[Fourth day at prison life]

This is bad, this is bad, this is bad! I was careless, both date and time just pa.s.sed by!!
When I asked the guard this morning, it was the terrible fact that there are only five days in a week on this world.

I wasn"t able sleep from worrying at the things that was told last night so now I"m deprived of sleep this morning. But, I have no time for it.

[This is bad… But because this is a different world it should be natural that I forget the sense of discrepancy on the days of the week…! ]

When I get impatient I get hungry. When the Skill is used, today meal became white bread and consommé soup.
When I ate my fill in small quant.i.ty, my impatience calmed down a bit.
Calm down, calm down……
It took several minutes, but I was able to finally calm down.

[It was helpful to have made some sense of my skills earlier… I doubted it a little but it was good, I should have obtain more information from that guard this morning, ]

The morning guard has moved to a different floor, they seem to be making their rounds. The night guard doesn"t move from its fix location. Is that vicinity a resting room? The guard and the robed guy are far apart. They didn"t come back.

Even a little information is good, when peeping outside through the lattice window; the usual fleet is seen from the naval base.

From this place, I gave up when I wasn"t able to gather more information, and then I saw an old man caught by a soldier. He has some terrible injuries but his appearance has a wild pirate-ish look. Ah! The soldier hit him. Seems the injury was caused by the soldier when he was caught.

My gaze was focused on the Skill-set that was made yesterday, seems like I"m harder to be noticed because of the increase in stealth ability. And looking from here isn"t is too far? There isn"t any guy who would notice me.

I stop peeking from the lattice window and start thinking of a way to escape at once. I have some plans and a lot of them, there are MP loss in preparing this many.

I thought several ways to break-out. It"s probably possible to cut the iron grille with brute force, but where should I run off too… I don"t have enough information at all.

There weren"t any picking tool in 《Item》 to open the keyhole.
I search and examine within 《Item》, only recovery items such as High HP Potion and High Elixir was in there. In that case, if I don"t have one then why not I make one myself.
In addition while searching, one item caught my eye.

《t.i.tanium Alloy-made》

It is something which I wore before. The wallet and key didn"t seem to have been taken away from me, but these I feel some attachment from it.
Then an idea just came to mind.

(Can"t I dismantle this and make a picking tool with it?)

There"s a 《Goldsmith Skill》. By using this, a picking tool can be made, but basically a thin wire is needed as the material.
I say that have wire-like thinness. The problem is that it"s made out of t.i.tanium alloy. I transformed the into wires. It will be a big help in escaping if it goes all well, but if it fails……

I didn"t care how much this cost. Because I was using this for a long time that"s why I have strong attachment to it. How long did it take? Maybe just a short while.
After deciding the outcome, I used a skill to dismantle the

(It"s not a subst.i.tute for one"s life)

With the use of the 《Dismantling Skill》 the gla.s.s lens and t.i.tanium alloy-made wires was at hand.
The lens was put inside the 《Item Box》, next is the 《Goldsmith Skill》 I choose the picking tool production and wish deeply for it. I strongly wish for it, and wished much harder than the time when I wished for the bread and soup.

(Please…. Work…..!!)

In my hand was a wire which shines faintly. I strongly grasped it, and was late to notice that light has subsided.
While my heart was still trembling, I opened my hand slowly…….

《Wire of the Thief King: Using a mysterious metal, a wire that is strong, resistant to heat, and can be bend to different angles that"s suited for lock-picking wonderfully. The thing this wire cannot open is few in numbers. Rarity: 【SR】》

It"s here……!! Moreover it"s an SR!? Although the t.i.tanium were just a R rarity, it rank up!

While holding it, it became somewhat familiar within my hand. I didn"t use Thief very much, but nevertheless I got this feeling that I can unlock anything makes me somewhat uneasy.
With a *dokidoki* I extend my hands out of the iron grate to check if there are any guards in the floor…. I then inserted 《Wire of the Thief King》 into the keyhole.
While unlocking the door, a loud sound confirmed a soldier nearby. I carefully feel around the insides of the keyhole and memorizing the internal structure like an illusion, and then bend the wire inside.
Slowly… Slowly now. I twist the wire.


It was a tiny click… I silently pushed the door to open… Success… It" a success!… I then put it back. It"s not hopeless as it is. While holding down the excitement of succeeding, I returned the lock and lightly closed the door. When I pulled out the wire its form changed when I examined it, it has a different looks from the time I inserted it.
This is the last key. Isn"t it great?

