Chapter 31

(Sir, a message just came from Jirou-sama. He just successfully deterred the 『Hunter』. He asked you to open up a path towards the enemy headquarters)

(Affirmative. Please report that I will clean up the wyrms along the way as well)

(Understood, sir)

Yoko had acquired the 『Dreadnought』’s robot. Jirou had repelled the 『Hunter』. It seemed that he was unable to kill him, just deter him away from the battle, that will not change our position in this war.
The fight with 『Wei Warlord』 still commences. But since we had successfully kept his hands full, I’m free to rip a new path into their headquarter. …I certainly hope he can keep him contained. Even I could hear their voices from so far away…

And so, using 【Wave Sword】 to slice and dice like before, the enemy soldiers started to get scared and stopped attacking. They seemed to understand that every path that I walked will be stained with blood, and they were trying their best to not get killed.

If I took a step forward……


They became frightened and opened a path for me. It became hard for me to find a reason to fight them. It made me lose my will to fight. It’s convenient for me, but you guys sure you want to open a path for me as is? They took so much distance that they probably won’t hear me when if I shout. It sure did make me feel like having an overwhelming strength… I haven’t had the chance to test it, but there’s no better chance to test the AoE of 『System Message』. It appeared that I can set the designation point, so how about I set it to an entire army……

『Drop your weapons and clear a path!! Any resistance will result in…… DEATH!!!』

I shouted using 『System Message』 and tried to be as intimidating as possible. It was so terrifying that the enemies in my straight line instantly threw away their weapons and ran desperately for their lives.

「What is this!? Why am i hearing a voice in my head…!!!」

Receiving a voice directly into their heads creates a panic among their soldiers.

「You s.h.i.theads…! Don’t you dare throw down your weapons!! Where is your pride as soldiers of the Empire!? Shame on you!!」

said the squad captain, who was the only one riding on a horse, but even his own horse was scared and started running for its life. Animals are indeed more sensitive to dangerous situations than humans. They do understand when their lives are being threatened.
I ran through the path they opened, jumped above the squad captain’s head, and went straight without turning around.

A short while after that, I could see a huge wyrm in the sky, so I activated 『Wing』 and swung my sword sideways right into its abdomen. Another 4 additional slashes with my sword and its long torso started to scatter around and fall to the ground.
Right after that, I faced the other 2 approaching wyrm and prepared to release Flame Javelin and Vortex Burst. But before I released it, I saw the body or the wyrm that I beat before starting to move around. When I look at it, the body that I split into 5 started to stick back together and regenerate while the other two wyrms are getting closer.

「But can your regeneration keep up?」

I remembered the traditional wyrm. If I’m not mistaken, they regenerate instantly no matter how many times they are cut and can release poisonous dragon breath. Then how to counter them?
I switch the hands that were aiming towards the two wyrms and aimed it towards each half part of the still regenerating wyrm instead, releasing Flame Javelin and Vortex Burst in a point-blank range.


Receiving intense flames and thunder, the half part of the wyrm’s ma.s.sive body that receive the flames convulses

and rolled to put out the flames, and the area that receives the lightning barbequed instantly without a chance to even twitch. The head part, the one receiving the flames, couldn’t extinguish the flames and gradually slows until only the smell of burning meat was left.

「Using magic instead of swords. In this world using magic seemed to have been the smart move 」

Wyrm scales are tough, even if you managed to cut through, they will regenerate almost immediately, turning you back to square one. In legends, they must be baited into rivers to counter their regeneration, but in this magical world, I can just beat them with magic instead.

The two wyrm who were chasing me stopped their pursuit to look at their fallen comrade who was magically burnt black. Looking at their fellow race-member flailing around until death right after a direct hit from magic, both of them raised their vigilance towards their current adversary.

One wyrm flies in the sky and the other one crawled on the ground as they approached me while preparing a big breath attack. The same is true for the wyrm in the air.
The soldiers who saw the situation started to run even harder to save their own lives. I knew exactly those telegraphed movements. Those are the same movements I saw even when I was still a player.

