moment. "The brain, even a human one, is like a computer. It"s not a perfect a.n.a.logy, but it works for what I"m going to tell you. Computers have three components for their operation: There"s the hardware, there"s the software, and there"s the data file. The software runs on the hardware, and the file runs on the software. The hardware can"t open the file without the software. If you place a file on a computer that lacks the necessary software, all it can do is sit there. Do you understand me?"

"So far," Sagan said.

"Good," Cainen said. He reached over and tapped Sagan on the head; she suppressed an urge to snap off his finger. "Follow: The brain is the hardware. The consciousness is the file. But with your friend Dirac, you"re missing the software."

"What"s the software?" Sagan asked.

"Memory," Cainen said. "Experience. Sensory activity. When you put Boutin"s consciousness into his brain, that brain lacked the experience to make any sense of it. If that consciousness is still in Dirac"s brain-if-it"s isolated and there"s no way to access it."

"Newborn Special Forces soldiers are conscious from the moment they are woken up," Sagan said. "But we also lack experience and memory."

"That"s not consciousness consciousness they"re experiencing," Cainen said, and Sagan could sense the disgust in his voice. "Your d.a.m.ned BrainPal forces open sensory channels artificially and offers the illusion of consciousness, and your brain knows it." Cainen pointed to his PDA again. "Your people gave me a rather wide range of access to brain and BrainPal research. Did you know this?" they"re experiencing," Cainen said, and Sagan could sense the disgust in his voice. "Your d.a.m.ned BrainPal forces open sensory channels artificially and offers the illusion of consciousness, and your brain knows it." Cainen pointed to his PDA again. "Your people gave me a rather wide range of access to brain and BrainPal research. Did you know this?"

"I did," Sagan said. "I asked them to let you look at any file you needed to help me."

"Because you knew that I would be a prisoner for the rest of my life, and that even if I could escape I would soon be dead of the disease you gave me. So it couldn"t hurt hurt to give me access," Cainen said. to give me access," Cainen said.

Sagan shrugged.

"Hmmmp," Cainen said, and continued. "Do you know that there"s no explainable reason why a Special Forces soldier"s brain absorbs information so much more quickly than a regular CDF? They"re both unaltered human brains; they"re both the same BrainPal computer. Special Forces brains are preconditioned in a different way from the regular soldiers" brains, but not in a way that should noticeably speed up the rate at which the brains process information. And yet the Special Forces brain sucks down information and processes it at an incredible rate. Do you know why? It"s defending itself, It"s defending itself, Lieutenant. Your average CDF soldier already has a consciousness, and the experience to use it. You Special Forces soldiers have nothing. Your brain senses the artificial consciousness your BrainPal is pressing on it and rushes to build its own as quickly as it can, before that artificial consciousness permanently deforms it. Or kills it." Lieutenant. Your average CDF soldier already has a consciousness, and the experience to use it. You Special Forces soldiers have nothing. Your brain senses the artificial consciousness your BrainPal is pressing on it and rushes to build its own as quickly as it can, before that artificial consciousness permanently deforms it. Or kills it."

"No Special Forces soldiers have died because of their BrainPal," Jane said.

"Oh, no, not now, now," Cainen said. "But I wonder what you would find if you went back far enough."

"What do you know?" Sagan asked.

"I know nothing," Cainen said, mildly. "It"s merely idle speculation. But the point here is that you can"t compare Special Forces waking up with "consciousness" with what you were trying to do with Private Dirac. It"s not the same thing. It"s not even close."

Sagan changed the subject. "You said that it"s possible Boutin"s consciousness might not even be in Dirac"s brain anymore," she said.

"It"s possible," Cainen said. "The consciousness needs input; without it, it dissipates. That"s one reason why it"s near impossible to keep a consciousness pattern coherent outside the brain, and why Boutin"s a genius for doing it. My suspicion is that if Boutin"s consciousness was in there, it"s already leaked away, and you"ve got just another soldier on your hands. But there"s no way to tell whether it"s in there or not. Its pattern would be subsumed by Private Dirac"s consciousness."

