When me and Ossan entered the cave, a new map opens. It seems to be quite complicated. I see. It’s exactly good for a hideout.
Still it’s not too far from the Imperial capital. Because it near the highway, they disguised as merchants and travelers when getting some supply goods. I found an area connected to the sea on the edge of the map. There seem to be around eight people there. Thy seems to be Ossan’s subordinates.

There are a large reactions of bats in the cave, its probably a monster. When I lowered Ossan down, Ossan collapsed with a thudding noise. And at the same time, 《Stealth》 was canceled. Unless I do that I won’t be able to see Ossan.

[Ca….can’t stand]

[Oi oi, You ok?]

[With such acrobatic feats preformed, there’s no way I’m gonna be ok!]

That’s true. Breaking out of prison at a speed of a running car, furthermore super jumping from there, then flying in air even I would be able to stand if I were in Ossan’s shoes. It took a while for Ossan to stand decently, but I didn’t notice it because we escaped at high speed. There are still two hours till meal time.

[Alright… I’m gonna lead you to the hideout. …Which reminds me, we haven’t introduced each other. I’m Barbarosa]

[My name is Toudou Masaki. You may call me Masaki]

[So it’s Masaki. You are my… no, our benefactor. Please lend us your full power]

[That is after I safely escape from the empire. Say, do you have any expectation that if applied the ship can turn transparent? To be honest I still don’t know the area of effect either]

[Aa. Then let’s go. This way]

When Ossan pushed a big rock from the entrance, a switch appeared. When it was stepped on, a wall of rocks turned with a *clunk* and it became a door. When I enlarge the map to see whether there was such a structure in the pa.s.sage. I seems the the map doesn’t display the switch and the door. While Ossan was guiding me, we haven’t encountered any monster on the pa.s.sageway. The structure goes like if I pa.s.sed any route other than here then I’ll into a monster. I was thinking of my next action while walking, then Barbarosa called out to me.

[Masaki no Danna. Why didn’t you serve the empire ,even though you have such convenient ability? What I’m saying is, with that ability can’t you become a general?]

[Aa, that. To tell you the truth]

While walking I explained to Barbarosa that I was a summoned being.
That was almost been equipped with a slave collar.
But I was able to fully nullify it and was thrown into the prison.

[Selfishly summoning me to serve the empire then trying to make me a slave]

[I agree. I also fought back with my pirate comrades army troops…… But we where betrayed, scattered, and now in this condition. There are few who isn’t under the empires’ support that stayed with us pirates]

[Then that several warship…]

[Several years ago this country was peaceful. Then they begun to enhance their armaments and they suddenly build new types of ships then declared war to various countries. Last time the small country of the Beastman clan and Demon clan was conquered… I also did my best there to…]

[There are Demons too? I don’t know this world well, isn’t the Demon clan strong?]

[Yeah. Since they are Demons, some guys are good with magic. At the same time they are also good in handling swords and axes. Unfortunately the different in numbers were too great. Even when the Demon king was in the country it they weren’t able to do anything… but to escape to a different country. Masaki no Danna. We’re here]

If I’m besides Danna they are sure to notice, because I don’t think it’s inviting you is bad, they’ll probably don’t mind it. In the depths of the pa.s.sage there was a wooded door attached onto to it with traces of corrosion. And the fragrance of the tides was drifting from the gap… that informs me that the sea is close. Barbarosa opened the door vigorously while crying with a loud voice.

[Oi! Everyone, I have returned!!]

[B-boss!!?][You’re alive!? We thought you died]

[I-I have legs! I’m alive! I’m the real living Boss!]

The subordinates runs toward Barbarosa wile crying. Such a suitable adoration. It’s too much but it was worth helping him. When I left from the pa.s.sage door, there was a excellent ship. I catch the sight of the pirate ship.

[Aniki!! I’m glad you’re safe…! We heard that you were captured by those imperials, how were you able to escape from the inescapable prison? And who is that on the back?]

A guy with a polite tone came out of the ship. Looking surreal as he was wearing an ap.r.o.n . He called him aniki so is that Barbarosa’s otouto?

[I’ll introduce him to all of you. Masaki no Danna is a great benefactor who helped me! Make your greetings!]

[[[Usu! Masaki no Danna! Thank you very much!!]]]

They bowed all at once. I’m not used to things like this. I mustn’t get into the trend here but I was glad to be thanked after all. Still, we haven’t escaped the danger yet.

