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(Force of acceleration): I wish you luck child, you are the first man to be chosen as a champion ... most champions of the other primordials are s.e.xually frustrated. then they will kill each other for you. be careful.

(a few seconds later)

(Planet-dump) (sector FG-3)

(Crack) .....

(Antony): the bones of that insect made an exciting noise. (Tyler): he managed to smear our food with this red blood. (Krys): Humans .... If I"m not mistaken John was one of the few humans who survived the great cosmic explosion. (Antony): today we were lucky in the three of us. These capsules are first-rate. (Tyler): take everything and let"s get out of this place. We can sell these capsules in the village. Maybe they pay a few units for these things. (Antony): man this is special food. In other words, it has more nutrients and vitamins in these pills than on this entire planet. Maybe it can be worth a good price. (Tyler): I had a better idea and if we exchange these items for pa.s.sage to another planet ??? Perhaps on another, richer planet. We can live better. (Krys): man .. You are a genius! Because I didn"t think about it. Let"s exchange for tickets. To another planet. Everyone agree? (Antony): Yes. (Tyler): yes. (Krys): if everyone agreed, let"s get down from this place then ....



Lightning falls from the sky with immense destructive power! This ray falls directly on John"s body, which was all broken on the floor. As if every molecule, every atom, every particle in John"s body was instantaneous, it starts to come together again. And that colorful energy that fell from the sky, not only restored his body but also improved ... (A few seconds later) ...

Drako opens his eyes. (Drako): what the f.u.c.k is that ??? He realizes that he is lying on the floor. Drako looks at the sky and realizes that the sky is green and has three moons in the sky. At the same time he opens a smile and says to himself. I am in another WORLD. Drako realizes that there is something different about his body. As if he was full of energy. He looks at his body and realizes that this body is at least 18 years old. And besides being about 18 years old this body has also looked different. His hair is golden, his skin is as pale as egg white, his eyebrows are golden. His eyes are so golden that if someone paid attention to Drako for a few seconds. They would definitely call Drako G.o.d. Drako is amazed at his appearance. Something just phenomenal. But the clothes Drako is wearing right now is just a dirty rag. Drako starts to smile because his Desire to have the accelerating force has been realized. However, this joy lasts only a short time. Horrible pain invades Drako"s entire body. He can feel his cells burning as if they are ready to merge with the acceleration energy. The pain is so great that Drako loses consciousness and pa.s.ses out ...

(A few hours later)

Drako wakes up ...

He puts a hand on his head. And wonder what happened ?? In the same second he wondered. He realized that his thoughts are fast as light.

Everything he lived in his past life is kept in a drawer in his mind. Every word, every mathematical calculation, every book he read. Everything is available in your mind. As if your own head is a super powerful computer. Not only did his head seem to have changed. Your senses all around you seem to be paralyzed. Drako"s senses are so powerful that everything within his senses is stopped. He is so fast that his senses are superior to that of a normal human for at least 30 million years. Drako in a few seconds can understand what is happening. He wastes no time and gets up. He says before running. John I will take revenge for you! .. In a few seconds Drako can find Antony, krys, Tyler. Drako angrily promises to himself. That he will not spare the lives of sick murderers. so Drako says in his heart (I WILL BE THE JUSTICE OF THIS WORLD) he wastes no time and comes close to the three and before piercing their hearts. He looks at their hand. Drako can clearly see the pills that the Good Commander gave him. He takes it and holds it tight. Drako looks into the eyes of the three. And before you stick your hand at high speed on their bodies. He says, JUSTICE Be done! Right after that ... Crack .. Drako killed them pretty fast. Because even though these people did something really bad. They did not deserve to be tortured before they died. Drako realizes that the clothes of one of them is in good condition. He wastes no time and wears. Drako did it all in less than (1 second.) .. Super speed against low level beings is an extremely Deadly weapon! The speed is already in Drako"s blood and so he knows exactly what to do to get out. of that d.a.m.n filthy planet. Just north of this place is a big city. However, this city is very violent. The strongest make the laws. He wastes no time and starts running at extreme speed. Drako realizes that when he is running everything around him seems to be stopped. However, it is not the WORLD that is stopped. But Drako is very fast.


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