"If it is is in there, what would wake it up?" Sagan asked. in there, what would wake it up?" Sagan asked.

"You"re asking me to speculate?" Cainen asked. Sagan nodded. "The reason you couldn"t access the Boutin consciousness in the first place is that the brain didn"t have memory and experience. Maybe as your Private Dirac acc.u.mulates experiences, one will be close enough in its substance to unlock some part of that consciousness."

"And then he"d become Charles Boutin," Sagan said.

"He might," Cainen said. "Or he might not. Private Dirac has his own consciousness now. His own sense of self. If Boutin"s consciousness woke up, it wouldn"t be the only consciousness in there. It"s up to you to decide whether that"s good or bad, Lieutenant Sagan. I can"t tell you that, or what would truly happen if Boutin got woken up."

"Those are the things I needed you to tell me," Sagan said.

Cainen gave the Rraey equivalent of a chuckle. "Get me a lab," he said. "Then I might be able to give you some answers."

"I thought you said you would never help us," Sagan said.

Cainen switched back to English. "Much time to think," he said. "Too much time. Language lessons not enough." And then back to Ckann. "And this doesn"t help you against my people. But it helps you you."

"Me?" Sagan said. "I know why you helped me this time; I bribed you with computer access. Why would you help me beyond this? I made you a prisoner."

"And you struck me with a disease that will kill me if I don"t get a daily dose of antidote from my enemies," Cainen said. He reached into the shallow desk moulded from the wall of the cell and pulled out a small injector. "My medicine," he said. "They allow me to self-administer. Once I decided not to inject myself, to see if they would let me die. I"m still here, so that"s the answer to that. But they let me writhe on the floor for hours first. Just like you you did, come to think of it." did, come to think of it."

"None of this explains why you would want to help me," Sagan said.

"Because you remembered remembered me," Cainen said. "To everyone else, I am just another one of your many enemies, barely worth providing a book to keep me from going insane with boredom. One day they could simply forget my antidote and let me die, and it would be all the same to them. You at least see me as having value. In the very small universe I live in now, that makes you my best and only friend, enemy though you are." me," Cainen said. "To everyone else, I am just another one of your many enemies, barely worth providing a book to keep me from going insane with boredom. One day they could simply forget my antidote and let me die, and it would be all the same to them. You at least see me as having value. In the very small universe I live in now, that makes you my best and only friend, enemy though you are."

Sagan stared at Cainen, remembering the haughtiness haughtiness of him the first time they met. He was pitiful and craven now, and that momentarily struck Sagan as the saddest thing she"d ever seen. of him the first time they met. He was pitiful and craven now, and that momentarily struck Sagan as the saddest thing she"d ever seen.

"I"m sorry," she said, and was surprised the words came out of her mouth.

Another Rraey chuckle from Cainen. "We were planning to destroy your people, Lieutenant," Cainen said. "And we still might. You needn"t feel too apologetic."

Sagan had nothing to say to that. She signaled to the brig officer that she was ready to leave; a guard came and stood with an Empee while the cell door opened.

As the door slid shut behind her, she turned back to Cainen. "Thank you for your help. I will ask about a lab," she said.

"Thank you," Cainen said. "I won"t get my hopes up."

"That"s probably a good idea," Sagan said.

"And Lieutenant," Cainen said. "A thought. Your Private Dirac will be partic.i.p.ating in your military actions."

"Yes," Sagan said.

"Watch him," Cainen said. "In humans and Rraey both, the stress of battle leaves permanent marks on our brains. It"s a primal experience. If Boutin is still in there, it might be war that brings him out. Either by itself or through some combination of experiences."

"How do you suggest I watch him in battle?" Sagan asked.

"That"s your department," Cainen said. "Except for when you captured me, I"ve never been to war. I couldn"t begin to tell you. But if you"re worried about Dirac, that"s what I would do if I were you. You humans have an expression: "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." It seems like your Private Dirac could be both. I"d keep him very close indeed."