The two wyrms opened their mouth and released their breaths at the same time. Their venomous breaths wrapped around me and polluted the earth, the gra.s.s and flowers around me started rot at an alarming rate. Not being able to see me in these poisonous clouds, the wyrms must be pleased and expected me to die. Unfortunately for them, I was not poisoned nor damaged due to my 【Invincibility】 and 【Status Effect Immunity】 and still standing. I couldn’t see them as well, but I knew where the breath came from, so I released Vortex Burst with both of my hands towards their direction.


Both of them, who was still in the middle of their breath attacks, got hit by the sudden lightning attack and fell right into the ground, also not having the chance to even twitch. It seemed that lightning was their weak point, even able to kill them instantly.

「No way… Those wyrms… so easily…」

I could hear the Empire soldier’s despair filling the air. Of course, in normal situations, this world’s inhabitants would struggle just to fight one of this guys, but I guess their opponent this time was completely superior, right?
But, if I’m not mistaken, there should be another one… so where is it?
I opened 【Map】 and confirmed a huge reaction. But… inside the city?
As I was wondering what it was, a thunderous roar could be heard from Raafu, even the ground was shaking.

「W-what was that!?」
「No way, was it the Kingdom?」
「Hurry up confirm it with the headquarter!!」

Right after one soldier in front of me asking for confirmation, suddenly a soldier flew towards my location, drawing a giant curve in the sky.


I guess that guy should know what happened.
I use 【Wing】 and used 【Protect】 to reduce the amount of inertia the poor soldier receives.

「Hah…… hah… I’m alive?」


「Hiii!! He-hero of the Blue Sea!?」

I guess he didn’t expect to be helped by an enemy. But, this guy is a precious information source that knew what happened inside our enemy’s lines.

「I’m not going to kill you. But your whole base looked frightened, so what happened?」

「Ah…! The headquarter…… Baron Barry is… a monster!!」


「Right! Right! He was confined in a jail, but suddenly he raised a fuss and blew away the jail with an unbelievable power! Everyone who tried to stop him was…… he… he ate everyone!!!」

A little before Masaki reach the Empire’s headquarter, an incident happened.

It was around the time when Masaki attacked the whole army, proving his undefeatable power.
Baron Barry was jailed in a cell in Raafu, not even given the chance to see the battlefield. No, not “Baron”. His n.o.bility rank has been removed, so it’s “former Baron” now.

Even with both of his hands tied, his eyes didn’t show any sign of despair. They are hollow, yes, but filled to the brim with hope.

「This is enough… This is… The sacrifice as I was told…」

Barry first nominated himself to take care the ceasefire agreement with the demon-race. Usually, such self-nomination won’t be approved. But, this time, it was somehow approved.
There are probably people who marionette the whole thing in the background. Without any opposition, Barry was chosen as the emissary for the ceasefire agreement.
And so, he ripped apart the ceasefire agreement as he planned. The demon race, who will never forget the anger, started a ferocious campaign against the empire soldiers.

「Is this enough? For the 【Hero ceremony】 」

Barry stood with his hands still being cuffed and looked towards the corner of the room.
No one was there, but something is. He couldn’t see the face behind the hood, but something is certainly there.

「「Yes, after this, eat the drug, and kill everyone! The citizen, the soldiers, even the prince! And finally, you will be hailed as the new 【Hero】」」

Don’t know if it’s a male or female, the figure speaks with low echoed voice and distorted smile. That voice is a mind polluting voice.

「Aaah…… I am becoming a hero… I am the【Hero】 !!」

Barry drank the drug along with water.


A strong pulse rushed at Barry, but it didn’t give a feeling of discomfort, instead, he felt a strong throbbing pulse of a powerful overly excited sensation.

「Power… I’m overflowing with power!! hahaha… HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!」

「「Yessss, that is the power of a 【Hero】. Now, in order to obtain the true power of the 【Hero】, we need sacrifices」」

「YES! I understand… fufufu…… WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!」

While laughing maniacally, Barry shredded his steel handcuff and tore apart his restraints like paper.

「What’s going on!?」

When the soldier noticed Barry’s laughter, the steel jail door blew off with a loud sound.

「Amazing…… This is the power of a 【Hero】. This is AMAZING!!!」

Barry drunk in his newfound power, he couldn’t stop his big smile and his surge of power that kept getting even stronger.

