[Safe――――――is――――. The ability―――――of――――?]

[The physical strength――――――lower―――――right。 Demon―――――――of――――。 Common―――――――beneath――――――difficult――result―――――――so]

With my consciousness being hazy, Something was audible…. Senpai"s voice….. or not.
It"s a voice of an insolent old geezer.
Safe……? In my state, nothing is safe. Well. The ground is hard and cold.
Physical strength? I often do exercise so I won"t gain weight.
s.h.i.t..My body still can"t move…. My vision is still faint, the only notion that I could make on this dim surrounding was that the ground was grayish.

[Fun、――――――huge――――――and the others expectation when they saw―――――――was a failure. ―――――and the slave collar―――――to enslave it]


Disappointment? What is it…. Slave collar!? The time of slavery were some hundred years ago!
I hate to die by such a play!
That guy with the hood…. Coming over here! ….I still can"t move my body….! Move….. MOVE!!
I tried to struggle, they"re putting the collar onto me…. but, an accident occurred.
That is, the collar burst open then scattered.


The hooded guy and the hooded old geezer raised a cry of surprise. My vision slightly returned, a golden crown and a gorgeous red cloak, like in a fantasy world, he also have a priest"s staff with the jewel on the tip.

[This is, what is happening?]

[It might have been a defective tool. I will bring a spare right away!]

My hearing also gradually returned. They started to panic somehow. If I can just move my body…… it"s no use. It doesn"t move……
When I looked around, stones were surrounding the enclosed like a stone hut. Only the candle placed on all four corners was the source of light, therefore I don"t have the slightest clue if it"s presently day or night.
In the meantime the hooded guy brought in a new collar. They were going to put a new collar on me….. The new collar scattered, its fragments fell down.

[What kind of thing is that for it to unable to be enslaved!?]

[I don"t know what cause it…. Probably, some kind of strange ability somehow or other….]

[Whether the cause of it is its average ability or strange ability….But a.s.suming that it cannot be enslaved, then it"s unusable as a p.a.w.n. Such a waste to kill it with its strange ability we cannot comprehend. Go dump it in the prison cell]

[Yes Sir!]

My sense of hearing fully returned, and I just heard a terrible thing that was outrageous. Strange ability? This isn"t a manga or a lightnovel! Moreover, they"re talking about dangerous things like killing, but it seems that my life still has a value for now.… Though I didn"t commit any crime they"ll put me into prison, don"t f.u.c.k with me!
I was forcefully waked up, still not able to move and speak, I looked at the old geezer who was displeased, and he hit my head with the stall that he held in hand.

[……Just one week. If you can"t enslave it within a week then dispose of it. Immediately take this trash to the prison!!]

When a parent hit"s a child"s head, it will affect it"s brain. Ouch…. This just proves that this is not a dream.
I was. .h.i.t at a bad place, I lost consciousness yet again.
The next time I woke up, I was in a dark room, I was handcuffed but this kind was useless as my hands and feet where not bounded. I see iron bars before my eyes. it was a genuine prison.
It"s a place where you"ll be excited with a wakuwaku if it"s within a movie or game, I am now in that place. Though I was just going to eat ramen for dinner, why did this happen to me….

While I lost my consciousness, somehow or other I seem to be able to move my body.

[Ah d.a.m.n it hurts…. That old geezer, hitting me with all his might….]

While holding down my head, I stood up while rubbing the that I had, then I looked around. Enclosed by stones with a moldy smell, it really has an impression to be called a prison.
As for a test, I slightly touch someplace expecting it to collapses, but neither the walls nor iron bars moved an inch. Unlike from the collar a little while ago, looks like it"s seems to be of no use.

[That old geezer was talking something a strange ability…… It"s like that I don"t have such power, what is it I wonder?]

I look at my hand but all I see is only an ordinary hand. The hand of an ordinary man glowed with a deep red shine, but nothing happened.
This time I try to look outside from a small lattice window that"s the only link to the outside world. The iron bars didn"t even moved an inch; well I have expected this to be useless.

Therefore I was speechless for the scenery that I saw.

