The GM Has Logged Into A Different World

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Here’s another release of Isekai GM, will be a while before this will be followed as I will first finished the first volume of Cheat Majutsu…

I’l just post my second quest on NUF’s Adventurer’s Guild, and non-ad link at the bottom.

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My NUF Adventurer"s Guild Card

ID#: 2936

Race: Cursed Mask

Job: Neptune-sama’s Follower
Occupation: Planeptune Basillicom Special Employee

WeaponsOn Hand:

Vision ‘The sword of Destruction’ +10 (SEALED)Gerechtigkeit ‘The Regalia of Justice’ +10 (SEALED)Sola & Luna ‘The Twin Short Sword Mode’ +1Sola & Luna ‘The Single Short Bow Mode’ +1Armor

~Vlack Series~

Cursed MaskVlack Shirt +1Vlack Coat +1Vlack Denim Pants +1Vlack Gloves +2Vlack Boots +2Item Box Inventory Snow Goblin Corpse(x1), Guild Master’s Hugging Bomb(x1), 【Lolification】(x1), 【Repair】(x1), 【Midas Hands】(x1),【Magpangap】(x1), 【Blade Works】(x1), 【SpeedBoost】(x1),【Elemental Boost】(x1)
Skills1.Copy Cat (Innate Skill): Can copy any real skill the user have seen with 50% accuracy in specs.

2.Real Literature (Received from the dying old man): Any fictional skills that was written by the user can be used once. Per week the skill user can write up to seven skill scrolls that is one time use only. Only skills Rank B and below can be made. Can’t write the same skill at the same week.

3.Animated Reality (Made by combining Copy Cat and Real Literature): Any skills from any Anime, Manga, Games, and Novels can be used. Must have seen or read how the the skill is used and how it works. Just hearing the skill details will result to cannot be emulated state. Restriction on skills are;

Can be only used 50 times a day (Counter resets after 24hrs).All skills are down-ranked by 2 ranks (Rank S skills will become Rank B).Can be only used one at a time, and the emulated skill can be only used once a day.

Restriction can be removed for half a day by using 25 counters. After effects are;

Can’t use Animated Reality for a week after restriction release ends and at the same time user’s status will be halved..Can’t uses Copy Cat & Real Literature individually after restriction release.

[Single target] Endow your next attack with the element of your choice (Can be only used on one attack then your stat will revert to normal.)【Speed Boost】 Skill Scroll: (Original)

Project one weapon. (Limited only up to B Rank weapons)【Magpangap】 Skill Scroll: (Original)

[Single target] Turn anything the user touched into gold. (Won’t work on living things and skill is one time use only)【Repair】 Skill Scroll: (Original)

[Single target] Turn any female into a pettan loli for 3 minutes. (Targets within the G.o.d race or has similar composition with divinity will be immune to the skill)

Rank: E

Completed Quest: 2

Failed Quest: 0
Failed Quest Taken (By Chronological Order)None

Gold: 160 Gold (debt from the tavern by TsukiNoHono was settled by the Guild Master)

Name: Glacia

Race: Glacier Goblin[Subspecies] (Before Humanification)/ Demi-human (Current)

Job: Slave / (Only in Demi-human form) Matial Artist / (Only in Glacier Goblin form)Berserker

SkillsRoar of Valor (Innate Skill before Humanification): Raising one’s defense and offence to it’s limits. Will changes the user’s hair to a blackish color and their arms and legs will be enveloped by steel-like protectors, this can also used to attack the enemy.Icicle Spike(Innate Skill before Humanification): Pounding the ground will make a spear made of ice pierce the enemy from below ground.Buckshot Ice(Innate Skill before Humanification): Gather Ice from above the user until it’s 10 time bigger than the user. User throws it up the air and the User will smash it with all their might making the ice fragments fly like bullets toward the enemy.Icicle Defense(Innate Skill before Humanification): Makes many layers of ice enveloping the user for protection. While being protected the user can’t move until skill is canceled, once canceled the ice will quickly melt.Giga Ice Spear(Innate Skill before Humanification): Creates 10 sharpened ice spears and launches them toward the enemy. Can be launched one by one or all at the same time.Create Ice Block(Innate Skill before Humanification): Can create blocks of ice in any shape the user desires.Ice throw(Innate Skill before Humanification): Makes all thrown ice fly with a force comparable to a cannon.Transformation(Skill obtained after Humanification.): Transform into a Glacier Goblin/Demi-Human. In Glacier Goblin form, physical attack and magical defense increases. And in Demi-human form, magical attack and physical defense increases.

