(Part 2)

Confirming that, I used all my strength to stab its back with the 2 knives in my other hand.

Instantly, the griffin, as if neighing, twisted its back.

If I lack strength, then I’ll depend on pure sharpness instead. The two sharp knives pierced through its tough skin. But there wasn’t much blood loss. It must be that since I lacked strength, the knives didn’t go in very deep.

It struggled about trying to make me fall again but I was able to hold on due to the help of the knives stabbing into its back. Ignoring the restraints and arrows of Aya and Feirona respectively, it ran around trying to make me fall. As a result, not just me but even Aya and others were left free to act but it must have felt that they won’t be able to do anything much anyway. And suddenly, it spread its wings.


Realizing what it was about to do, I balanced myself on its back by lying flat on it and put strength in the arms holding on to the knife. My right arm pained dully but I grit my teeth and endured it.

The next moment, feeling a floating sensation, I closed my eyes for just a few seconds.

And when I opened my eyes again, as expected——-the ground was far down below. I was in the air.

“Alright. For the time being, it’s all according to plan.”(renji)

[………It is?]

Ermenhilde spoke sounding suspicious.

Well, if I was in her place, I’d ask the same. But I did intend to somehow make this griffin take flight, though I didn’t mean to fly together with it.

“In the sky, Aya can use her magic without holding back after all.”

[I see.]

Did she really not realize that? While tightening my grip on the knives, I let out a sigh.

Somehow, we’ve come this far. We should be fine.

[So? How do you plan on getting back down?]

“How, indeed.”

[Try to not die in such a ridiculous manner, will you?]

“Don’t call it ridiculous. I’m really desperate here, you know?”

[I know but…….I’d be happy if you’d start treating yourself more seriously as well.]

“Even though you’re the one who is always asking me to act like a hero?”

[That’s true but this is a bit different.]

She spoke in a fed up voice.

Yeah. I’ll say this again but I would say the same if I were in her place.

I did consider just jumping down but there’s no one here who could easily catch me right now. Aya’s smart so she should have already guessed my aim and should be already preparing her magic. I should ask Feirona and Ms Francesca to ready a magic that could catch me safely.

I’ll only get one chance at this but there’s no other choice either.

I really have only bad memories of flying. I have experience of flying along with Anastasia but I recalled that I almost fell down even then. What a bad thing to remember.

Why do such bad memories always remain in the depths of your mind? And another bad memory will be added today as well. The moment I thought that, the griffin turned upside down trying to make me fall. Considering it has the physique like that of a bird, I didn’t expect it to be able to do such an action so I was surprised making me late in properly grabbing on to its back. Combined with the increasing pain in my right arm, I had to hold on with just one arm.

My body almost stiffened from the fear of getting thrown in the air as I desperately put strength in my left arm. It must be able to fly upside down due to the power of the Sylph wind spirit but as a bird—–as an animal with wings, it shouldn’t be able to fly like this for very long.

And I was indeed correct as it quickly turned its body back up normally. I hurried to get back on its back and this time, without any hesitation or shame, tightly hugged on to its back with all my strength.

[………You, you okay?]

“Do I look f.u.c.king okay to you!?”

While feeling fear that made not just my heart beat faster but actually make me break into cold sweat, I quickly fixed my breathing back to normal.

Most probably, on more time……no it’ll keep on doing this till I fall off.——-I felt like crying just thinking that.

“I am definitely never ever going to fly again!”

[I feel like you said something similar in the past as well though.]

Oh shut up.

[But still, in this situation, there’s not much you can do…….]

“Let me—–”

–Think. Before I could even finish my sentence, the griffin inverted again. This time since I was ready, I didn’t panic but as expected, there was a limit to my leg strength and my lower half flew in the air again.

And looking the other way, I saw another griffin heading towards us.

I couldn’t speak.

The shock from seeing that one alive made me only think bad of what was ahead of us.

I immediately let go of the knives. Instantly, I was. .h.i.t by a floating sensation that made my body go stiff and my throat cramped unable to even scream.


Forcing down my fear, I manifested the G.o.d slaying weapon in my left hand. It was in the form of a long bending weapon—–a whip.

I cracked the whip and made it grab the leg of the other griffin that had appeared. Though I had avoided falling down to my death, I still had no way of going back to the ground. On top of that, since I had come out of the arch griffins wind barrier, I was instantly soaked by the rain. Though it cooled down my body, it also made body stiffer.

Marking me, who was hanging in the air, as an easy target, the arch griffin rotated.

It’s coming.

I don’t even have the time to resolve myself properly but I don’t plan on giving up either. Making my body sway as I prepared to dodge it, my whole vision suddenly turned white.