「Barry! What are you doing!? Get back to your prison! It’s your fault that IーGYAA!!!!」

The soldier couldn’t finish his sentence. Barry casually grabbed his head and beat him against the wall, crushing his head like a tomato. Barry then tried his strength against the st.u.r.dy wall and it crumbled without much resistance.
Suddenly, soldiers started gathering around the destroyed prison.

「I was about to say “Who dares to talk like that”… but you already don’t have a head to speak to. Now, you are going to be the foundation of the great 【Hero】 Barry! Be grateful, you ingrates!!!」

Barry started using his power against his former soldiers, starting a ma.s.sacre. The soldiers who dared to fight, the soldiers trying to flee, the regular citizen of the town, everyone. He blew everything with his dreadful arm, reaping lives, and ma.s.s producing corpses.


Barry, who suddenly felt hunger, caught an inexperienced soldier by grabbing him and started gnawing on his head.

「AAAa… aGAagaAga… HURTS! iT HurtS!! StOOOOOP」

Painful screams filled the air as Barry ate the soldier alive. The other soldier witnessed the situation screamed and fleeing for their lives. Some of them were too scared to move their frozen legs. Some of them were brave enough to fight Barry, but a swing of his newfound power blew them away like leaves. Their bodies decorated the castle walls as blood splatters.

「My power increases… FUHAHAHAHA… more… MORE!!!」

Barry grabbed another soldier and took another bite, starting a glutton fest. Far from being a hero, Barry was filling his hunger and continued to increase his power. Suddenly a huge shadow attacked him.


「Noisy… You TRASH!!」


A wyrm, empire’s prince’s personal pet, noticed the abnormal situation and attacked Barry, but it was killed instantly.

「This wyrm… like small fry… moRE… I WANT ORE POWER!!!!」

With hollow eyes filled with insanity, Barry went to the evacuation center where people of Raafu evacuated and causing panic to the soldiers who protected that place.

「Protect the people! Wear your pride as the Empire high knights and protect our people from this monstrosity !!!」

Thanks to the calm general and their harsh training, the other soldiers recovered from their shock. But their training is meaningless. In front of Barry’s power, they all turned into nothing but simple lumps of meat. With human meat in his hands, Barry continued his eating rampant and kept raising his appet.i.te and power. Until the headquarter became completely devoid of people……

Eat humans? Then isn’t he completely turned into a monster?
Looking at his eyes, the fear in this soldier’s eyes are genuinely scared. His body trembled uncontrollably and one of his arms was broken. It looks like his arm was broken when he was blown away, but his fear completely overweighed his pain.
There’s no doubt that this guy isn’t lying. And at that time I thought. I heard the second roar that shook the ground.

As I looked towards the city, I saw black smoke in the streets and I saw something jumped out, a wyrm was fluttering about in the sky. However, its body was shredded to smithereens. The body was feared of its superior regenerative power was left with nothing but bones. Just by looking at that headless body, I knew that it was dead.

「Please… let me go! I beg of you! He will kill me! Baron Barry… that monster… he killed everyone!!!」

The soldier who I helped desperately tried to run away despite his broken arm. The ground shook so hard that I thought it was an earthquake. All soldiers who were in the middle of battlefield stopped fighting each other and looked at the city of Raafu in puzzled expression.
I pushed a potion to the poor soldier and released him.

「Your arm is broken. Run after you drink it. Hurry」


「Escape as fast as you can! Something dangerous is coming!! Hurry, everyone!」

Hearing the tone of my voice, every soldier who was in front of the Empire’s headquarter started to scatter around.
Meanwhile, my perception ability marked something dangerous that I have never seen before. Despite having my 『Invincibility』, I still got gooseb.u.mps and got an extreme chill all over my body. I experienced the same thing when fighting Leviathan, when fighting something very VERY dangerous.
This is not the time to fight each other. I used 『System Message』 and set the target to the whole armies, friends and enemies alike.

『Attention to all soldiers!! An emergency situation happens in the town of Raafu!! I repeat! An emergency situation happens! Shogun-cla.s.s!! Gather every single otherworlder to the front of Raafu headquarter 』

The soldier who received the potion seemed to be finished his recovery. Adelle, Jirou, Yoko, and her Gigant golem was right in front of enemy’s headquarter when they hear my announcement. Meanwhile, the Prince and Haruka were riding the flying dragon in the sky above. Akiha was riding on the top of a huge tiger-shaped golem. Even Hayato and 『Wei Warlord』 showed up together and came along with their soldiers.