LOG DATE: 10/05/2016
~Adventurers Guild Quest Board~

Rusaku: [Guild Master, many thanks! *bows down*]

After receiving permission to go in the Gallant Mine from the Guild Master I was going to leave for preparation but then I meet the Guild Master’s wife near the entrance.

Hikari Shiki: [Please be careful Rusaku-kun, don’t overdo it alright? It’s important to take care of yourself.]

Rusaku: [Yes ma’am! *bows down*]

After a few exchange I went out the Guild.

~Adventurers City’s Inn~
I went inside the inn I’m renting and quickly used Real Literature to procure six skill scrolls. I know that I can only make seven in a week but this is important so I didn’t hesitate to do it. And after some time pa.s.s the six scrolls was done.

Spoiler: Scrolls Made【Humanification】 Skill Scroll: (Original) [Single target] Makes the target if this skill into Human.【Slavery Crest】 Skill Scroll: (Original) [Single target] Embed a crest to the target making it the slave of the skill user. If the target has a strong const.i.tution the skill will fail to activate. (Can be only used on demi-humans)【Temporary Raise the Dead】 Skill Scroll: (Original) [Area target] With a radius of 15 meters, all corpse will rise and will execute a single command from the skill user.【Return】 Skill Scroll: (Original) [Multi target] Return to the place where user set as the return point. (Return point must be set first.)【Float Dial】 Skill Scroll: (Source: Awatsuki, Maaya’s Esper Skill) [Single target] Allows the manipulation of the buoyancy of the user and their surroundings. It allows the user to lift heavy objects, walk on water without breaking its surface tension, and leap several feet into the air.【Hydro Hand】 Skill Scroll: (Source: Wannai, Kinuho’s Esper Skill) [Multi target] Control small amounts of water in a way to form a miniature waterspout, requires a body of water to use the skill, and once it is scattered on the ground it will not be able to make use of it.

But even with this scrolls, taking down a Rank B will be hard for a Rank E like me. So in order to avoid the mistake from before, I made a list of skills to emulate with Animated Reality.

Spoiler: Skills to be EmulatedRankings: EX→SSS→SS→S→AA→A→B→C→D→E
Offensive Skills (Rank B and below)

【Lord of Vermilion Lv.10】 Rank A → C (Source: Ragnarok Wizard Skill)【Cocytus】 Rank AA → B (Source: Shiba, Miyuki’s Magic)【Inferno】 Rank A → C (Source: Shiba, Miyuki’s Magic)【Muspelheim】 Rank A → C (Source: Angelina Shield’s Magic)【Niflheim】 Rank A → C (Source: Shiba, Miyuki’s Magic)【Hrunting (EMIYA ver.)】 B → D (Source: Servant EMIYA’s Skill)【Slip】 C → E (Source: Mochizuki, Touya’s Cheat Skill)【17 Dissection】 A → C (Source: Tohno, Shiki’s Skill)【Shiden Issen (Purple Lightning Flash)】 A → C (Source: Signum’s Skill)【Thunder Smasher】 A → C (Source: Fate Testarossa’s Skill)

Support Skills (Rank B and below)

【Rho Aias】 B → D (Source: Servant Emiya’s Skill)【MAP】 C → E (Source: Mochizuki, Touya’s Cheat Skill)【SEARCH】 C → E (Source: Mochizuki, Touya’s Cheat Skill)【HEAL Lv.10】 Rank B → D (Source: Ragnarok Acolyte skill)【GATE】 C → E (Source: Mochizuki, Touya’s Cheat Skill)【Create Water】 D → E (Source: Satou Kazuma’s Ordinary Skill)【Trans-Am】 A → C (Source: 00 Gundam’s Sytem Ability)【Firewall】 Rank C → E (Source: Ragnarok Mage Skill)【Crystal Cage】 AA → B (Source: Signum’s Skill)【Panzerhindernis】 A → C (Source: Signum’s Skill)