It was due to the flash of lightning. Since I had moved away from the arch griffin, there was no reason for Aya to hesitate anymore. The surprise lightning painted the world with white light.


Cursing, and blinded, I began climbing up towards the griffin I was hanging on to with my whip.

But I was blinded for only a second, and I soon saw it.

The wind barrier that should be able to avoid arrows at most had deflected the lightning strike as well. I’m not knowledgeable enough to tell whether this was scientifically possible or not but, it was a fact that the griffin had indeed deflected even that strong lightning strike magic. And I doubt that a griffin would be knowledgeable about the theories and principles behind lightning so it means that it deflected it based on pure instinct.

And soon enough, the griffin pa.s.sed through the place I was hanging before. I confirmed that with my still not fully recovered eyesight. It should be the same for it as well. Even if it did avert the lightning, it should still be blinded by the light.

I think back when it found us the first time as well, it didn’t instantly attack us because it was still temporarily blinded.

But even after knowing that, it was of no help to me right now.

I hope that after failing two times, Aya has realized that lightning won’t work on this arch griffin.

“Ermenhilde, can your voice reach Aya?”

[Sorry, she’s too far.]

It can’t be helped then. I’ll have to trust her and focus on my own survival.

I don’t intend on dying here. I’ll live and return back to the ground………i felt like crying for being the only having to face such a harsh reality.

Climbing to the top of my whip, I grabbed the griffin’s legs. But the griffin didn’t like that and began to struggle trying to throw me off.


Clicking my tongue, I dissipated the whip into jade green magical energy. In its stead, I unsheathed the dagger on my waist and stabbed it into the griffin’s legs to hang by it.

Somehow, I have suppressed my fear of falling……..well, not really but at least this should help me in avoiding suddenly falling down. And the arch griffin, having recovered its eyesight already, headed towards the defenceless me.

And this time, I could see multiple transparent spheres around it which were deflecting the rain. Wind bullets. Normally they’d be invisible but the rain allowed me to see them.

——-that said, given my current situation, I can’t really dodge them properly.

[It’s coming!]

“I know!!”

Yelling back to Ermenhilde, I thought of what to do. I thought and thought but——really, there’s nothing I can do in this situation.

I looked down—towards the ground. Right below me, though not very dense, was a thicket. It’s only moderately tall but I am not in the position to be choosy. If I stay like this, I’d get shot down by the wind bullets.

If I have to fall, it’d be better to fall by my own decision. Since it was winter, the fact that there weren’t many leaves on the trees made me very nervous but I really didn’t have a choice.


The moment I took a deep breath, Ermenhilde’s voice came at the same time. With a half-a.s.sed resolve, I threw myself in the air. The heavy rain pelted my body. Yet the cold rain felt pleasant to my body probably because staying near death for so long had my body hotter. It cleared my thoughts.

The 2 griffins chased after the falling me.

So fast. They looked like two meteors. Not that I have ever seen a meteor fall.

“Come at me—–”

Jade green coloured magical energy gathered in my left hand and formed into a bow. A jade green bow with golden decorations. Opposite to its look, it was a simple construct. Gripping this bow that focused more on practicality, I pulled the string with my right hand.

A jade green arrow formed automatically. While falling down, I aimed. My back could feel the ground getting closer and closer but I didn’t get impatient. The worst thing I could do right now would be to panic and miss.

It’ll be fine.



Her voice, was calm. Was it due to her trust in me or was it because she didn’t think I’d die here?

It’ll be fine.

I can do this.

………if it’s us, we can do this.

Like h.e.l.l I’d die here.

I promised. That I’d live, return, and play chess with her.

I’ll protect my promise. This time, definitely………..i’ll keep my promise.

——-Lend me your strength, Ermenhilde—-Eru.

Aiming at the arch griffin, I fired the arrow. A streak of light tore through the gloomy sky. The jade green arrow was averted by the arch griffin’s wind barrier only to turn and pierce the other griffin, probably the arch griffin’s male partner, right in the head.

For a second, the arch griffin’s movement stopped. It rotated mid air and looked towards the limply falling male griffin. It’s attention swayed away from me—-and from Aya.

The stopped arch griffin was, without paying any heed to the wind barrier, pulverized by a stone spear. Yes, pulverized. As if it had had a car accident, pieces of meat flew all over the air. Looking towards the place where the stone spear came from, three giant golden magic circles were present. They seemed to be lined up looking like a gun barrel.

While seeing those golden magic circles dissipate, I fell.

Gritting my teeth, and rolling up my body, I tried to reduce the impact as much as I could. While enduring through the pain of branches. .h.i.tting my back, something soft carried me right before I hit the ground.