「So that voice was from you, Kingdom’s 『Hero』. So what happened? And what’s with this chill I feel」

「Something dangerous is happening in your city… that much I know. Have a look at the remains of that wyrm from your city?」

I pointed the carca.s.s of the previous wyrm to the 『Wei Warlord』. Everyone watched the corpse with dreadful expression and couldn’t help to gain curiosity to what was going on inside Raafu. Akiha kept her lips shut and tried to not look at it. a.s.suming it was ripped apart and turned into mincemeat, it was still a horrible sight to look at. Haruka hugged her to calm her down from the agonizing view.

「I heard from one of the Empire soldier that Baron Barry turned into a monster. A human-eating monster, to be specific」

「What! That Barry guy?」

『Wei Warlord』 was surprised when he heard the news. Suddenly, a third roar was heard and the huge wall surrounding Raafu crumbled down.
Everyone looked at the opening in the wall, from the rubble an ordinary looking man walked out, with one big difference between him and a normal person the disgustingly ominous red aura leaking around him. In his hand, there was what should have been a fine man wearing fine clothes. But most parts of it were torn off like a tragic scene, his bones and internal organs were shown clear as day.

「Prince Alfred!? How… How could…」

It seemed that the person this guy held was the prince of the Empire….He isn’t moving and with that level of injury, I can all but a.s.sume he is dead. The body dangled aimlessly like a doll, his body doesn’t even twitch.

『Wei Warlord』’s expression became even darker and he glared at the man in front of his eyes. Beside him, the『Banchou』 Hayato had the similar expression as well. Looking at the panicking Akiha, Haruka the Prince came down and took them to the rear. The place for a sniper is in the rear, to begin with. Besides, it would be better for her to take some distance from that… thing.

「Are you… Barry? Do you even understand what you are doing!?」

「Aah, killing this worthless prince, of course. For the birth of the new 【Hero】, some sacrifices are needed… the soldiers and the citizens too」

「what…? You… No way!」

「Aah… Yess… Here, take a look at it. kukuku… Such a wonderful mountain of sacrifices」

Barry pointed to the thing behind him… At first, we thought it was a pile of rubble. Those are… corpses… It’s a literal mountain of corpses. Furthermore, if you look at their clothes… Not only the soldiers, but regular citizens were also mixed in. There were children and also some men and women holding their hands together. All of them were turned into a still bleeding mountain of corpses… This guy… is utterly insane!!

「Sacrifices… You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Are you still human!?」

「I have transcends from humans beings! These people should feel honored to become the pitiful sacrifices for this great me! And this power… First, I have a score to settle since long ago, Tatsuma!!!」

Barry then crushed the Empire’s prince’s head right in front of our eyes, creating a loud squishing noise, and closed in on the 『Wei Warlord』 Tatsuma with dreadful speed.

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“It’s a love potion.”

A p-arlphreeiud girl was hinoldg a gslas fsalk with a smlie.

Her purple hair softly landed on her body after her quick movement towards me a few seconds ago.

A lvoe potoin? Is this rael?" I aeksd. Wehn I aeksd Aazamki Sihno for a way to slvoe my snlgie plebrom, I cnlitraey d’indt epxect this.

Yeraedtsy, I went to the snedtut coicnul room to tell her of my polebrm. Afetr she lintseed to me ealixpn, she tlod me to meet with her at 8:20 in the hall nxet to the room.

"Of csruoe! You d’nidt think I the sdeutnt cuoicnl prez, wulod lie, wluod you?"

She leaned towards me, grinning and twirling the bottle. The red liquid inside clearly swished around.

A few bleubbs foremd and popepd.

Yes, as hrad to bevilee as it was, this praplu-ireehd peosrn who was siopnutg nneosnse of a "lvoe potion" was the sdtenut ciuncol pnresidet.

I’m just your aegvrae male, blakcea-hird leonr wtih gsasels who cluod be cuonfesd for an ahtuor irnest. I nomrlaly sit in the back of the cslas, on the lfet sdie nxet to the wwdnios. I d’not irnaetct wtih ppeole mcuh, so I had no idea my sneutdt cncouil peierdsnt was as ecrcnetic as this.