Trump Card Skills (Rank A Above)

【Material Burst】 Rank SSS → S (Source: Shiba, Tatsuya’s Stratigic Cla.s.s Magic)【Unlimited Blade Works】 AA~E → A~E (Source: Servant EMIYA’s NP)【HEAL】 EX → SS (Source: Nest’s magic from Seijo no Kaif.u.ku Mahou ga Dou Mitemo Ore no Rekkaban na Ken ni Tsuite)【Gate of Babylon】 EX~B → SS~D (Source: Servant Gilgamesh’s NP)【Ionioi Hetairoi】 EX → SS (Source: Servant Iskandar’s NP)

Remaining 25 AR counter reserved for Restriction Release Mode

And Because of AR’s restriction all those skills were down-ranked by two. I put five Ranks A and above skills just for a.s.surance but the whole mine might collapse so I’ll make it as the last resort. As it was getting late, I’ve quickly lied on my bed to rest. For tomorrow was a big day…

LOG DATE: 10/06/2016

After setting my room as the return point, I used a skill to get to Gallant Mines.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【GATE】!](AR 49/50)

While still in the Inn I used 【GATE】and a rectangular portal opens. Hopping inside I was instantly transferred to the mine entrance.
~Gallant Mine~

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【MAP】!](AR 48/50)

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【SEARCH】!](AR 47/50)

Just to be safe I used the 【MAP】skill, and while the effect was still there I instantly used 【SEARCH】.
Because of AR’s restriction, skills can be only used one at a time. But there are some loops here, for example when using 【MAP】and then instantly using 【SEARCH】, before 【MAP】is canceled 【SEARCH】will overlap with the first skill making the two merge. This is also effective on other skills but it will be a ha.s.sle to explain it all so I’ll leave it be for now.

Looking at the generated map, as expected at the end of the tunnel, there’s a big red dot in the huge open dome, the Glacier Goblin is still there but I can also see some small dots. Those might be the half dead goblins like before. Why did it left them in that state is what I’m not here to find out.

I ran as fast as I could and at the same time thinning my presence so I won’t be detected. Near the dome entrance I halted and scouted the area first, and there I saw something I can’t believe…. The Glacier Goblin’s lower half was pounding the Ice Goblin, at first I thought it was a male but looking at it carefully it’s a female. The Glacier Goblin who’s size is comparable to an Orc’s was reversed raping the small Ice Goblin, maybe because it’s a subspecies that why it’s trying to impregnate itself with it’s closest relative species to multiply. Now this explains the half dead states of the other goblins, the corpse were the females and the half dead was the males. But I’m not here to take down notes of it’s ecology, I’m here to take revenge. I equipped Sola and Luna then I carefully took a scroll and instantly used it’s effect.

Rusaku: [Scroll start! 【Temporary Raise the Dead】!]

All the goblin corpse started to stand, then I gave the command.

Rusaku: [Pin that Glacier Goblin down!!]

As I gave my command the undead goblins started to run towards the Glacier Goblin. The in-heat Glacier Goblin was surprised but then was able to get a hold of itself. It threw the exhausted Ice Goblin to the undead army but it didn’t stop their march toward the Glacier Goblin. Glacier Goblin then use it’s skill, ten sharpen ice spears appeared from above it and then all then was shot and pierced some of the undead goblins. But with it’s sheer numbers The Glacier Goblin was eventually pinned down. The Glacier Goblin was struggling but it wasn’t able to budge out. Then I used another skill.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Lord of Vermilion Lv.10】!](AR 46/50)

This spell was certainly powerful but because of the cast time I have to make the Glacier Goblin unable to move.

The Casting time started…

The Glacier Goblin was still struggling.

The Glacier Goblin was able to throw some of the undead goblins apart from it.

More of the undead goblin was thrown out.

The Glacier Goblin was finally able to free itself, but it was too late.