My mantle that had the protection of Sylph should have lessened the momentum of falling but it wasn’t nearly enough. Every impact made me feel like my body would fall apart, I stirred on the ground unable to even groan in pain.

“Thank G.o.d you are safe.”

That familiar voice belonged to my comrade. Opening my eyes weakly, I saw Mururu’s face, who was probably holding me. Looking around, I could tell that I was slightly away from the place where I had fallen judging by the broken branches lying on the ground.

Probably, she must have grabbed me mid fall I think. It’s a very Mururu-like way of saving someone. If I had hit the ground directly, even with the Sylph’s protection, I wouldn’t have been okay.

“Do…….Do..I lo..look….okay…to..you?”

“You’re alive.”

Saying that, she smiled. It wasn’t just my imagination that her smile also seemed to have a sense of relief in it. Seeing her smile, I also let go of strength from my body.

[True, it’s as she says.]

“It hurts….so much…..that..I could cry though.”

When I tried to move my body a bit, pain ran through all of my body making me freeze. But the pain was proof that I was alive.

But still,

“It sure feels weird to be held like this by you.”(renji)

“is that so?”(mururu)

After all, she was just 15 yrs old, a young girl like her appearance would suggest.

As someone who is 28 yrs old……..almost 29, it feels weird as a man to be held like this by a girl; it’s feels surreal. Having Mururu put me down, I sat down on the ground resting my back on a tree. And then finally, I took a breather.

“I’ve had enough of flying in the sky.”(renji)

“Un. I can’t help you in the sky either.”(mururu)

“And falling down is super scary.”

“……..that actually looked a bit fun though.”

Oh please.

Unable to even pa.s.s out due to the pain, I waited for Ms Francesca and the others to come for us. I could just have Mururu carry me all the way back but it’d be so embarra.s.sing that I’d never be able to walk openly in Merdiore ever again.

My body that grown hot due to the intense battle had also cooled down from the rain. And it probably wasn’t just my imagination that it hurt even more now.

All my limbs were still functioning, and as far as I can tell, though all of my body hurts, it’s not like I’m having trouble breathing or anything. I probably didn’t break any bones either. This is just my own judgement but I think I was really lucky that I am hurt only this much even after falling like that from the sky.


Just as Mururu’s wet ears twitched, Ermenhilde sensed a presence at the same time. There, finally, I heard the sound of gra.s.s being crushed as someone walked towards us.

Looking up, it was Feirona and the others.


“Seriously. Just looking at you makes me full of worry.”(elf)

“I have no excuses.”

In the first place, I never intended to go flying like that.

“For some time, I really don’t want to go flying again.”(renji)

“So you do intend to go flying sometime later again?”(elf)

“Yeah, at least one more time.”

To cross over to Abenelm, I need Fafnir to carry me there. So even in the worst case, I need to fly one more time…….considering that I have to return as well, it’d be twice I guess.

Just thinking about it made me feel depressed. I could have Koutarou carry me tehre with teleport magic but since I don’t understand the theory behind it at all, it honestly scares me. If possible, I don’t want to use that method. Rather than teleportation……….I guess both methods aren’t really good.

“Hm so, let’s return shall we?”

“We need to take care of the nest as well.”

“……….Oh yeah.”

I really want to go back already and sleep on the bed of the inn.

Standing up with Feirona’s help, I took support of his shoulder to walk. Ms Francesca also helped me stand up while making a worried face.

“Ms Francesca as well, you did well today.”

[I don’t think it means much coming from you when you’re looking like that you know.]


When I gave shrug as usual, I ended up groaning in pain instead.

“I was saved by you again.”(fran)

“Don’t worry about it. That wasn’t really my intention any way.”(renji)

When I said that, she looked up towards me puzzled. Though I can’t shrug, I can laugh right………I hope I don’t give a stiff smile.

“We just fought together, that’s all.”(renji)

“fufu. Yes……yes.”(fran)

“But yeah, this time, the burden on Renji might have been a bit too much.”(elf)

” Not just ‘a bit’ you know?”(renji)

Next time, I’ll have Feirona work hard. If it’s this guy, he’ll probably do everything better than me anyway.

Everyone gave a slight smile.

That’s how it should be. Rather than have them worry, seeing them smile puts me more at ease.


Aya held my free right hand.

It was shivering, not due to the cold…..I think.

“Thanks Aya. You saved me.”

My whole body hurt but I ignored it and gave a smile.

Seriously, being an adult, or rather, a man makes you such a show-off. No matter how much it hurts, you still try to endure it and smile.

Looking at me like that……while sighing, Aya also gave a smile.

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