The Kite Kite caught the Rraey cruiser napping. caught the Rraey cruiser napping.

The Skip Drive was a touchy piece of technology. It made interstellar travel possible not by propelling ships faster than the speed of light, which was impossible, but by punching through s.p.a.ce-time and placing s.p.a.ceships (or anything equipped with a Skip Drive) into any spot within that universe those using the Skip Drive pleased.

(Actually, this wasn"t exactly true; on a logarithmic scale Skip Drive travel became less reliable the more s.p.a.ce there was between the initiation point and the destination point. The cause of what was called the Skip Drive Horizon Problem was not entirely understood, but its effects were lost ships and crews.

This kept humans and other races that used the Skip Drive in the same interstellar "neighborhood" as their home planets in the short run; if a race wanted to keep control of its colonies, as almost all did, its colonial expansion was ruled by the sphere defined by the Skip Drive horizon. In one sense this point was moot; thanks to the intense compet.i.tion for real estate in the neighborhood humanity lived in, no intelligent race save one had a reach that came close to its own Skip Drive horizon. The exception was the Consu, whose technology was so advanced relative to the other races in the local s.p.a.ce that it was an open question as to whether it used the Skip Drive at all.) Among the many quirks of the Skip Drive, which had to be tolerated if one were to employ it, were its departure and arrival needs. When departing, the Skip Drive needed relatively "flat" s.p.a.ce-time, which meant the Skip Drive could only be activated when the ship using it was well outside the gravity well of close-by planets; this required travel in s.p.a.ce using engines. But a ship using the Skip Drive could arrive as close to a planet as it wanted-it could even, theoretically, arrive on a planet surface, if a navigator confident enough of his or her skill could be found to do it. While landing a s.p.a.cecraft on a planet via Skip Drive navigation was officially and strongly discouraged by the Colonial Union, the Colonial Defense Forces recognized the strategic value of sudden and unexpected arrivals.

When the Kite Kite arrived over the planet its human settlers called Gettysburg, it popped into existence within a quarter of a light-second from the Rraey cruiser, and with its dual rail guns warmed up and ready to fire. It took the arrived over the planet its human settlers called Gettysburg, it popped into existence within a quarter of a light-second from the Rraey cruiser, and with its dual rail guns warmed up and ready to fire. It took the Kite Kite"s prepared weapons crew less than a minute to orient and target the hapless cruiser, which only at the end could be seen trying to respond, and the magnetized rail-gun projectiles needed less than two and a third seconds to travel the distance between the Kite Kite and its quarry. The sheer speed of the rail-gun projectiles was more than sufficient to pierce the hide of the Rraey craft and tunnel through its innards like a bullet through soft b.u.t.ter, but the projectile designers hadn"t left it at that; the projectiles themselves were designed to expand explosively at the merest contact with matter. and its quarry. The sheer speed of the rail-gun projectiles was more than sufficient to pierce the hide of the Rraey craft and tunnel through its innards like a bullet through soft b.u.t.ter, but the projectile designers hadn"t left it at that; the projectiles themselves were designed to expand explosively at the merest contact with matter.

An infinitesimal fraction of a second after the projectiles penetrated the Rraey craft, they fragmented and shards vectored crazily relative to their initial trajectory, turning the projectile into this universe"s fastest shotgun blast. The expenditure of energy required to change these trajectories was naturally immense and slowed down the shards considerably. However, the shards had energy to spare, and it simply meant each shard had more time to damage the Rraey vessel before it exited the wounded ship and began a long and frictionless journey through s.p.a.ce.