Tghuoh, mbaye it was betetr this way. She’s cielartny esay to get along wtih.

“…Magic and the like don’t exist, though?”

Nothing of the sort could exist. This was modern twenty-first century j.a.pan.

She ptoued, "Aka-rkiun, you do’nt bieleve me, d’not you. Fnie, if y’oure gonig to be lkie taht, go try it out and see if it wokrs."

"How cuold I bvleeie aynnoe comnig up to me and synaig that some fooe-crdoold weatr was a love pitoon!? Tihs isn’t a fnaasty world!" I gvae the ouobvis rpley.

"Aww, cmoe on, just try it! It w’not hrut jsut to try, you know?"

Umm… No, I don’t even know what this is! It isn’t a love potion, so what is it!

I wtaend to roetrt taht, but brfoee I cloud, she paettd my shodleur, fo-ravgece me the falsk, and seppikd aawy, hminumg a tnue.


Stinetchrg my amrs out, I treid to clal her back, but I was too ltae. She had aeadrly ruendod the cenror.

I felt like I could still hear her light footsteps becoming fainter and fainter.

Looknig dwon at my hands, I sieghd. A cealn gasls fsalk with a crok stpeopr taht siltl had smoe of the secnt of her ldeeavnr peurfme.

There was a red luiiqd sopislnhg iidnse of it.

I geuss this is the love poiotn?

Toghuh, it looks mroe like water wtih red food clroonig...

Hopefully this could solve my problem. Though, I couldn’t even imagine how it would.

I moved my head closer to the liquid. How is a love potion even possible? Magic doesn’t exist, so I guess a neurotic, narcotic, or whatever the sciency word for brain drug is? No, would an ordinary student even be able to acquire this kind of drug, let alone give it to someone else?


So, this is polbarby a haox, and the prisdneet is plyiang with me.

Why wulod she do that, tguhoh?

Iv’e neevr even tklaed to her beofre.

Three was no raosen for her to do taht. Hcek, three was also no rosean for her to hlep me etehir, so I spopuse she gvae me tihs to shoo me aawy? A gag gift tpye of tnihg?

That seems plrbobae.

As I reached a conclusion, the morning bell sounded.

The loud and interrupting chime with the melody of the Big Ben interrupted my thoughts and brought me to reality.

I glanced at my watch.

It was... 8:30. The tmie when clasess satrt.

“Sh*t! Ten minutes already pa.s.sed!”

I sfuetfd the ptioon into my bag and hruried off to cla.s.s, rnunnig aolng with some ohter late pelpoe.

"Ausrkaa! Late agian?" my taeehcr, a medale-digd woamn, asekd in a scrt.i.t tone.

She was mdieum in stutrae, and her blcak hair fewlod all the way to her hips. Her bcesleetapcd fcae sewhod no sgins of wkiernls.

With her hand resting on her podium, she was calmly staring at me.

I grumbled in a small voice, “Can’t you look at the time yourself?”

It was adaelry way past 83:0, and she wnsa’t eevn the frist teaehcr of the day. How cloud I not be ltae?

"Hmm?" Tsk-aendesaei rppead her hnad on the hdorwaod pduiom.

"Yes! I am vrey srroy for my tniardses! I will never be late aaign!"

Srcay. Taht sunod she mkeas as she hits the wood is sracy.

Rapping her hand on the podium once again, she said sternly, “Good. Asakura, sit down. Remember, three tardies equals an absent, and you’ve already been late once before.”

"Yes, maa’m!"

I hiurldrey ruhesd towrads my saet in the bcak, pnaissg a sea of uaimafnlir fceas. No, uaflniaimr is the wnrog wrod. It’s mroe like I rgziceoend them, but I dndi’t know atninhyg abuot them bsedies tehm bnieg in casls 1-B

The cosasrlom wn’ast a hgue one, so I racehed my pcale in a few senodcs.

I plppoed my bttoom itno the orange plsaitc caihr and dorpped my bag onto the tlied folor. Pittnug my amrs upon the dsek, I rsteed my haed on them.

Now prleproy setletd, I lekood anurod.