Different from what I"m used to see, the scenery was totally like in the European medieval ages.
A scenery such as in movies spread from my view, there was a monster-like big eagle in the sky….. Hey isn"t that a griffon? It landed on top of the tower, and entered inside a cabin.
I wonder if the sea is visible from this distance. I can see several large ships. If I"m not mistaken it looks like a Shiv〇 frigate warship….. The best part is when there are several of them.
I wonder if there commercial ships from the distance. Hey, it even have a pirate-like appearance.

Then I noticed. Seems my fell somewhere when I collapsed a while ago, while looking at my hands even without my, how did my vision improved so much.Because the" frame was made of t.i.tanium, it won"t easily be broken.

[It was convenient that my vision became better….. What should I do from here on? Just a week…. that will be my deadline. If I don"t found a way out then….. I"ll be probably executed. First of all I should know where the h.e.l.l am I…..]

I closed my eyes while sitting cross-legged on the firm floor while thinking. The suddenly a familiar window screen popped out n front of me.
Isn"t this the management screen that I often used when working as a GM!?
Before my eyes which were opened wide, a management screen pops out, and when I touched it with my finger various items came out.

[Map… Equipment…. Skill…. Magic…. Item…. Management Screen… Ah, here it is. Invincibility…. Stealth…..]

The Character data account and GM-only account settings for work when investigating for bug and for usual playing came out. I immediately put a checkmark on the tab called 《Disable all abnormal status》.
I didn"t put any for Invincibility nor Stealth.

[I didn"t select them because the equipment will be enough….. Well, as for the collar of a little while ago, it has an abnormal status…… Probably enslaving or binding. I should consider to notice the instance that the handcuffs and shackles didn"t equipped]

I thought this was h.e.l.l or so I thought, I saw various changes with my eyes. There is a big difference in feature between a general PC and a GM.
First is the Skill. In regard to this, it is possible to set all the skills. Restricted up to 10. Perhaps I will able to use it if I put the Pa.s.sive Skill and Active Skill. Maybe.

Next is magic. It"s also available to use everything….. But it"s no good right now. All of them is in red text. My MP seems to be enough. It"s strange that magic learned at an early stage isn"t usable.
Now that I think of it, this prison may be an anti-magic area. The transfer magic seems to be unusable too. After getting out of here then I"ll use magic.

Let"s look at the equipment next. Equips and Items I acquired from playing every day seems to be retained. When I try to take out the Mithril Sword from the Item Column…… Suddenly it popped out.
I catch it in a hurry. That was close…..! The guards will notice it if I create a noise.
I look at +2 Mithril Sword that I picked up while breaking a cold sweat. There was a replica sword in my house, but looking at the real thing is amazing….. The feel of the material is entirely different.
I swing it as a test, I easily perceived it because I checked 【Oversized Proximity Ability】 in the Pa.s.sive Skill.
I can"t normally swing it even with an imitation sword. So refreshing. It will be more refreshing if I wasn"t inside a prison.

When I imagined putting the Mithril Sword away, it simply disappeared. Is it because it"s my personal belonging?
I imagined my which I dropped a while ago this time as a test. It came out! I seem to have been stored inside the item box.

《t.i.tanium alloy-made which are superior in strength, lightness, anti-erosive, and heat-resistance. It"s a mystery how it was made. Rarity: 【R】》

At most, these are up to R. That is so, It"s an alloy from a different world.

Then I imagine a bucket to s.h.i.t on. It didn"t appear.
I don"t understand structure well yet, probably because it"s not in my personal belongings. ……I hear footsteps. A patrolling guard? I"ll just pretend to be asleep here.

[….Noting out of the usual …..Hey! Wake up! Time to eat!]

A loud sound echoes when the guard hit the iron bars with his rod.
I pretend to have woken up by the sound.

[Wh….where am I….?]

[Inside the prison of the Grand Fang Empire. Hey, eat quickly!]

A thing that I think is the meal was put from the insertion port. A soup with something like a vegetable in it and black bread which seems to be clearly hard. The guard quickly came back to his post without watching me eating.
I will remember this time. Because a clock was located in a management screen, I took out a writing brush and paper from my item box and write in it.
Grand Fang Empire…… It"s a place which I haven"t heard even in games…. But first let"s have my meal. I"m so hungry.

[Itadaki masu. …..Here goes….!]

After a long time without any meal to eat with a *gachigachi* I ate the hard black bread and the poor vegetable soup with salt only as it"s flavoring…. It"s far off from ramen. While the sun was setting, I spend my time in prison.

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