Thanks to the relative positions of the Kite Kite and the Rraey cruiser, the first rail-gun projectile struck the Rraey cruiser forward and starboard; the fragments from this projectile tunneled through diagonally and upward, not-so-cleanly chewing through several levels of the ship and turning a number of the Rraey crew into b.l.o.o.d.y mist. The entrance wound of this projectile was a clean circle seventeen centimeters wide; the exit wound was a ragged hole ten meters wide with a gout of metal, flesh and atmosphere blasting silently into the vacuum. and the Rraey cruiser, the first rail-gun projectile struck the Rraey cruiser forward and starboard; the fragments from this projectile tunneled through diagonally and upward, not-so-cleanly chewing through several levels of the ship and turning a number of the Rraey crew into b.l.o.o.d.y mist. The entrance wound of this projectile was a clean circle seventeen centimeters wide; the exit wound was a ragged hole ten meters wide with a gout of metal, flesh and atmosphere blasting silently into the vacuum.

The second rail-gun projectile entered aft of the first, following a parallel directory, but failed to fragment; its exit wound was only marginally larger than its entrance wound. It made up for this failure by breaching one of the engines of the Rraey craft. The cruiser"s automatic damage controls slammed down bulkheads, isolating the damaged engine, and took the other two engines off-line to avoid a cascading failure. The Rraey ship was switched to emergency power, which offered it only a minimum of offensive and defensive options, none of which would be at all effective against the Kite Kite.

The Kite, Kite, its own power partially drained (but recharging) through the use of the rail guns, sealed the deal by launching five conventional tactical nuclear missiles at the Rraey cruiser. It would take them more than a minute to reach the cruiser, but the its own power partially drained (but recharging) through the use of the rail guns, sealed the deal by launching five conventional tactical nuclear missiles at the Rraey cruiser. It would take them more than a minute to reach the cruiser, but the Kite Kite now had the luxury of time. The cruiser was the only Rraey ship in the area. A small flash issued forth from the Rraey ship: The doomed cruiser was launching a Skip drone, designed to quickly get to Skip distance and let the rest of the Rraey military know what happened to it. The now had the luxury of time. The cruiser was the only Rraey ship in the area. A small flash issued forth from the Rraey ship: The doomed cruiser was launching a Skip drone, designed to quickly get to Skip distance and let the rest of the Rraey military know what happened to it. The Kite Kite launched a sixth and final missile toward the drone, which would be overtaken and destroyed less than ten thousand klicks from Skip distance. By the time the Rraey found out about their cruiser, the launched a sixth and final missile toward the drone, which would be overtaken and destroyed less than ten thousand klicks from Skip distance. By the time the Rraey found out about their cruiser, the Kite Kite would be light-years away. would be light-years away.

Presently the Rraey cruiser was an expanding debris field, and Lieutenant Sagan and her 2nd Platoon received their clearance for their part of the mission.

Jared tried to calm the first-mission nerves, and the mild fear brought by the choppiness of the troop transport"s descent into the Gettysburg atmosphere, by trying to close out distractions and focus his energies. Daniel Harvey, sitting next to him, was making that difficult.

::G.o.dd.a.m.n wildcat colonists,:: Harvey said, as the troop transport plunged through the atmosphere. ::They go off and build illegal colonies and then come crying to us when some other f.u.c.king species is crawling up their holes.:: ::Relax, Harvey,:: said Alex Roentgen. ::You"re going to give yourself a migraine.:: ::What I want to know is how these f.u.c.kers even manage to get get to these places,:: Harvey said. ::The Colonial Union doesn"t bring "em out here. And you can"t go anywhere without CU say-so.:: to these places,:: Harvey said. ::The Colonial Union doesn"t bring "em out here. And you can"t go anywhere without CU say-so.:: ::Sure you can,:: Roentgen said. ::The CU doesn"t control all all interstellar travel, just the travel that humans do.:: interstellar travel, just the travel that humans do.:: ::These colonists are human, Einstein,:: Harvey said.

::Hey,:: said Julie Einstein. ::Leave me out of this.:: ::It"s just an expression, Julie,:: Harvey said.