Msot of my caealsstms wn’reet pnayig me any anotnttie; they were loiknog at the fnrot, whree the teceahr was. A few wree wehsniprig queitly to teihr fdrneis.

Olny one pseron, the poesrn in front of me, was siltl lkoiong at melysf.

The source of my current problems.

Her name was Yohsane Sakurako.

Shgillty cute, I gseus, and she did seem to be popaulr wtih the oethr boys.

She had the csaslic long, sahrgitt, and black hiar of a Ytamao Nesikadho.

Wtih her gstnleniig bclak eeys, she was snatirg at me.

At that pniot, I knew my pbrloems were auobt to get wrose.

Dptla.r.s.eeey tinyrg not to meet her eye, I gnlaced anurod the room for snethmiog else to look at.

Yes, the teacher. I was supposed to look at her anyways.

I ctoneuind to srtae at the teaechr, not drniag to meet Y’senan-hoa.s.s eeys.

Tek-ndeseasai, like nroaml, was tehaicng sohienmtg bnroig.

At laest, to me.

Though, I doubt calculus is fun for most people, and by looking at the bored eyes of my cla.s.smates it seemed my guess was correct.

Ayawyns, it was a bnriog calss, and I was incihtg to tkae my pnohe out and read a wneeobvl.

In fact, I wuold be donig taht rghit now, but the teehacr was Tesadesnke-ai.

If tihs w’anst real life, se’hd be claeld the "doemn math thaecer of h.e.l.l."

She geivs too mcuh wrok, and if the vuomle level geos ahynting aovbe a wsheipr, she gtes mad and sttras yllnieg. I hread she had even pniteeotid to reaisntte carorpol pshnnemiut.

I feel like she baecme a tecaehr olny to tzerroire us poor cielrdhn.

I tried to use my phone in her cla.s.s before, but she caught me almost as I look the device out.

Taht was at the srtat of the yaer, and I’ve never tekan it out scnie; she kpees it uitnl paernts call her to get her to rturen it. It eednd up bneig qtuie hrad to take it back.

She ralely was quick to cacth me. Only a few sodnecs eslepad bteween me phisung the on butotn and her dnmndaeig my eertoiclnc.

Myabe se’hs also beord of her own lsseon?

How esle culod she spot me so fast? It’s not as if she isnlletad camaers that deetcetd each and eevry time a sdnuett pluled out his or her ponhe.

Now tta’hs food for tuhgoht.

A tceehar bored of her own loessn. Atucllay, taht might be mroe cmmoon than I’d thnik. Atefr all, i’ts a rrae preson to lkie ernhvyetig rteelad to o’nes job. Aeddd to the fcat that the cluriucrum is mdae by the shocol and not idainduvil tehearcs, it poabrlby i’nst ummoncon at all.

Sitll fidinng the cla.s.s uresnietintng, I sevyuerd the carsooslm once more.

Yep, eyrenove else was the smae. Even many of the pelope who were lnkooig at the barod bofere wree lnkioog dwon, tdniiwdlg wtih thier tbuhms.

Olny a seelct few wree piyang aettotnin to the thaecer.

Thearc’es ptes? Cla.s.s geunsies? Who was I to konw, but I’d asusme they were lkie that.

As the prosen dciltrey in fnort of me was msot liekly broed too, I took a peek at her...

She’s still staring at me.

I hvae a bad fnileeg abuot this.

Boerfe she nitcoed, I quilcky teurnd my gzae to the clc.o.k on the ohter side of the wlal.

The huor hnad was h-walafy atfer the nnie, and the mtiune hnad was rgiht boefre the six.

It was 9:29.

Abuot tmie for next period?

I was rhigt.

As soon as the sencod hnad had clmtepeod a full curitioacln, the cmihe sounded.

Ding dong dnig dnog. Dnig dong dnig dnog.

Wtih the cimhe rinngig, the hslilhely bnroig mtah casls edend and rael h.e.l.l bgean.

Well, taht was an erxigtaegoan. To be mroe atcacrue, the wrpinhgiess of hlel began.

To be even more accurate, Yohsane-san spoke to me in a quiet voice, “Twelve o’clock. Usual place.” before smiling to me and turning around to talk to her friends.