【Lord of Vermilion Lv.10】was finished casting and torrents of vermilion lightning pours down the Glacier Goblin. Along with the undead goblins, the area where the Glacier Goblin stands was instantly pulverized. I waited for the smoke to clear and I couldn’t believe my eyes, It was still standing. Glacier Goblin encased itself with layers of ice to protect itself. While the ice was melting it was glaring at me with hostility. The male Ice Goblin that was being reversed raped was also reduced to nothing so technically I already cleared my quest. But again that’s not what I’m here for….


The Glacier Goblin gave a loud roar. Seems like it’s as skill as it’s color changed from silver ash to a blackish color and parts of it’s limbs harden like steel. It then started to pound the ground with it’s fist. Then suddenly an icicle spike pierced the area where I was standing from a moment ago. If I was late on dodging it then I’ll be a human kebab at that moment. It was surprised that I was able to dodge it and I didn’t let that pa.s.s.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Create Water】!](AR 45/50)

And at the same time I used two of my scrolls.

Rusaku: [Scroll start! 【Hydro Hand】! 【Float Dial】!]

Using the water I created, I manipulate it with 【Hydro Hand】 and at the same time I rode the manipulated water using 【Float Dial】 making it look like I was surf boarding on land. With my speed increasing trice the speed, I slipped past the Glacier Goblin and slashed it’s back with my twin sword in-hand. Not expecting the attack from it’s defenseless back the Glacier Goblin took the full damage. It instantly swing it’s right limb backwards but I was already far away from it. While circling around Glacier-chan I used the next skill.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Inferno】!](AR 44/50)

Glacier-chan was engulfed by the raging pillar of fire. It tries to encase itself with ice but because the heat was too intense it quickly melted the ice. Even though Glacier-chan was inside the pillar of fire it seems like it’s not taking major damage. As expected from a Rank B subspecies, but it might also because of all my skills are down-ranked by two… Before 【Inferno】finished, I used another skill.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Cocytus】 !](AR 43/50)

The pillar of fire instantly froze while Glacier-chan was inside it was encased of ice but it was not to protect itself but to deal some damage. When I though Glacier-chan has stopped moving, cracks appeared from different parts of the frozen pillar. It was still alive and kicking, then a large crack appeared. Dammit how strong is this fellow! I instantly turned Sola and Luna into it’s bow mode, then I used another skill.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Hrunting (EMIYA ver.)】 !](AR 42/50)

I fired the Broken Phantasm with the use of Sola and Luna. Even though it was down-ranked to D, detonating a heroic weapon full of mana can be compared to a Rank A spell. 【Hrunting】pierced the huge crack and instantly detonated. I quickly took some distanced using 【Hydro Hand】&【Float Dial】combo that was still in effect. chunks of ice was falling down and a mist ice particle made it hard to see. I was squinting my eyes when a huge block of ice was fast approaching me by surprise.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Rho Aias】!](AR 41/50)

I instantly used the shield of eight petals that is as st.u.r.dy as eight fortresses. After the block of ice hits 【Rho Aias】, more block of ice came raining down on me from the mist of ice particles. Two of the eight petals were destroyed after the barrage of ice blocks ended and at the same time I canceled 【Rho Aias】. When the mist clears Glacier-tan was furiously mad and was glaring at me. Seems like I made it really mad. I then rushed toward Glacier-tan using 【Hydro Hand】&【Float Dial】combo. Glacier-tan made more blocks of ice to shoot at me but the current ones resembled the shape of a morning star.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Panzerhindernis】!](AR 40/50)

I was covered with a red crystallized barrier and took the barrage head on, waiting for the right moment I a.n.a.lyzed Glacier-tan’s movement. As soon as it ended it’s attack I again use another skill in succession.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Slip】!](AR 40/50)

I made Glacier-tan slip from the floor that caught it off guard.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Muspelheim】!](AR 39/50)

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Niflheim】!](AR 38/50)

I instantly tried to roast it with 【Muspelheim】’s intense flames then tried to cool it down with 【Niflheim】’s icy temperature. The result quickly came as the steel like parts of Glacier-tan started to crack.