::The colonists are human, but the people who are transporting them aren"t, aren"t, you idiot,:: Roentgen said. ::Wildcat colonists buy transport from aliens the CU trades with, and the aliens take them where they want to go.:: you idiot,:: Roentgen said. ::Wildcat colonists buy transport from aliens the CU trades with, and the aliens take them where they want to go.:: ::That"s stupid,:: Harvey said, and looked around the platoon for agreement. Most of the platoon were either resting with their eyes closed or studiously avoiding the discussion; Harvey had a reputation as an argumentative blowhard. ::The CU could stop that if they wanted to. Tell the aliens to stop picking up wildcat pa.s.sengers. That would save us from having to risk getting our our shot off.:: shot off.:: From the forward seat, Jane Sagan turned her head toward Harvey. ::The CU doesn"t want to stop wildcat colonists,:: she said, in a bored tone.

::Why the h.e.l.l not?:: Harvey asked.

::They"re troublemakers,:: Sagan said. ::The sort of person who will defy the CU and start a wildcat colony is the sort of person who could cause trouble at home if he wasn"t allowed to go. The CU figures it"s not worth the trouble. So they let them go, and look the other way. Then they"re on their own.:: ::Until they get in trouble,:: Harvey sneered.

::Usually even then,:: Sagan said. ::Wildcatters know what they"re getting into.:: ::Then what are are we doing here?:: Roentgen said. ::Not to take Harvey"s side, but these we doing here?:: Roentgen said. ::Not to take Harvey"s side, but these are are wildcat colonists.:: wildcat colonists.:: ::Orders,:: Sagan said, and closed her eyes, ending the discussion. Harvey snorted and was about to reply when the turbulence suddenly became especially bad.

::Looks like the Rraey on the ground just figured out we"re up here,:: Chad a.s.sisi said from the pilot"s seat. ::We"ve got three more missiles on their way. Hang on, I"m going to try to burn them before they get too close.:: Several seconds later came a low, solid hum; the transport"s defensive maser fired up to deal with the missiles.

::Why don"t we just plaster these guys from orbit?:: Harvey said. ::We"ve done that before.:: ::There are humans down there, aren"t there?:: Jared said, venturing a comment. ::I"d guess we"d want to avoid using tactics that would injure or kill them.:: Harvey gave Jared the briefest of glances and then changed the subject.

Jared glanced over to Sarah Pauling, who gave him a shrug. In the week they had been attached to the 2nd Platoon, the best adjective to describe relations was frosty frosty. Other members of the platoon were diffidently polite when forced to be but otherwise ignored the two of them whenever possible. Jane Sagan, the platoon"s superior officer, let them know briefly that this was par for the course for new recruits until their first combat mission. ::Just deal with it,:: she said, and returned to work of her own.

It made both Jared and Pauling uneasy. Being casually ignored was one thing, but the two of them were also denied full integration with the platoon. They were lightly connected and shared a common band for discussion and sharing information concerning the upcoming mission, but the intimate sharing offered by their training squad was not in evidence here. Jared looked back at Harvey and not for the first time wondered if integration was simply a training tool. If it was, it seemed cruel to offer it to people only to take it away later. But he"d seen evidence of integration among his platoon mates: the subtle movements and actions that suggested an unspoken common dialogue and a sensory awareness beyond one"s own senses. Jared and Pauling yearned for it but also knew the lack of it was a test to see how they would respond.

To combat the lack of integration with their platoon, Jared and Pauling"s integration was defensively intimate; they spent so much time in each other"s heads that by the end of the week, despite their affection together, they were very nearly sick of each other. There was, they discovered, such a thing as too much integration. The two of them diluted their sharing slightly by inviting Steven Seaborg to integrate with them informally. Seaborg, who had been receiving the same cold shoulder from the 1st Platoon but who had no training mates in the platoon to keep him company, was almost pathetically grateful for the offer.

Jared glanced down at Jane Sagan and wondered if the platoon leader would tolerate having him and Sarah unintegrated during the mission; it seemed dangerous. For him and Pauling, at the very least.