While looking at the 《Wire of the Thief King》 with a grin, I check the map and saw two guards was coming toward this floor. I quickly putted 《Wire of the Thief King》 away in the item box and leaned on the wall spiritlessly.

I hear some dragging sound with the footsteps that"s walking on the stone pavement steadily.
The noise stopped on the next cell and heard something was thrown with a loud thud.

[You put your life for a subordinate"s sake, as if we let something like that escape. However, it was all in vain. Once we capture that subordinate of yours, I"ll cut their neck off as a lesson]

It was the voice of the important-looking soldier. It"s an unlikable voice as ever. The important-looking soldier peeps into this cell this time.

[Seems like the collar will be completed tomorrow. If it fails then YOUR neck flies off. I don"t need to see the face of an otherworlder to know that they won"t like it.]

Just because it"s an otherworlder you will simply kill them? The stop summoning them! The night guard didn"t change and is still unsociable; some of the morning guards looked apologetic.

When I show my state of getting down and depressed, the soldier flashed with a happy giggle and left with the guard.
It was being judged with pale eyes that feel revolting. Do you think you looked cool in that?

If the collar doesn"t work then I"ll be executed tomorrow. The I should make my move earlier than planned. Even if I manage to escape where do I go? I"m not familiar with the land and no money to boot.
Even if I use 《Stealth》, it will be hard to walk on a different land. And if I escape poorly, I might arrived on a land ruled by the empire.


I heard a voice from the next cell which seems to be in pain. It seems that they were harmed quite heavily. But I was worried for the one in the next cell.

[Oi, are you ok?]

When I nervously called out, a voice of an Ossan answered.

[Do you think I"m ok…. Dammit……. Those imperial b.a.s.t.a.r.ds……! Those blokes….. should’ve escapes well with the ship…!]

The Ossan returns an answer with an intoxicated voice. Word that I can"t ignore hearing was mixed in his answer.

Those blokes? Ship? Does this person have a ship?

[Oi, Ossan? You, have a ship?]

[Ah? What is it…. Of course I have a ship; I"m a pirate… tsu….]

A pirate! A pirate opposing the empire! I can use this guy! I took an item out from 《Item》.

《High HP Potion: A high-grade potion that restores 1000 HP It has the effect that restores a severed finger.》

[Ossan, just be quiet and drink this potion]


[It"s fine, drink it. While there are no surveillance around]

[O…ou. …uo…. What the h.e.l.l is this!? My finger grew back!?]

As for the Ossan in the cell next to me, He obediently drinks it when he received the High HP Potion and was surprised at its effect. This Ossan didn"t even doubt a little. What will you do if it was a poison?

[I"m saved… But you…. You"re in prison but why do you have such valuables… Moreover this is a High HP Potion isn"t it!? From some talks even veteran adventurers rarely even have this!?]

[I have some various circ.u.mstances. Ossan, if you strength is already recovered I have something to talk about]

[Ou, you are my benefactor who healed my suffering injury. In this situation ask me anything]

He has a strong sense of loyalty. He"s a pirate but I"ll trust him for now.

[Do you know the country who is fighting with the empire?]

[That"s how much there is… The south has been almost controlled from here. I have heard that a coast city over the big mountains was being attacked. Then there"s the fact that the Northern Centdrag Kingdom
are also being attacked the same time]

A two-front operation! Probably they used prisoners of war as disposable war potential, did they intend to be sink by bombardment from the sea by that frigate? With that number replacing someone has no problem.
Because there is that griffon-like thing, land, sea and air strategy is possible.

[Next isー Ossan, is your subordinate and ship safe?]

[Aa, I became a decoy and let them escape toward the hideout. ……As it is now, it will be just a matter of time before they"re caught. Just in two… No, three days… even if they escape with the warship…]

[….If I could only]

[Haa? Is there something I can do?]

Ossan raised a voice with curiosity, I can"t be seen from here, but with a stupefied expression on my face I called him.


[What is it? Still want to know something?]

[Do you want to get out of here?]

I strengthen my determination to escape from here. Now is a good chance. If I miss this chance Ossan"s subordinate might die, together with me. I may manage it if I use 《Invincibility》 and 《Stealth》 together, it"s necessary to help this Ossan as I don"t know where this kingdom is.

[Of course I do if I can, but… It"s d.a.m.n impossible]

[We can leave]

[I can return Ossan to his subordinate safely, to the ship"s hideout. Therefore lend me your strength…. That"s all I"ll ask]

I who clearly decided to get out interrupted Ossan"s voice, then I took out the 《Wire of the Thief King》 from 《Item Box》.

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