Seems like I made it angrier. Glacier-tan held it’s arm up and ice started to gather from it. The ice got bigger and bigger until it’s ten times bigger then itself. Then it threw it up in the air, my eyes were keeping a lookout on the ice then suddenly Glacier-tan jumps at the same height as the thrown ice. It gave a grinning expression, and at the same time it punched the ice making all the shattered fragments shoots toward me. The fragments was speeding similar to a live bullet, and there where too many to evade with 【Hydro Hand】&【Float Dial】combo alone so I canceled it used yet another skill.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Trans-Am】 !](AR 37/50)

Instantly my form was enveloped with GN particles, and I quickly used quantization to evade the ice fragments. Appearing right behind Glacier-chii, I raised Sola above my head and I used an physical attack skill.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Shiden Issen (Purple Lightning Flash)】 !](AR 36/50)

Clad with purple flames, I swung Sola down with all my might. With that attack I was able to bisect it’s left arm. At the same time I kicked it’s stomach making it crashed down the floor. Looking at it’s appearance, Glacier-chii was not able to immediately stand as if all it’s stamina was emptied by the last attack. And before I fall, I fired my last attack.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Thunder Smasher】 !](AR 35/50)

A large beam made of lightning was shot toward Glacier-chii, and with that attack it finally wasn’t able to stand anymore. Glacier-chii tried to crawl away from me I blocked it’s path with a skill.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【Firewall】 !](AR 34/50)

With it’s only escape path blocked by 【Firewall】, it finally gave up on escaping.

Rusaku: [d.a.m.n goblin making a fool out of me, time for your punishment. Accept it with all your heart]

I took out two scrolls and used it one at a time.

Rusaku: [Scroll start! 【Humanification】!]

With that scroll the Glacier Goblin turned into a female demi-human with a small single horn on her forehead. Having a long sliver hair, green jade eyes, ivory white skin and…. unfortunate chest size…. She now looked nothing like before, maybe except for the detached left arm and all the injuries all over her body. Then immediately I used the second one.

Rusaku: [Scroll start! 【Slavery Crest】!]

A crest that symbolized being a slave was burned below her bellyb.u.t.ton. She felt the pain as if a heated iron was pressed onto her stomach. Now that the enslavement is complete I used two skills, one for each of us.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【HEAL】! Target Glacier Goblin!](AR 33/50)

Using one of my trump cards, her injuries was quickly healed, her left arm was instantly restored as if it was never even cut off, and her stamina was fully restored.

Rusaku: [Emulation start! 【HEAL Lv.10】! Target myself!](AR 32/50)

Next is myself, using a different heal spell I only healed my injuries and restored some stamina. Glacier-chii kept glaring at me but I ignored it for now… At the wake of the battle, various stone and ores were scattered around the battlefield. Collecting all of them I acquired the following materials:

12x Copper Ore

15x Earth Crystal

3x Mithril Ore

8x Wind Crystal

2x Fire Crystals

19x Ice Crystal

9x Iron Ore

I promised the Guild Leader that any material I find will be surrendered to them for free, I’ve regret nothing as I got a much more valuable treasure at hand. While looking at Glacier-chii I forgot that she still has no name.

Rusaku: [Hey, what should I call you?]

Glacier-chii: [d.a.m.n human! I’ll kill yo- *Kyaaa*]

Rusaku: [Don’t try anything that will endanger my life, with that slave crest you are forbidden from harming me, your Master.]

Glacier-chii: [Master my a.s.s! I’ll mur-*Kyaaa*]

Rusaku: [This isn’t going anywhere so I’ll name you right now… For now on you’ll be called Glacia, is that fine to you?]

Glacia: [Suit yourself human, what can a mere slave do…]

Rusaku: [For starters let’s get back to the Adventurer’s City, after reporting then let’s talk in the Inn]

Glacia: [Do as you wish…]

With the last scroll at hand, I used it while holding Glacia’s hand.

Rusaku: [Scroll start! 【Return】!]

And we then returned to my room where I set the return point.


Found materials: (To be surrendered for free to the Guild)

12x Copper Ore15x Earth Crystal3x Mithril Ore8x Wind Crystal2x Fire Crystals19x Ice Crystal9x Iron Ore

Enslaved monster:

Glacier Goblin (Subspecies) Rank B → D (Down-ranked by because of enslavement status and humanification)

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