As if responding to his thoughts, Sagan glanced up at him and then spoke. ::a.s.signments,:: she said, and sent a map of the tiny Gettysburg colony to the platoon with their a.s.signments overlaid. ::Remember this is a sweep and clean. There"s been no Skip drone activity, so either they"re all dead or they"re all herded somewhere where they can"t get a message out. The idea is to clean out the Rraey with a minimum of structural damage to the colony. That"s minimal, minimal, Harvey,:: staring pointedly at the soldier, who squirmed uncomfortably. ::I don"t mind blowing things up when necessary but anything we destroy is something these settlers have less of.:: Harvey,:: staring pointedly at the soldier, who squirmed uncomfortably. ::I don"t mind blowing things up when necessary but anything we destroy is something these settlers have less of.:: ::What?:: Roentgen said. ::Are you seriously suggesting we"re going to let these people stay? If they"re still alive?:: ::They"re wildcatters,:: Sagan said. ::We can"t force them to act intelligently.:: ::Well, we could could force them,:: Harvey said. force them,:: Harvey said.

::We won"t won"t force them,:: Sagan said. ::We have new people to take under our wings. Roentgen, you"re responsible for Pauling. I"ll take Dirac. The rest of you, two by two to your a.s.signments. We land here::-a small landing zone illuminated-::and I"ll let you use your own creativity to get to where you need to be. Remember to note your surroundings and the enemy; you"re looking for all of us.:: force them,:: Sagan said. ::We have new people to take under our wings. Roentgen, you"re responsible for Pauling. I"ll take Dirac. The rest of you, two by two to your a.s.signments. We land here::-a small landing zone illuminated-::and I"ll let you use your own creativity to get to where you need to be. Remember to note your surroundings and the enemy; you"re looking for all of us.:: ::Or at least some some of us,:: Pauling said privately to Jared. Then the both of them felt the sensuous rush of integration, the hyper-awareness of having so many points of view overlaid on one"s own. Jared struggled to control a gasp. of us,:: Pauling said privately to Jared. Then the both of them felt the sensuous rush of integration, the hyper-awareness of having so many points of view overlaid on one"s own. Jared struggled to control a gasp.

::Don"t cream yourself,:: Harvey said, and there were a few pings of amus.e.m.e.nt in the platoon. Jared ignored this and drank in the emotional and informational gestalt offered by his platoon mates: the confidence in their abilities to confront the Rraey; a substrata of early planning for their paths to their mission destinations; a tense and subtle antic.i.p.atory excitement that seemed to have little to do with the combat to come; and shared communal feeling that taking care to keep structures intact was pointless, since the colonists were almost certainly dead already.

::Behind you,:: Jared heard Sarah Pauling say, and he and Jane Sagan turned and fired even as they received the image and data, from Pauling"s distant point of view, of three Rraey soldiers moving silently but not invisibly around a small general-purpose building to ambush the pair. The trio stepped out into a hail of bullets from Jared and Sagan; one dropped dead while the other two broke and ran in separate directions.

Jared and Sagan quickly polled the viewpoints of the other members of the platoon to see who might pick up one or both of the fleeing soldiers. Everyone else was engaged, including Pauling, who had returned to her primary task of flushing out a Rraey sniper on the edge of the Gettysburg settlement. Sagan audibly sighed.

::Get that one,:: she said, taking off after the second. ::Try not to get killed.:: Jared followed the Rraey soldier, who used its powerful, birdlike legs to build a considerable lead on him. As Jared raced to catch up, the Rraey spun and shot wildly at him with a one-handed grip on its weapon; the kick knocked the gun up and out of the Rraey"s hand. The bullets spat up dirt directly in front of Jared, who veered for cover as the weapon clattered to the ground. The Rraey ran on without retrieving its weapon and disappeared into the colony"s motor pool garage.

::I could use some help,:: Jared said, at the bay of the garage.

::Join the club,:: Harvey said, from somewhere. ::These f.u.c.kers outnumber us at least two to one.:: Jared entered the garage through the bay. The quick glance showed that the only other way out was a door on the same wall as the bay and one of a series of windows designed to ventilate the garage. The windows were both high and small; it seemed unlikely the Rraey had gone through those. It was still somewhere inside the garage. Jared moved to one side and started a methodical search of the shop.