[I helped Barbarosa because I also need his help. I like to get away from the empire as soon as possible. Will you help me?]

[Hey! We’ll help you naturally but there’s a problem…. What would we do about those warships…?]

The problem is that frigate warship. I may shake off around several ships, if it’s only that few. If we unleash a bombardment all at once, such ships will be shattered in pieces. Therefore it is necessary to take the initiative. That way just fitted the current me.

[I have something in hand about that. You load up the baggage immediately, and arrange the preparations for depart. Do you have enough food?]

[We’re not that careless. What I procured from the town before is untouched]

[Is that so. Then load up the baggage now, and do the preparations. I’ll do something about those warships]

I float toward the sky using 《Wing》 and all the pirate’s expressions changed into a surprised state. There seems to be no similar magic as this. This may also be a special magic.

[H-he Flown!?][Masaki no Danna can fly in the sky!?]

[I want to learn that magic by all means…]

There seems to be a magician among them, too. But even if thy leaned it, they have to have a severe MP in order to manage it.

[Maintain the tools. It’s better to think that you can’t return here for along time. Go now!]

I increased the speed of 《Wing》 and had 《Stealth》 and 《Invincibility》 activate at the same time, I changed into a 《Stealth》 fighter while flying toward the naval base. The degree of the speed per minute is hug when there’s no Barbarossa being carried.

I arrived at the sky in a naval base without anyone noticing. There was no sign of of life within the map when I came down, the I rearrange my skill.

Because I don’t have any intention on getting close, I removed 【Sneak Attack】 and any close combat abilities.
Instead I equipped 【Underwater Breathing】 and 【Expert Swimmer】. Both 《Pa.s.sive Skill》 are specialized for underwater use.

I entered the naval base with 《Stealth》 and in my view appeared a large number of Frigate or Caravel ships. When I think again to make sure, I went to a unpopular place and entered the water. Using 【Underwater Breathing】 I can breath under water. 《Stealth》 doesn’t seems to be canceled even when I’m diving and swimming. When I arrive under the ship using 【Expert Swimmer】, I used the active skill 【Countdown Bomber】 And put it at the bottom of the ship. Time is estimated around two hours. I made it long so I can attached as many as possible.

When 【Countdown Bomber】 was used 《Stealth》 was canceled. It seems fall on the requirement for cancelation when I carry out such activity. I carefully set the 【Countdown Bomber】, the it’s time to move with 《Stealth》. The time movement is gradually shifting while I put the time.

I was in the water for an hour but with 【Physical Ability Up】 and 【Underwater Breathing】 I felt no fatigue. Work smoothly advance, but the remaining time is limited. I should finish it quickly. There was only twenty minutes left when I finished installing 【Countdown Bomber】 on the bottom of on hundred ships.
When a person is. .h.i.t by 【Countdown Bomber】, there will be a large damage. But the drawback is when you defeated the monster it will not explode. The big advantage of this is that it can destroy a vehicle and building which is destroyable. Destroying an obstacle usually takes time, if I use this I can crush it with a single blow but it’ll be possible to make a big hole in the bottom of the ship and make them sink. They cannot restore those warship if I destroy it here because I ranked the part called the keel. It should be difficult to do something about it even with magic if it sinks.

I used 《Stealth》 and got out of the sea quietly and immediately return to the pirate ship with 《Wing》. I fell like 007.

The departure preparations of the pirates was already finished when I returned to se the pirated ship. It’s good that work is fast. When I canceled 《Stealth》 Barbarosa’s followers simultaneously shouted.

[[[[[Welcome back! Big Boss!]]]]]

Before I’m aware of it, I became the Big Boss. What the h.e.l.l is this!

《Pa.s.sive Skill》
【Increase Movement Speed】(Medium)(High Thief)
【Physical Ability Up】(Extra-Large)(Grappler)
【Stealth Performance Up】(Large)(
【Auto MP Recovery】(Medium)(Magic Fencer)
【Auto HP Recovery】(Medium)(Lord Paladin)
【Detect Presence Ability】(Large)(, High Thief, Tamer, Archer Group)
【Underwater Breathing】 (Generic Skill)
【Expert Swimmer】 (Generic Skill)

《Active Skill》
【Swift Wind】 (
【Countdown Bomber】(High Alchemist)

When leveling-up, a new generic skill will be automatically learned.

© 2024