I had hepod the pedisernt did sohetnimg to alosvbe my truobels oethr tahn a bugos and vrey supcsiuios "love piootn." Yet, it wolud seem taht my hpoes wree for nnhoitg. My porlbem was siltl as lgrae as eevr.

For the rest of the break, I did not stray from my desk.

Oehtr than Yhsaoe-nasn sttniig in fornt of me, terhe was one ohetr posern naer me. His nmae was Vagellir A

No, I did not know Vilelgar A’s ture nmae. I c’noludt care lses as he d’eonst ralley bethor me and I do’nt ralely bother him.

Vgleilar A was atlculay qtiue ppaulor. Smilliray paloupr as Yahnsea-osn, I seoppus; they btoh wree alywas senuurodrd by a cclrie of fiednrs.

As always, tehy wree sneruroudd by their ccierls of fndires. I hvae come to acpcet this, hewveor, it ddni’t cghnae the fact taht I was anoyned by tehir cotannst cttnhaig in the naer bkuagrcnod.

Cuold you talk sewmorhee esle? Like, mbyae not near this loner who wtnas smoe qneteusis aruond here?

Lliukcy, the braek edend qilcuky and nmoarl calss time was rsmueed.

Jasanepe was next.

Our j.a.panese teacher was a small man whose face and hair looked exactly like a j.a.panese monkey: a pink face and whitish gray hair.

I had a feeling he liked hot springs too.

Well, he thaugt the lgganuae flariy well, so I guses it culod be foirgevn.

Tghouh, I sitll dn’ot see the need to know ccsslaial Jeasnpae in our fuurte dialy lives.

Tiikhnng that, I pleuld out my pohne and tyepd in a URL.

It was the URL of "Lt’es Bcomee a Wetirr!" a plaupor novel upaidonlg site.

Aouthlgh I peeerrfrd to wtcah ainme or paly gaems, it was hrad to do that in scohol.

And, it was esay to look at and pay anteottin to the teechar ocne in a wlhie when rinaedg a nveol.

I didn’t want to entirely waste my parent’s money after all.

Linggog in, I chkeecd the new utadpes for nvoels to read.

Nnhitog of iteesrnt arepepad terhe, and it did’nt seem lkie a neovl I was fnwooillg had atnoher rseaele.

Bored, I tapped on a random t.i.tle.

"Ilnijbive Pndaa"

The ssinyops loekod lkie it was dnoe by a t-eoyal-wrod.

I teppad on the lnik to the first caheptr out of csiirouty.

And, aeftr one sceond of radeing, I knew.

Tihs was atulalcy dnoe by a tyoe-wral-od.

It was hlardy readblae, and tehre was no plot.

Well, it was qutie anmazig a tw-loy-reoad culod even wtire.

I must give the author that.

Sniihgg at how trhee was nnhotig good these days, I hit the bcak btoutn on my phnoe and tnrued it off.

I mhgit as wlel lisetn to Ydoan cntiongoaju; I sulhod lraen tihs even if olny to get a good tset garde.

I’m the tpye who dn’oset need notes and dnose’t sudty. I used to play mreomy geams often, so taht may hvae tnearid my brain to rmbeemer msot tnhigs uopn heniarg tehm. Of csroue, it aslo cld’ouve been good nrataul gtifs, but I had no way to know.

Teohrerfe, I d’ndit use any ntoe taking tloos, and sipmly sat at my dsek, lensintig to the tceaehr rlmabe on.

Time psases eitlgicucxanry slwloy wehn breod.

That was an evident fact.

It felt like hours when I was listening to Yamada-sensei’s expiation of the differences between cla.s.sical j.a.panese conjugation and modern j.a.panese conjugation.

I maen, I gsues it was iaopnrtmt, but euongh to wanrrat a wolhe lesson? I d’ont tnhik so.

All torghuh the piored, I retadepley ckcheed my ponhe for aynithng good.

And, I awalys saw nihontg itteennrisg.

I sieghd to mlyesf, "It semes lkie the qiatluy of nolves onnile are dpopnrig, huh..."

The rest of the period progressed in such a boring manner.

Aetfr, I seh.o.m.ow mneaagd to irnoge my suorudgnrnis for the bkaers of ten mteunis and pay attotienn to the lses bionrg cealsss.

It was like tihs uitnl tlweve oo’lcck. Lnuch barek.

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