A knife shot out from a tarp on a low shelf and slashed Jared in his calf. The nan.o.botic fabric of Jared"s military unitard stiffened where the knife blade made contact. Jared didn"t receive a scratch. But his own shocked movement tripped him up; he went sprawling on the floor, ankle twisted, his Empee clattering out of his hand. The Rraey scrambled out of its hiding place before Jared could get to it, clambered over Jared and pushed the Empee with the fist that still held the knife. The Empee danced out of reach and the Rraey stabbed Jared"s face, cutting him savagely in the cheek and drawing SmartBlood. Jared yelled; the Rraey scrambled off him and toward the Empee.

When Jared spun around the Rraey had the Empee trained on him, its elongated fingers awkwardly but solidly on the stock and trigger. Jared froze. The Rraey squawked something and pulled the trigger.

Nothing. Jared remembered that the Empee was trained to his BrainPal; it wouldn"t fire for a nonhuman. He cracked a smile in relief; the Rraey squawked again and jammed the Empee hard into Jared"s face, tearing into the cheek it had already slashed. Jared screamed and scrambled back in pain. The Rraey threw the Empee onto a high shelf, out of the reach of both of them. It reached onto a counter to grab a tire rod and advanced on Jared, swinging viciously.

Jared blocked the swing with his arm; his unitard stiffened again but the hit made his arm ache in pain. On the next swing he reached to grab the rod but misjudged the speed of the approach; the rod came down hard on his fingers, breaking bones in the ring and middle fingers of his right hand and driving down his arm. The Rraey moved the iron sideways and clocked Jared in the head with it; he went down to his knees, dazed, retwisting the ankle he"d fallen on earlier. Jared groggily went for his combat knife with his left hand; the Rraey kicked the hand, hard, sending the knife spinning out of his grip. A second rapid kick tapped Jared on the chin, driving his teeth into his tongue, causing SmartBood to spurt into his mouth and over his teeth. The Rraey pushed him over, pulled out its knife, and bent down to cut Jared"s throat. Jared"s mind suddenly ricocheted back to a training session with Sarah Pauling, when she straddled him with her knife on his throat and told him he lacked focus.

He focused now.

Jared sucked in suddenly and spat a gobbet of SmartBlood at the Rraey"s face and eye band. The creature recoiled, revulsed, giving Jared the time he needed to instruct his BrainPal to do with the SmartBlood on the Rraey"s face what it did when it was ingested by the bloodsucking bug on Phoenix: combust.

The Rraey screamed as the SmartBlood began to burn into its face and eye band, dropping its knife as it clawed at its face. Jared grabbed the knife and drove it into the side of the Rraey"s head. The Rraey issued an abrupt, surprised cluck and then went boneless, slumping backwards on the floor. Jared followed its example, lying silently, doing nothing but resting his eyes and becoming more and more aware of the heavy, acrid smell of smoldering Rraey.

::Get up,:: someone said to him some time later, and prodded him with a boot toe. Jared winced and looked up. It was Sagan. ::Come on, Dirac. We got them all. You can come out now.:: ::I hurt,:: Jared said.

::h.e.l.l, Dirac,:: Sagan said. ::I hurt just looking at you.:: She motioned over to the Rraey. ::Next time, just shoot the d.a.m.n thing.:: ::I"ll keep that in mind,:: Jared said.

::Speaking of which,:: Sagan said, ::where"s your Empee?:: Jared looked up at the high shelf the Rraey had flung it onto. ::I think I need a ladder,:: Jared said.

::You need st.i.tches,:: Sagan said. ::Your cheek is about to come off.:: ::Lieutenant,:: Julie Einstein said. ::You"re going to want to come over here. We found the settlers.:: ::Any of them alive?:: Sagan said.

::G.o.d, no,:: Einstein said, and through the integration both Sagan and Jared felt her shudder.

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